A Husband Should Love His Wife as He Would God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1295

A true family is one where the husband loves and lives for his wife as he would his mother, where the wife loves and lives for her husband as she would her father, and where the husband and wife love each other as they would their own brother and sister. Furthermore, the world in which the husband loves his wife as he would God and the wife loves and respects her husband as she would God, is the Kingdom of Heaven where ideal families dwell. Such a tradition must be established here on earth. (Blessed Family – 920)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1109

When the perfect love of God is manifested, Satan cannot appear. That is the fulfillment of the portion of responsibility. While fulfilling their portion of responsibility, the love of God and Adam and Eve meet in the realms of both indirect and direct dominion. There the vertical love of God and the horizontal love of Adam and Eve are connected. (173-286, 1988.2.21)

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 2. The Origin of Trueness

Section 4. Trueness and the True Person

    What do we mean when we say something is true? Is it round, angular, or flat and wide? How can we define it? What is the basis for a definition of the word? This is the question. We say “true person” but what kind of person is a true person? A true person also has eyes, a nose, a mouth and a body.
    Then, is trueness limited to some location or does it transcend location? It transcends. Why does it have to go over such limits? What does this mean? We can know that this must be something that can represent and measure everything.
    Mathematics talks about formulas and physics talks about axioms and definitions, but what are they? Is a formula something small? Continue reading “A Husband Should Love His Wife as He Would God”

The Universe Is Like God’s Visible Body

Announcing UnionStation.love, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
Register Now.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1088

    Birth Candles originated at the time of Ye-jin nim’s birth (True Parents’ first daughter). After the 36 Couples started married life, True Father bequeathed one Birth Candle to each family.
    Now I would like to pass on to each family the traditional Birth Candles that True Parents bequeathed to the 36 Couples. The Birth Candle that I have now will be used symbolizing the Birth Candle that True Parents originally used. Let these families receive the Birth Candle and cherish it in the same heart. I pray in Your name and with Your glory that when this candle burns during a child’s birth, it will sanctify the spiritual atmosphere and completely prevent Satan from approaching.
Richard:  Cheon IL Guk candles, which were initiated by Rev. and Mrs. Moon on June 13, 2006, are now used as birth candles. See here for an explanation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 837

    Our families and the Kingdom of Heaven have similar characteristics. There are parents, husband and wife, children, and brothers and sisters in a family. The household can be united through love. In a family, unification can be established, life can be connected, and the ideal can be realized. Therefore, you can become qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you respect conjugal love and parental love. Grandparents hand down love to parents, who hand down love to husband and wife, who hand down love to children.
     If you deny any one of these, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be established. You should love your parents more than you love your spouse, and you should love your grandparents more than you love your parents. This is the essence of Heaven and the ideal motto. (Blessed Family – 946)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 5. God’s Will in Creating All Things
5.2. The size and structure of the mysterious universe

    Everything in the created world is prepared like a textbook so that God’s beloved sons and daughters can seek out the ideal of love. That is why everything exists in a pair system. The mineral kingdom operates through the relationship of subject partner and object partner. In atoms, too, protons and electrons interact through the relationship of subject partner and object partner. Without this interaction they cannot continue to exist. Without movement, there can be no eternal existence. Hence, the universe is centered on humankind, and it is the sphere created to enable them to reach the central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18) Continue reading “The Universe Is Like God’s Visible Body”

A Perfected Family Is the Foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven

Announcing UnionStation.love, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
Register Now.

The latest Richard Urban Show:
Stop the Prosecution of Commissioners Krouse and Jackson

Cheon Seong Gyoeng 771

    A person’s life passes through three worlds: the formation-stage world, the growth-stage world, and the completion-stage world. We live in a world of water inside our mother’s womb, and then in this earthly world, and finally in the aerial world in the spiritual realm. In other words, we go through three stages: the aqueous world in the womb, followed by a hundred years on this earth after our birth, and then the aerial world where we can fly.
    While a baby is in the womb, does he try to escape to the outside world, or does he want to stay there? When he has to go out through such a small hole, does he say, “Oh, no!” or, “Oh, that’s great!”? Suppose the baby were told, “If you want to go out, this house you live in will be destroyed, and the source and value of nourishment where you are will all be destroyed. Your head and body will have to swell. Would the baby still want to go out?” Would he say yes, or would he say no? Just before the time of delivery, the mother desperately pushes and the baby says, “Oh, no!” until the moment of birth; but at last the mother pushes the baby out. When this happens, one world completely disappears and the baby begins to breathe in another world. (116-174, 1982.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 744

    I have tied a rope high up with God according to the way of heaven and earth. People tried to grab hold of the rope, but they failed. In the end, this created wars between churches and nations, bringing countries to ruin. The Unification Church fought and knocked out the established churches, political parties, and the democratic and communist worlds that had opposed it. When the rope is hanging from high up, do you think they could sever it with their own strength? Can they cut off the Unification Church? Whether it is based on philosophy or religion or communication with the spirit world, no one can match us in theory.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 4. The Ideal of Love is Fulfilled in the Family
4.2. The ideal of creation is fulfilled through the completion of the family

    The ideal that God wanted to see fulfilled through our first ancestors was for a man and a woman to become one and create an ideal family. Then, the center of the ideal family is neither the man nor the woman. The family is a bundle created by the union of parents, children, husband and wife, and the center of this bundle is God’s love itself. The conclusion is that God’s will is to realize the completion of a family centered on God’s love. (127-9, 1983.5.1) Continue reading “A Perfected Family Is the Foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven”

God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

You need to attain oneness with your spouse. Through the unity of subject and object partners, reproduction takes place. Only through give and take action can reproduction take place. The place where reproduction occurs is truly one of joy. Does God Himself have dual characteristics of internal nature and external form? When separate, neither can be the subject partner. Only when man and woman unite, can the subject of the couple be established. When they are united, the man automatically becomes the subject partner, even if he did not wish it to be so. (42-115, 1971.2.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 605

    In the spirit world, the earth seems like a speck of dust. You would not know how immense the spirit world is. It is an infinite world that transcends time and space. You will only have to call out, “Whoever lived on earth with such and such a heart at such and such a time show yourself!” and that person will appear in the twinkling of an eye. It is a world where intuitive sensations become real.
    It will not be a problem to host a banquet for a million people at once. You would just have to say, “I want to share with everyone this joy of ideal love by having a banquet in which the women will be dressed in such and such a way and the men will wear such and such clothes and I’d like it to happen now!” No sooner said than done, meals and fruit will appear instantaneously according to your wishes. If everyone has eaten their fill, what will you do with the leftovers? There are no kitchens there. You don’t need to worry about anything.
    There are no food-processing plants or auto-manufacturing plants or anything like that. There are all kinds of flowers. You can create as many houses as you want corresponding to the level of your heart of love. (224-105, 1991.11.23)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Family Pledge 4; Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness

The Big Idea:  The universal family centers on God’s true love and His truth.  The individual and whole purpose are naturally harmonized.  Families should not just live by themselves.  Rather, they should help other families in the community to realize God’s ideal.

Continue reading “God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation”

World Peace Starts with God-Centered Families

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#143-Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1567

We have entered an era when we can come together in harmony through love with no need for indemnification because, after the restoration of the right of the eldest son, it is embraced in the bosom of the parents. War and struggle to restore the right of the eldest son are no longer necessary in the realm of parental love. In order to initiate this, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages must be performed. Through this ceremony, the children in the positions of the first and second sons can be forgiven by those in the position of the parents, and we can enter the next era of forgiveness of parents. (193-173, 1989.10.3)
Richard: Notice that this is not the age for war. We should not fund a war in Ukraine. Think of the tens of thousands of young people on both sides who have been killed. Why is there no effort to end this conflict, no negotiations? All the money being poured out there should be used to build a godly movement for peace. See here and use ‘Ctrl F’ to search for “ploughshares”

Cheon Seong Gyeong 742

   If you keep pace with the Unification Church by way of the principled standard, good spirits and ancestors in the spirit world who used to cooperate with the national fortune will work for you. Externally, you may appear unlucky with a flat face and small ears, but the spirit world sees you as a lucky child. Your ancestors within ten generations are anxious because the history of restoration is realized based on ten generations. Yet when an evil descendant appears, ancestors within ten generations judge him by saying, “Hey you! You are going to ruin us!”
    For this reason, those who have good ancestors will be actively supported by them. You all are standing in such a position. The spirit world will be eternally happy if you, who are in such a position, fight with excitement and style and win every battle wherever you go. Various evil spirits will fall back with surprise even before they show up. So these ancestors will attend you like a king.
    We must prepare a victorious foundation before God’s will with the heart that refuses to defile God’s tradition and dignity. You must pray about what kind of tradition you will establish. Now is a blessed time. (14-19, 1964.4.19)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Two

The Family Is the Model for the
Kingdom of Heaven

Section 8. The Family Is the Final Standard for
Completing the Cosmos-centered Ideology

Everything divides from one into many, which eventually merge
into a larger whole. In other words, one divides into many and
then unites again into one. From here it divides again and
becomes something even larger. Families exist within this larger
created object. These families all have the same form as each
other. The family is the place where the relationship of husband
and wife is established and the place that unites the husband and
wife. The tribe is a place that unites families, and the race is a place
that unites clans. Races combine to form one nation. Here families
play the central role. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
When the family is expanded, it becomes the horizontal world.
This is why no society can manage without the family. If families
cannot be restored, the world cannot be restored. Next we must
realize the cosmos-centered ideal through these families. The
word cosmos combines heaven and earth. Heaven and earth are
like a person’s mind and body. The mind and body must become
one. Just as a subject partner needs an object partner, one man
needs one woman. The union of a man and a woman leads to a
family. God’s foundation of love will not be attained without
working through this family. (26-189, 1969.10.25)
The cosmos-centered ideology is a philosophy that unites the
mind and body forming a family as the main body of love, and
connects that idea to the spirit world and physical world. The
character ju of cheon ju (cosmos) means a house. This is why we
are using the word cosmos-centered ideology. Cosmos combines
the spirit world and the physical world. What relationship does it
have with us? We need a family. If you fail to be at one in your
family, you have nothing to do with the cosmos-centered
ideology. The family serves as the final standard for completing
the cosmos-centered ideology. Those who cannot sing songs of
peace and sing praise for happiness here will become miserable
people either on this earth or in the spirit world. (26-189,