God Cannot Love by Himself

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1219

God is such a miserable being. In order to save human beings who fell into the pits of misery, God is waking people up from sleep, shouting “Come! Come to me!” But God cannot make people come to Him like that. They must fulfill their portion of responsibility. So, as God cannot do our part for us, how difficult it is for God to do His work! (20-220, 1968.6.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1165

In the cases of both Cain and Abel, and Esau and Jacob, the brothers were supposed to exchange positions after their birth. To achieve this, the cooperation between mother and child was always necessary. Eve protected Abel. In the case of Esau and Jacob, Rebecca was on Jacob’s side, and helped him through her acts of deception. Nevertheless, no one knows why God still granted the blessing to them. Jacob was born as a twin and later restored the position of the right of the eldest son. Yet this still didn’t restore the lineage. Then at the time of the birth of Perez and Zerah, when they were about to emerge from Tamar’s womb, they fought each other and switched positions. The second child pushed aside the first child in order to be born first. You should understand the deep significance of these actions that signify moving closer to the lineal standard of the original parents. (120-167, 1982.10.13

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 1

The Original Being of God

Section 4. God Is Our Father
4.1. God and human beings are related as parent and child

    God is the Father of human beings, and human beings are God’s sons and daughters. He created them by investing the core of His bone, the core of His flesh, and the core of His bone marrow in them. If they pull on God, God cannot help but follow. (20-207, 1968.6.9) Continue reading “God Cannot Love by Himself”

Jesus Represents both Human and Heavenly Principles

View the Promo Video for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Conference: https://youtu.be/y_ZEXWDRZT0

Register Now and receive Early Bird Registration discounts for the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training  Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV.  Register now to reserve your spot!  Save up to $10 per ticket by registering by October 31st:  http://bit.ly/2x9trEQ.

CSG 1954

I am in a position to retake these
nations of Korea and Japan centering on
the Adam nation and Eve nation. With
the arrival of the age of restoration, they
must be restored centering on Eve. That
is why the Eve nation, Japan, holds all the
economic power. Consequently, Ameri-
ca needs Japan, China needs Japan, and
Korea needs Japan as well. In the realm
of competition, these nations are at war
with each other, vying to be the first to
attract Japan. I know about this. That is
why I brought them into exchange mar-
riages and completely tied Korea and
Japan together. America, China, and the
Soviet Union did not oppose this union.
(201-232, 1990.4.22)

CSG 741

The spirit world must be mobilized.
How can heaven be formed without
mobilizing the spirit world? It cannot.
Heaven is supposed to begin from the
True Parents, not the fallen descendants
who have existed until now. Just as the
angelic world helped when Adam was
created, the spirit world should return to
earth and help in the re-creation. With-
out doing so, it is not possible to build
heaven on earth. Is that not the Princi-
ple? Is this not the Principle of Resurrec-
tion? It will be recognized as true when
it appears as real and unchanging. (162-
114, 1987.3.30)

To Whom Do You Belong?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 16, 1958

Continue reading “Jesus Represents both Human and Heavenly Principles”