Make Hospitality to Friends and Visitors your Family Custom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1777

Where are the fundamentals of the universe? The fundamentals of the unfallen universe are within the love relationship. We now know that this became the base of wickedness that destroyed heaven and earth. Thus, we can no longer lead haphazard lives. The mistake of one day overturned the history of eons, completely burying God, true parents, and the ideal world under it. That is how frightening the sexual organs are. Each time you urinate, you should be thinking about this: “Hey you scoundrel, even when you urinate, you’d better do it properly!” (281-120, 1997.1.2)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1267

Who is the Savior that is needed by fallen humankind? The Savior should not be in the position of fallen parents, but instead in the position of Adam and Eve who have not fallen. From there he can become one with God’s will, receive God’s love and blessing, and give rebirth to humanity in the position of true parents. Otherwise, humankind can never escape the connection with the original sin. (22-269, 1969.5.4)


Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

A household that is always prepared to welcome noble guests will receive blessings. (100:259, October 22, 1978)
Treat people who come to visit you as kings. Serve them as kings and attend them like kings. (89:290, December 4, 1976)

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