We Can Reverse Satan’s Threats and Intimidation

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1590

    Heavenly Father! On this day, June 14, 1999, at quarter past one in the afternoon, the historic moment has come when the proclamation of the victorious cosmic liberation in the names of the True Father and True Parents can be made standing here before You. Also the declaration of welcome for the victorious True Parents representing heaven and earth can be made, based on the Congratulatory Declaration of the True Parents’ East-West (Global) Victory on May 30.
    I am aware of the anguish long-harbored deep within Your heart, which could not be dissolved by anyone in the past. Every moment of the sad history of sin committed in front of You ever since the time of the first ancestors is buried inside Your heart.
    I know that many difficulties arose in Your mind as You had to watch Satan accusing, cursing and ridiculing You. In order to resolve this, You endeavored to form the tribe of love that could inherit God’s lineage. You intended it to be centered on the family of perfected Adam, developing into a people, a nation, and finally a world of true love to begin Your kingdom on earth and in heaven. However, the providential course to establish this ideal faced continual failure.
    Satan has now finally been brought to submission, as a result of which a new era of global liberation has dawned wherein You can establish control of everything that is on Satan’s side by actively exercising Your creative authority. Heavenly Father, we are truly grateful for Your grace in permitting us this time of the Congratulatory Declaration of True Parents’ Cosmic Victory as the vertical foundation, along with the Congratulatory Declaration of True Parents’ East-West (Global) Victory as the horizontal foundation.
    Under Your guidance, Heavenly Father, from this day forward we can begin to reverse Satan’s threats and intimidation. He has been cutting people down, dragging them to the scaffold, and dooming them to hell. We welcome the era of freedom and liberation in which families blessed in the spirit world can come to their descendants to inspire them and reprimand them in turn to lead them, by force if necessary, to heaven rather than hell.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

    Now we are entering the age of the nation. You should adjust your focus for this purpose. I am now giving liberation Blessings to the spirit world. There will be Blessings for up to 120 generations of ancestors. In the past it was four generations. How close would four generations be in terms of kin? It would include relatives up to those eight times removed. When this is taken to seven generations it would include even more. It would be hundreds, even thousands of ancestral families for a family with many children. There will be Blessings for four generations and then for seven generations. When seven generations are blessed, it goes beyond family relatives. For 120 generations it would reach across the entire world. Since we are doing this in Cheongpyeong, all Blessed Families should compete with one another in liberating their ancestors, and they have the responsibility to open the door of the Blessing to them. (299-307, 1999.2.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 4. Even God is Enraptured in the Love of a True Couple

    Each one of us, as an individual, has a mind and body in mutual conflict, and thus we should unite our body with our mind as the center, preparing a foundation of reciprocity in our mind, where God can come and dwell.
    When such a man and woman receive the Blessing, sharing perfect love and delighting in joy, in God’s eyes this is like a flower that has blossomed on earth. Moreover, all the forms of harmony that unfold through their love are like a fragrance to God. God comes to them because He wants to live amid such beautiful flowers and fragrance. The foundation upon which God’s love can come is none other than the place of conjugal love. This is the place where all things and the universe harmonize. It is the Unification Church and its teaching that explains such ideas and the path to follow. (Blessed Family – 887) Continue reading “We Can Reverse Satan’s Threats and Intimidation”

A Bride and Bridegroom Should Become One through God’s Original Love

Today, Saturday, November 2nd is the last day to early vote in Jefferson County, WV.
Vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Charles Washington Hall, across from the Courthouse.

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 862

What will happen to a dark-skinned person in the spirit world? Will a black man’s skin be dark? What do you think? If a black person wishes to appear as a white person, he can choose to do so whenever he wants, and vice versa. In that case, what effect would that have in the spirit world? A light must be bright. What kind of light? The light of love. In order to magnify the light of love, you must be ablaze internally and externally.  You should be on fire from the impetus to love. You have to unleash this energy in large quantities to the east and west. Love is able to do such a thing. When we come to understand this, all events in this world just become passing visits. (194-56, 1989.10.15)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1039

Since spirit world is fully equipped with everything, there is nothing that you will miss. If there was something that you would miss, it would be a true person. For this reason, those saints of merit who have made great contributions in cultivating true people can naturally become sons and daughters of honor in the heavenly world. Accordingly, witnessing is the only thing of which to be proud. (30-148, 1970.3.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 3. An Ideal Conjugal Relationship

    A true husband is a person who says, “Since I am born for your sake, I will live for you and die for you.” It is the same with a true wife. If such a couple has a family where they are well suited to each other and live for each other’s sake, going beyond their own selves, this family will inevitably become an ideal family, a family of happiness, and a family of peace. (77-106.1975.4.1) Continue reading “A Bride and Bridegroom Should Become One through God’s Original Love”

Only a Husband and Wife Who Love Each Other Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Early vote today in Jefferson County, WV.
Vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Charles Washington Hall, across from the Courthouse.

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Today is Reformation Day, celebrating October 31, 1517, the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 837

    Our families and the Kingdom of Heaven have similar characteristics. There are parents, husband and wife, children, and brothers and sisters in a family. The household can be united through love. In a family, unification can be established, life can be connected, and the ideal can be realized. Therefore, you can become qualified to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when you respect conjugal love and parental love. Grandparents hand down love to parents, who 838 Book 6 • Our Life and the Spiritual Realm hand down love to husband and wife, who hand down love to children.
    If you deny any one of these, the Kingdom of Heaven cannot be established. You should love your parents more than you love your spouse, and you should love your grandparents more than you love your parents. This is the essence of Heaven and the ideal motto. (Blessed Family – 946)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1147

It is written in the Bible that God told Adam and Eve that they could freely eat the fruit of all the trees in the Garden of Eden, but as for fruit of the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that were in the center of the Garden, they were told not to even look at them or touch them. What does that mean? What do all trees signify? Adam and Eve were brother and sister, so they could hold each other’s hands, kiss each other, and do things like that, they could freely eat the fruit of all trees. However God obligated them not to touch the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the fruit of the tree of life, that is, the male and female sexual organs. That is what He warned them about. (200-50, 1990.2.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 2. The Reason We Need Conjugal Love

    What kind of place do you think the Kingdom of Heaven is? In short, we can say that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place entered and inhabited by perfected people. If the Kingdom of Heaven is a place inhabited by perfected people, who have true love, then what kind of people would those with true love be? Human beings are either men or women. When we consider how the perfection of God’s ideal love can be realized on earth, we reach the conclusion that it cannot be realized apart from men and women. God’s love cannot be completed without perfected men and women who possess the ownership of love. (145-266, 1986.5.15) Continue reading “Only a Husband and Wife Who Love Each Other Can Enter the Kingdom of Heaven”

Man and Woman Each Represent One Characteristic of God

Early vote today in Jefferson County, WV.
Vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Charles Washington Hall, across from the Courthouse.

Vote No to More Taxes: X AGAINST THE LEVY

View all West Virginia Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2254

    From this perspective, the way of God’s will is the realization of the ideal of creation, which refers to the completion of the four-position foundation. This is not centered on the father, the mother, the son, or the daughter. It is the completion of the four-position foundation centering on true love and the true family. It is the fulfillment of the human portion of responsibility motivated by true love.
    Fulfilling the human portion of responsibility means that once a man and a woman attain perfect oneness with each other based on the standard of all the ideals of love and come into harmony with all the standards of God’s act of Creation, they then develop horizontally through their physical bodies all the traditions of Adam and Eve that they have inherited vertically while on earth. It is not intended that they have just one or two children. When the era of Adam and Eve arrives, it is intended that they have many children to the north, south, east, and west. (228-249, 1992.7.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 726

    This world is the devil’s world. We must recover it. You do not know when you will die, do you? Everyone dies. If we do not lay the foundation on earth to surmount and go back and forth over the peak of death, God’s Kingdom on earth will not be created. Without that, His kingdom in heaven will not be established. We must make it possible to come back to the earth at will after going to the spirit world. Only then will we live in God’s Kingdom on earth and establish and live in His kingdom in heaven.
    After going to the spirit world, we must be able to freely return. Without realizing God’s Kingdom on earth, we cannot return freely. This is not a wild fantasy. That’s how it is. We must make an effort to make this possible for eternity. All our ancestors have failed to fulfill their portions of responsibility and indemnity conditions, and so were unable to find their way in the spirit world and descent to earth to pay indemnity. Likewise, you must not repeat the same failures. You will be caught by this fact since Principle is true. (146-223, 1986.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 1. The Original Relationship of Husband and Wife

    God exists in the dual characteristics of plus and minus. When this is manifested as a plus, it is Adam, and when it is manifested as a minus, it is Eve. (32-238, 1970.7.19) Continue reading “Man and Woman Each Represent One Characteristic of God”

The Place of Love between Husband and Wife Is Where God’s Love Can Enter

The Richard Urban Show:
#171-Jack Hefestay on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1122

First and foremost, you must accomplish your own portion of responsibility. Then, everything in heaven and earth resonates around a unified love. The relationships between father and son, husband and wife, and brothers and sisters are all unified centering on true love. If a wife insists on God-centered love then the husband must follow. If a mother insists on it the father must follow. If the grandchildren or children insist, the parents, grandparents and brothers and sisters must also follow. In that way, the family becomes the central foundation. As a result of the fulfillment of our human portion of responsibility the love of heaven, the love of earth, the love of the family, the love of parents and the love of brothers and sisters will all be realized. (218-124, 1991.7.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 941

Do you understand what I am saying, you good-for-nothings!? By saying insulting things in this way, I am establishing the condition for your forgiveness. Some may say, “Rev. Moon, how can you swear like that? This is my first time to see you and I cannot believe anything you say if you insult me in this way.” But I swear at you so that I can forgive you when the time comes. In this way, when they pass into the other world they will say, “Since you swore at me, I didn’t believe in the Unification Church.” Then that is understandable. I say insulting things to people to establish a state of forgiveness for them in the spirit world. But when I curse them it does not cause them pain in their heart. They just go back home. They may say, “Oh my, how dreadful!” but they will have forgotten about it by the time they get home. That is how the mind works. Do you understand or not? Those who say “I understand.” raise your hand. Now you‘ve got it. (283-211, 1997.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 4. Conjugal Love
4.1. Conjugal love is the flower of the whole universe

Through their becoming one in love as husband and wife, a couple attains the capacity to create in the same position as God, and their child is the result of that attainment. (52-314, 1972.2.3)

Heaven is looking for a husband and wife who are bound together as a pure man and woman and can represent heaven and earth with a passionate, crimson-colored heart of love. You should have such a love as a husband and wife and raise your sons and daughters in that love. (127-100, 1983.5.5) Continue reading “The Place of Love between Husband and Wife Is Where God’s Love Can Enter”