Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles who want to be the best person they can be as they prepare to find a God-centered match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage and take their marriage to the next level can join and begin the Blessing Preparation Class!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1674
God enjoyed Himself as He created the universe. How much fun would it have been? How interesting would it have been for Him as He created everything in the pair system, and saw that even the cells came together in pairs in their love for each other? A well-taken picture gives endless pleasure to its photographer; how much more pleasurable, then, would it be to see the real creation talk and dance with joy? (283-102, 1997.4.8)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 445
In order to form the family realm of love you have to be unconditional. The parents represent the past, the husband and wife represent the present, and the children represent the future. Loving one partner during your lifetime is the equivalent to God loving the world. It is a place where in oneness the parents, a couple, and the children offer their love as an example representing heaven and earth and tell their descendants to follow them. The original homeland of the heart, the place where heavenly affection is felt will be remembered in heaven and earth. (30-78, 1970.3.17)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 3
The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God
Section 2. The Identity of Jehovah God
2.1. The attributes of Jehovah God
You should know that the reason Moses introduced the God of authority, God of ability, and God of judgment, instead of the God of love was to give the law to the Israelites and protect and raise heavenly people with the law. It was to accomplish the will of restoration to drive them to the land of Canaan, a land flowing with milk and honey. (35- 276, 1970.10.25) Continue reading “Jehovah of the Old Testament Is an Angel”