Jesus’ Indescribable Heart of Loneliness

Ezekiel 22

17 The Lord said:

18 Ezekiel, son of man, I consider the people of Israel as worthless as the leftover metal in a furnace after silver has been purified. 19 So I am going to bring them together in Jerusalem. 20-21 I will be like a metalworker who collects that metal from the furnace and melts it down. I will collect the Israelites and blow on them with my fiery anger. They will melt inside the city of Jerusalem 22 like silver in a furnace. Then they will know that I, the Lord, have punished them in my anger.

Richard:  It is reasonable to think that a just God will allow judgement to fall on an unrighteous people.  We should check if we, and in turn, our community and nation are following God’s Will.  Are such things as homosexuality, transgenderism, relatvisim, and all kinds of godlessness acceptable in God’s sight.  Are we moving in accord with the heart and will of God and Jesus Christ?  What is evil must be judged; what is good must be exalted.

Jeremiah 34

8-10 King Zedekiah,[c] his officials, and everyone else in Jerusalem made an agreement to free all Hebrew[d] men and women who were slaves. No Jew would keep another as a slave. And so, all the Jewish slaves were given their freedom.

11 But those slave owners changed their minds and forced their former slaves back into slavery.

12 That’s when the Lord told me to say to the people:

13 I am the Lord God of Israel, and I made an agreement with your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, where they had been slaves. 14 As part of this agreement, you must let a Hebrew slave go free after six years of service.

Richard:  God remembers our promises to Him.

Continue reading “Jesus’ Indescribable Heart of Loneliness”

Understand the Heart of Jesus


Numbers 34

10 The eastern border will begin at Hazar-Enan in the north, then run south to Shepham, 11 and on down to Riblah on the east side of Ain. From there, it will go south to the eastern hills of Lake Galilee,[b]12 then follow the Jordan River down to the north end of the Dead Sea.

The land within those four borders will belong to you.

Ezekiel 1

Whenever the creatures flew, their wings roared like an ocean or a large army or even the voice of God All-Powerful. And whenever the creatures stopped, they folded their wings against their bodies.

Continue reading “Understand the Heart of Jesus”

Know Jesus Who Went the Way of Golgotha

Enjoy my latest video:  Is Hak Ja Han the Whore of Babylon?:

Leviticus 7

The sacrifice to make things right is very sacred

Ezra 5

 We were told that their people had made God angry, and he let them be captured by Nebuchadnezzar,[c] the Babylonian king[d] who took them away as captives to Babylonia. Nebuchadnezzar tore down their temple, 13-15 took its gold and silver articles, and put them in the temple of his own god in Babylon.

Richard:  God will judge those who follow false doctrines. Continue reading “Know Jesus Who Went the Way of Golgotha”

No Place for Jesus to Rest

Numbers 22

31 Just then, the Lord let Balaam see the angel standing in the road, holding a sword, and Balaam bowed down.

Richard:  It is a blessing to be able to see where God is going with and through your life.  God does not always work in just the way the we might expect.

Acts 16

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.

Richard:  God is moving in big ways that we may not know or perceive right now. Continue reading “No Place for Jesus to Rest”

Jesus Was the Manifestation of God in Man

Phillipians 3

3But we are the ones who are truly circumcised, because we worship by the power of God’s Spirit and take pride in Christ Jesus.  We don’t brag about what we have done, 4although I could.  Others may brag about themselves, but I have more reason to brag than anyone else. Continue reading “Jesus Was the Manifestation of God in Man”