The World Will Be brought to Order through Altruism

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#184-Vaccine Choice for West Virginia-Kudos to Governor Patrick Morrisey

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1997

Would you rather be nationalists or cosmopolitans? Religion is not just about cosmopolitanism. It follows a doctrine that strives not only for the good of humankind, but also for the good of God. Communism and democracy, on the other hand, strive for the good of human beings alone. So, which doctrine would be better, the one that aspires for the good of both human beings and God, or the one that aspires for the good of human beings alone? Which is better, the doctrine that is for both God and human beings, or the doctrine that is just for the servants, leaving out the master? Religion is good because it aspires for the good of God, as well. (41-44, 1971.2.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

The love of Jesus, the groom, and the love of the Holy Spirit, the bride, must unite into one. Their united love must then become one with your bones and flesh. In other words, as Jesus said, “I am in you, and you will be in me.” There can be no rebirth if the foundation of love is not established. (114-27, 1981.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 5. Blessing and Eternal Life

5.3. Love and eternal life

5.3.3. True love is absolutely necessary

    Where does God exist in the spirit world? He exists at the absolute center, the center of love. That love is the true love which takes the shortest perpendicular path. First of all, you have to know God. Second, you have to know eternal life, and third, you must know true love. This is an investment of more than one hundred percent. Eternal life exists where there is an investment of more than one hundred percent. Eternal life cannot exist without true love. Those who do not attain eternal life cannot meet God. (205-128, 1990.7.29) Continue reading “The World Will Be brought to Order through Altruism”

My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 218

    This is why you are great. You have all of God’s love and True Parents’ love. God’s love and True Parents’ love form the core of their dominion over the universe. They are the eternal standard for the essence of a subject. Everything is governed through love. And thus you can become the representative of everything. You can represent not only God, but also your mother and father, your elder or younger brother, even your elder or younger sister. You can become such a representative. If this happens, your clan will welcome you and all fighting will cease. There will be no opposition; everyone will be embraced. This may be simple to say, but it is the core of the Principle. You must become fully mature. The reason for going through spiritual training is to perfect yourself.
    In order to reach the point of self-perfection, you must eventually become engrafted to God and True Parents. This engrafting is particularly important given that you are already fully- grown and therefore cannot literally be reborn through the womb. It is for this reason that the Messiah comes. The Messiah comes as a man with fully mature, original love – that is, the True Parent’s love. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word “I.” This is how you can be liberated. If you are liberated from Satan, liberated from Satan’s realm of daily life, and liberated from the realm of Satan’s lineage, everything will be completed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

    A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

4.4. The standard of life on earth

    My life is for the sake of God and the world. Do not think of living for yourselves. Live for God, True Parents and humanity. True love is indispensable for you in forming a four-position foundation with God, True Parents and humanity. They all desire true love. You should become people who can inherit this true universe centered on true love. We need to bear this in mind constantly. Continue reading “My Life Is for the Sake of God and the World”

Renounce the Habits of the Satanic World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1998

    What is the Unification Church? Where is it heading, with the right and left wings in its arms? It is guiding us to safely pass through this world of struggle and strife, and to enter a world of happiness, the world of utopia. This path is not a level one. It means that the Unification Church should be equipped with a logical system that can take responsibility for all the failures and wreckage caused by various ideological systems. At the same time, the Unification Church should also be able to take these ideologies into its arms and move them horizontally towards unity. It should strive for a transcendent form of existence, based on a spiritual awareness that can move them vertically as well, centering on religion.
    The Unification Church should have the capacity to systematically analyze all ideologies from either the human perspective, such as humanism and materialism, or the theo-centric perspective, past and present, and integrate them into one. At the same time, our Church members should embody the one theology that incorporates spiritual reality and experience, and connects all religions transcending denomination from the vertical perspective. (162-102, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

    The reason you suffer now is for the sake of finding the freedom of heaven. It is to create heaven even in hell. Even if you go to hell and act like a judge, those serving time in hell would say, “Since you went through it all, we cannot accuse you!” In this world if a person went down to this position or if he went down from a high level to a lower one, wouldn’t he make a fuss? He would say, “Why should I go there? Why should I go?” Going down to a lower position is something that would never happen in a society of brothers, but is only possible within the realm of the parental heart. God, the most High, can go all the way down to the bottom of hell. That is a 894 Book 6 • Our Life and the Spiritual Realm parent – a true parent. He would do that even if He were to be injured in His face or whatever may happen to His body. (116-115, 1981.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 4. The Nobility of Life on Earth

4.2. The preciousness of our life on earth

    If you are liberated, God will be liberated. If your family is liberated, so is the heavenly family. It is the same with earth and heaven. Accordingly, the biblical statement, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven,” is elucidated by the oneness of the dual structure. Continue reading “Renounce the Habits of the Satanic World”

The Love of God Is Love for the Sake of Others

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1538

What is the purpose of marriage? It is in order to unite a man and woman centering upon the love of God in His presence. Such a union is the origin of peace and of the universe itself. The essence of true love lies in the father living for the sake of the mother and vice versa, the elder brother living for the sake of the younger brother and vice versa, and so on and so forth. A family whose members are interlocked closely with a love that esteems others is where God’s love can dwell eternally, and where an eternal family and an everlasting nation can begin. (221-212, 1991.10.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1040

Witnessing should be done like a business. What I mean is that you should do it effectively. In the past, no matter where you went for witnessing, you did not make much preparation, but now you should go fully prepared. You should offer devotion when you go witnessing. You must be different from the past. (102-45, 1978.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 5. Perfection Is Attained through Love

And so when you love you can attain immortality. It is God’s love that stimulates the reciprocal action that continues forever. (38-273, 1971.1.8) Continue reading “The Love of God Is Love for the Sake of Others”