Cheon Seong Gyeong 2007
We need to create an impetus for one unified language. You read the record of everything True Parents have accomplished, but to read this in translation is a disgrace. It will become your shame in the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, you might have to pay indemnity for thousands or tens of thousands of years. That is how great a problem this is. Even if the homeland has been restored, people who cannot go over this hill will have no path upon which they can return to their hometown. They will have no certificate of residence that enables them to dwell in their homeland as registered citizens. This is a serious problem. (303-157, 1999.8.17)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266
You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
Chapter 5
Love and the Spirit World
Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life
You were born from your parents. Next, what is more fundamental is that you were born from God by borrowing your mother’s womb. You are to go and find the True Parents through universal parents and your physical parents. Your physical parents are parents of passage. So the moment of death is a time of joy when you go to meet the True Parents. The true love of the True Parents is there. That place is called the heavenly kingdom in heaven. The constituting element of that place is love, and it is filled with parental love. That love is not for your own sake, but rather it is a love through which you can abide by the law under the principle of service and sacrifice. To receive a passing grade, you must love the universe and love humankind. The earthly life is a training ground for such love. You should know that this is the fundamental core of the universe. If while you are alive on earth you practice love with such an outlook, pass your assessment with honors and then go to the spirit world, you will surely return to God. This is the conclusion. (105-108, 1979.9.30) Continue reading “You Were Born from God by Borrowing Your Mother’s Womb”