True Parents Cannot Be Exchanged for Anything

WV Board of Education and Primary Election Day is May 10, 2022
May 10th is the only election day for the Board of Education. You can vote for three Board of Education Candidates.

Interview with Renee Wibly-Republican for State Senate-District 16

Interview with Jennifer Krouse-Republican for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District

View all of the Jefferson County WV Board of Education and Primary Election Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1928

I made the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations and the Federation of Continental Nations, because it is now the age for the restoration of the kingship. We can abandon the North American continent. Instead, Asia and South America can be tied together as Cain and Abel. Such a time is coming about. The national level providence is now passing into the world level providence. Once the center is established, the world will turn 360 degrees. It has the authority to freely choose among 360 nations. (283-38, 1997.4.8)

You say this and that about True Parents, but if you think of True Parents as if they were just some rich or famous parents in your village, you are gravely mistaken. For the world to be unified, it must receive True Parents. Humankind cannot find the way to unite the world. True Parents are the visible fruit of our hope throughout history and the visible fruit of our heart’s desire. They are the visible fruit of the victory that has indemnified everything. You should know this. True Parents cannot be exchanged for anything. (55-155, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 267

Without entering the realm of heart, we will not be restored. Therefore, the person who is responsible for restoration must proceed while holding onto True Parents. Even Jesus has no way without going through True Parents. With True Parents as the central axis you should form a perfectly horizontal line centering on True Parents’ love. You cannot have any complaints. You cannot complain. If you complain, you will become warped and deformed. (136-67, 1985.12.20)


3. Quiet the Mind and Enter a Calm State, Empty of Self

When all the senses are stilled, when the mind is at rest, when the intellect wavers not—then, say the wise, is reached the highest state.
    Katha Upanishad 2.6.10 (Hinduism)

Wherever the mind wanders, restless and diffuse in its search for satisfaction without, lead it within; train it to rest in the Self. Abiding joy comes to those who still the mind. Freeing themselves from the taint of self-will, with their consciousness unified, they become one with God.
    Bhagavad-Gita 6.26-27 (Hinduism)

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We Can Move the Nation and World According to God’s Will

WV Board of Education and Primary Election Day is May 10, 2022
May 10th is the only election day for the Board of Education. You can vote for three Board of Education Candidates.

Interview with Renee Wibly-Republican for State Senate-District 16

Interview with Jennifer Krouse-Republican for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District

View all of the Jefferson County WV Board of Education and Primary Election Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2224

If filial sons have already existed in the history of your hometown, you have to supersede them all as the great king of filial sons. If there have been loyal subjects, then you should surpass them as the great king of loyal subjects. Yet, however much one may become a filial child or loyal subject, without having a horizontal relationship with True Parents, it would serve no purpose. It is only when the True Parent becomes the horizontal Father on the horizontal level that the vertical Father appears. When the absolute minus appears, then the absolute plus comes looking for it. (177- 347, 1988.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1365

I blessed the 1800 Couples this year. Originally, their Blessing should have taken place last year in 1974, but it was all right as long as I performed the Blessing before April of this year. From the time the Blessing ceremonies were first held in April 1960 until April of this year we are still keeping within the fourteenyear period. That is why I conducted the Blessing in February, and so we have achieved all this within fourteen years. Thus, in keeping with the completion of the second seven-year course of the Unification Church, the 1800 Couples Blessing conducted on the global level signifies that we have laid the foundation for worldwide restoration. So what are the 1800 Couples? The number eighteen is the sum of six plus six plus six. The number of couples corresponds to this and represents our gaining supremacy over the satanic world completely. Having laid the global foundation, we can conclude that we have entered the era in which we can move the nation and the world according to God’s will. (81-109, 1975.12.1)

Richard: 2023 marks three 21 year courses since the appearance of True Parents, Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon and the Blessing. 21 years and the number three, such as the three courses of the Israelites in the wilderness, the three days after Jesus’ death until His resurrection and the three offerings of Abraham. As such, as I have already predicted, we will be seeing a correction of the wrong dominion of ungodly people and events, beginning in about June of 2023. Listen to this Richard Urban Show, plus this one and this one.
None the less, the progress of God’s providence depends on us fulfilling our own portion of responsibility.


2. Breathing to the Rhythm of the Cosmic Breath

Undivided I am,
undivided my soul,
undivided my sight,
undivided my hearing;
undivided my in-breathing,
undivided my out-breathing,
undivided my diffusive breath;
undivided the whole of me.
Atharva Veda 19.51.1 (Hinduism)

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When the Messiah Appears on the Earth, He is Not Just an Individual

Board of Education and Primary Election Day is May 10, 2022
May 10th is the only election day for the Board of Education. You can vote for three Board of Education Candidates.

Interview with Jennifer Krouse-Republican for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District

View all of the Board of Education and Primary Election Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 194

What kind of person is a wise person? He is the first to understand and recognize the global era and the time of hope. The wise person is the one who can bear the responsibility of being the first to recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and take action. In this way, he takes possession of it. Although he comes as an individual, when the Messiah appears on earth, he is not just an individual. He is the fruit of faith, hope, and love that the whole world desires. This is his value. All the paths of history are connected to this fruit. In other words; past, present and future are all connected to it. Furthermore, all individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world are connected, and both heaven and earth are connected to it. (13-142, 1964.01.01)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1098

People today do not know what it means to die. It is not a sorrowful occasion. You should see it as a transition from a lower dimensional world to a higher dimensional world, through the bridge of love. That is why the Unification Church does not call it death but Seunghwa. It is ascending to a higher dimension. This is only possible through love. (137-316, 1986.1.5)


MEDITATION CLEANSES THE MIND OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS and opens the door to Ultimate Reality that lies within. The various techniques of meditation all have in common the restricting of the body and sense stimuli, controlling the mind’s wandering thoughts and feelings, and finally attaining a pure state of stillness where the true Self-nature can reveal itself.
While most of our scriptural sources on meditation describe its practice in the Eastern religion, meditation is also widespread in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Mystics, monastics, Sufis and Kabbalists all developed meditative techniques to raise practitioners to a higher state of communion with the Spirit of God. Silent meditation is often employed as preparation for prayer, as a time of quiet when the mind is calmed and clarified and its spiritual senses heightened before communing with God. Father Moon values meditation in this context. He sometimes calls it “prayer,” but what he means is a meditative, stilling technique that is an element of effective prayer.
The topic of meditation is vast, and one can practice it for a lifetime without getting to the end of it. Some aspects presented here include: quieting one’s thoughts, focusing on the breath, developing intense concentration, the discipline of “mindfulness” of one’s body, feelings, and thoughts, visualization of a divine image, and the shamanistic quest for a supernatural vision.

  1. One-Pointed Concentration

Concentration is unafflicted one-pointedness.
    Nagarjuna, Precious Garland 437 (Buddhism)

Within the lotus of the heart He dwells, where the nerves meet like the spokes of a wheel at its hub. Meditate on Him as OM. Easily may you cross the sea of darkness.
    Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.6 (Hinduism)

Can you keep the unquiet physical soul from straying, hold fast to the Unity, and never quit it?
Can you, when concentrating your breath, make it soft like that of a little child?
Can you wipe and cleanse your vision of the Mystery till all is without blur?
    Tao Te Ching 10 (Taoism)

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