The latest Richard Urban Show:
#173-Kevin “KC” Christian on the Root Cause of Societal Decline
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1347
The question is how you can establish the tradition of love, the eternal tradition of the ideal of creation, with your children, tribe, and restored citizens. Once you enter the spirit world, you, along with them, will form a group and restore your eternal dignity and order of life. While you are still on earth, you must deal with your tribe and restore at least 120 families. I think I have explained more than enough for you to understand. I am telling you to be prepared so that you will not be embarrassed. You would not just be embarrassed, but be stripped bare and kicked out. (213-139, 1991.1.16)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271
Jesus told Nicodemus that unless one is reborn, one cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The “I” who has lived until now must be denied. Even if you have excuses, and even if you have many accomplishments to your name, you must deny yourself. Because you are fallen human beings, you cannot escape from this fate. Your whole life should be denied, your daily life should be denied; you are living a spiritually dead life that should be denied. (6-278, 1959.6.7)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
Chapter 2
The Reality of Love
Section 9. Love of the Natural World
9.2. Nature is a textbook teaching the ideal of love
People observe and learn from nature as they grow up. They come to understand, “This is what the insect world is like!” When you listen carefully on an autumn night when the moon is shining and stars are twinkling, the sounds of the insects are like an orchestra. Why do they make such a sound? They are singing of their ideal as they search for their partners. They are whispering love. Birds and all other animals also follow this common denominator of love when they make their sad and happy sounds. They are low on the scale and far away from the axis, and yet they are circling around the axis in parallel. It is the same for all existing beings. (137-59, 1985.12.18) Continue reading “All Birds and Animals Harmonize with Each Other in Love”