The Separation of Powers Is a Structure of the Ideal World

See you tomorrow, July 22nd at the Strengthening Families & Communities Forum. The Daily Inspiration will continue on Monday.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 103

    Human beings need to be in parent-child relationships, husband-wife relationships, and brother-sister relationships. In other words, these three relationships must meet at one point. There is one central point. The central points for above and below, left and right, and front and back should not be separate. If the central points are different, the balance between the relationships of above and below, left and right, and front and back will be shattered.
    Eventually, therefore, the positions of above and below, left and right, and front and back, together with the one central point, form the number seven. Forming the number seven means to become one with God through perfect true love and to form a family in which everything becomes a perfect sphere and achieves harmony and unification. (299-114, 1999.2.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 487

Why do you feel good when you see your beloved wife? When you are alone, you cannot stand in the position in which you are supported by the spherical four directions of the universe. But with your spouse, you make a horizontal love relationship where you have give and take with her and establish a position where you can contact the vertical power of the universe. Thus, the one who has a spouse becomes infinitely happy through the supportive power of the universe. This is why when you see your beloved wife, your entire mind becomes focused and you cannot see anything but her. So you dance and sing with her, spinning round together. Why do you dance, sing and rejoice? To expand the realm of support. (Blessed Family – 901)
Richard:  Wow!  What a beautiful description of marriage.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Period of Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ

The third sub-period of the period for the preparation for the second coming of Christ is the period of maturation of politics, economy and ideology.  This period lasted for 130 years, starting from the time of the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England until the end of the First World War (1789-1918). 
The French revolution exemplified Cain-type democracy which was the foundation for communism.  When Christians fought absolutist forces in England and the United States in pursuit of freedom of religion, this formed abel-type liberal democracy.
The separation of powers is an important concept of democracy.  The structure of the ideal society is similar to the structure of the human body, where the stomach, heart and lungs all have different, but related functions, centered on the brain. 
The Industrial Revolution that began in England arose in order to restore a living environment suitable for an ideal society. 
See slides 10 to 13 below:


What Would You Do with a Diamond Mine?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 995

Let us say that there was a diamond mine. What would you do if there were such a place that only you knew of? You might have to even sacrifice being with your family in order to acquire such a place. It would not be a sin to sacrifice being with your wife in order to save many families. It is also not a sin to sacrifice being with your children in order to save numerous children in the nation. However, you should not sacrifice them to satisfy your own self-interest. The path for saving the nation and a people is that diamond mine; it is the path of life for the people throughout the entire world. In that case, history would not view this as a sin – the sacrifice of your wife and child. It may seem wrong to sacrifice your wife and child to save the nation and world; however, on the contrary, it is there that you will find a wealth of treasure which the whole world can praise. (21-314, 1968.12.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1471

When balancing the ledger of a store, you have to calculate revenue and expenditure accurately. In balancing the accounts of a mere store, you have to exercise care. However, do you pay as much attention when you balance the accounts of your life? Have you ever even tried to balance the accounts of your life? Have you gone into the red, or are you in the black? If you see red ink, you should lament most grievously. People should be able to sing for joy on their deathbed. If you find yourself struggling to accept the reality of death when face it, that struggle only goes to show that you have lived a life in the red. We should lead our lives in the black in the realm of heart, based on the absolute standard. (19-289, 1968.3.10)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Period of Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ

The second sub-period of the period of preparation for the second coming of Christ is the period of religious and ideological conflict, from 1648 and ending with the French Revolution in 1789.
God unfolded his providence of restoration through a history of dividing Abel-type and Cain-type groups and peoples  In the Last Days of human history, the world itself will be divided into an Abel-type world and a Cain-type world.
The Cain-type view of life is humanism. Marx and Engels were two of the Cain-type figures of humanism. These views of life fused together atheism and materialism.
The Abel-type view of life is God-centered and culminated in the Protestant Reformation during this period.
See slides 6 to 9 below: