God Becomes Universally Present in All Created Things

#127-No One Is Born Homosexual
The Richard Urban Show

On this very significant occasion today when I am meeting some of the most distinguished leaders in the world, I would like to share with you my thoughts and teachings on the topic, “The Cosmos Is Our Hometown and Homeland.” The cosmos was created as an enormous house where human beings would live as its owners. Being     at the center of the universe, they live within the spherical relationships of ‘above’ and ‘below’, ‘left’ and ‘right’, and ‘front’ and ‘rear’, namely the parent-child, husband-wife, and brother-sister relationships.
    God exists in the seventh position which is at the very center of ‘above’ and ‘below’, ‘left’ and ‘right’ and ‘front’ and ‘rear’ numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Thus, He can guide us in our daily lives even while existing in an invisible central position. Human beings can with God’s help be liberated from the satanic realm of bondage and suffering resulting from the Fall, to mature as true sons and daughters, meet their mates to become true husbands and wives, go on to have children, and become true parents according to the normal course of life.
    Consequently, we cannot reject the idea of becoming true children, spouses, and parents. Doing so would be to violate a fundamental principle of the universe, thus destroying our own existence. Hence, each of us must participate in building a true family consisting of true parents, spouses, and children, which is the model for the ideal existence.

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    If God’s will had been fulfilled here on earth, a single cultural realm centered on Adam would have been established. Unlike the world of today, with its many different races, cultures, and forms of civilizations, the ideal world would have had one single culture, single ideology, and single civilization. If this had come about, culture, history, customs, language and traditions would all have been unified into one. (Blessed Family – 320)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 120 to 123 below.

The Center of All Beings Is God

#127-No One Is Born Homosexual
The Richard Urban Show

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1515

    Since everything was lost through the Fall, when you meet your spouse as God’s representative, you will feel the heart of a daughter or younger sibling. Likewise, you will also come to feel the heart of a bride, a mother, and even new sons and daughters. For this reason, when people used to see Father, they wanted to make him their son. By restoring the realm of heart, you can judge what is right or wrong and what is good or evil, and thus return to God’s side. In this way, all resentments and grief can be appeased. That is how the realm of heart works.
    It cannot be helped. You need to form families of love. Let it be known that the Kingdom of Heaven is the place for members of a unified royal family that have experienced love as princes and princesses of God’s Kingdom, the realm of His love! Amen! While you are living on earth, you need to base your lives on this principle. Even when you pass on to the next world, you need to do your absolute best to follow this principle. During my whole life, I have never thought of anything other than this. (238-262, 1992.11.22)

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The history of Israel is the four-thousand-year history from Jacob to Jesus that continues until today. If this four-thousand-year history cannot be restored through indemnity in forty years, it will be washed away. All will be destroyed. The four thousand years of history must be compressed into forty years, and everything must be indemnified. The entire world will oppose me. Not even one country will support me. Beginning with Judaism, Christianity, America, the communists and everyone have opposed me. (148-288, 1986.10.25)


Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 116 to 119 below.

Any Being Only Develops When Subject and Object Achieve Harmonious Give and Receive Action

Cheon Seong Gyeong 770

    Death means to be born in God’s love. But in the human world, people make a fuss, saying, “Oh, I am dying!” Seeing this, would God laugh merrily or would He exclaim, “Oh, no!”? When God looks at people crying like this in the human world, does He feel sorrow or joy? Leaving the realm of limited love, we enter the joyful realm of infinite love. Isn’t death the moment to welcome this joyfulness? Isn’t this going through the path of death the moment of actually a second birth?
    If this is the case, would God be joyful about the day your physical body is gone? Would He be joyful when someone is born as a son or daughter who can act for the sake of love in the second, infinitely expanded world? Why do I talk about such things? You cannot establish a relationship with God without liberating yourself from the fear of death. I am speaking about this because you must understand this reality. (116-172, 1982.1.1)

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You know yourself more than God knows you. Therefore, we do not need the Lord of judgment. Actually, we do not need a God of judgment. Your conscience knows best. In the light of this fundamental rule, how much you have contributed with the purpose of bringing liberation based on the liberated standard will be measured accordingly. You would know if you are authentic or fake. Would you know or not? If you don’t, there is no hope. If you don’t, you have to go to the public cemetery, you would have to go into the waste bin, or be driven into the Pacific Ocean on a raft. That’s something hard to handle.

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 112 to 115 below.

A Center Must Be Established Prior to Give and Receive Action

Happy Eid to our Muslim friends!

The latest Richard Urban show:
#126-Character Has Consequences and the Core of Character Is Sexual Ethics

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2425

Because God wants his partner in love to be better than Himself, that partner can go up to the position where he can tell God what to do. If a devoted son asks his mother and father to come, will they go to the son or not? They will. It is the path of devoted filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters to have to do new things, whatever they may be. (263-183, 1994.8.23)

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Section 6. Raising Children in Faith
6.1. Parents are to teach their children heavenly law

What will you teach your children? In order for your children to inherit the tradition, you must educate them and lead an exemplary public life. People were originally made to be educated by their parents; they are not to receive education just from school. Especially, education in order to inherit the tradition cannot be taught in school. (111-256, 1981.2.22)

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 108 to 110 below.

The Realm of the Chosen People Has Been Created

The latest Richard Urban show:
#126-Character Has Consequences and the Core of Character Is Sexual Ethics

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2358

The most important thing in the course of history, today, is the fact that the realm of the chosen people has been created. Upon welcoming this age, I have tried to connect this on the worldwide level to the three stages of formation, growth and completion. The Israelites were in the formation stage, Christians were in the growth stage, and Unification Church members are in the completion stage. Isn’t that right? The Israelites belong to the Old Testament Age, Christianity belongs to the New Testament Age, and the Unification Church belongs to the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age represents fulfillment. What should we fulfill? We should fulfill the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, and world levels. Based on what? Based on God’s love, God’s life, and God’s lineage. Once God established the tradition of one lineage, one love, and one life, Satan has had no choice but to leave. By engrafting onto the lineage of God, the tie with the satanic lineage is broken. (226-275, 1992.2.9)

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As Jesus was in an official public position, and if he had married, it would have been according to the heavenly law and principles. He would not have behaved like a man who happens to meet some woman and lives with her. He had to keep in mind the direction history was moving and the providential age. For the purposes of restoration through indemnity, this was absolutely necessary. Jesus could not marry because these requirements were not met. (139-307, 1986.1.31)

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 104 to 107 below.