Cheon Seong Gyeong 966
Couples who were blessed on earth will be together even when they go to the eternal spirit world. No matter how many couples and children of this world there may be, they will be scattered and separated in the spirit world. They will be separated and will not know where everyone went. It will be difficult for them to meet each other. Without a reciprocal relationship they cannot meet. They are all separated in the spirit world according to the state of their spirituality. That is extraordinary. If their whole family can unite based on love, they can be together in the spirit world. Is that something joyful or unfortunate? (250-334, 1993.10.15)
Richard: Receive the Blessing at
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1060
You must pray. In deciding the time to pray, you should try praying at daybreak, in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, and even at eleven or twelve at night. When you lead a life of prayer like that for many years, you should know which period of time is the best time for you to pray. Knowing this, you should offer devotion to God at the time that is right for you.
If possible, you should pray with a person who has a high standard of grace. By doing so, you will receive grace through that person. If your husband has a higher standard of grace than you and if he leads an exemplary life of faith, you will come to receive grace because of him. After receiving grace in this way, you will look upon your husband as the most handsome man in the world. In reverse, if the husband receives grace through his wife, his wife will surely look most beautiful to him; she will be the most beautiful woman in the world. This is how couples should have been.
Thus, when you are awake, you want to see each other, and whisper to each other throughout the night. That is not something that brings ruin but rather prosperity. (31-288, 1970.6.4)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2
The Messiah and True Parents
Section 4. The Second Coming and the True Parents
4.2. The Task of the Lord at the Second Coming
What is the task that the returning Lord should carry out? He must win over Satan and then win over all the people in the spirit world. There are many spiritual masters today who brag about who they are in heaven and earth. However, in expectation of the time to come, they should not merely be making spiritual efforts, no matter how sincere, without knowing how to resolve the world that came about as a result of the Fall. Continue reading “The Lord at His Second Coming Must Unite Divided Peoples”