True Freedom Presupposes Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

We started in 1978, so this is now the fourteenth year. This work has been going on for fourteen years. If all of you had only done this work with a desperate heart! How great it would have been! If that had happened, then everything would be connected through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the Unification Church. Centering on the Unification Church foundation, we organized everything down to the village, so that we could breakthrough at the tong ban level. Centering on the men, we held conferences in the dong (districts), tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). We passed out Divine Principle books and a book called “The Hope of the World” in my name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood leaders. Maybe even some of you that are here today also received these books. Despite the fact that all this was done, the men still all failed their responsibility. They were relaxed and thought this was just some kind of game. Therefore, because the men failed their responsibility, the women must accomplish it. Whatever happens, they must do this
Richard: Rev. Moon is here talking about the Home Church, or Tong Ban (local community) activities, where you visit and care for 360 or more homes in the area where you live. See here for more explanation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 693

Since I had to open the way for all humankind, I even befriended condemned criminals. I was chained together with thieves, ate with them and comforted them. Recently, I even went to Las Vegas to pray for those imprisoned there. I bought the New Yorker Hotel to clear away the worst dens of Satan in New York and lay a new foundation. I had to go there to mingle with them and comfort them. Only in this way could I open and pave the way for people from all walks of life, even those headed for destruction in the satanic world. By my paving the way on earth, barriers in the spirit world will be opened and the world can be unified. Hence, I will marry blacks and whites interracially, and buy houses for them. In this way, I am doing things that have never been done before in this world. (91-160, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Even in the fallen world, when a man and a woman fall in love, they say, “Ah, there is an electric current here.” The electricity that arises from moment to moment starts from the archangel – it is unicellular. The electricity of love that arises in the original world is the lightning of the love of the universe. It surpasses the former in strength several thousand times; moreover, the sound of the movement of the cells of each human organ is like the sound of thunder. The principle view of love is that the man and woman engaged in true love of the original world cannot meet God unless they concentrate with all their might towards the contact point where the lightning of love meets. (Blessed Family – 380) Continue reading “True Freedom Presupposes Responsibility”

You Get Married in Order to Meet God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

    To this day, no one has been registered into the heavenly kingdom. The kingdom did not have a nation. It did not have a family or nation. When you go to the spirit world, your parents, and – if there are ten people in your family – all ten of your family members would be separated. However, from now on it will not be that way. You should know that originally, if human beings had not fallen, heaven would be the place where you enter with your mother, father and clan.
    If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God’s true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others – a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others – the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1194

    The democratic political system is a system of struggle. That is why we have to rise to the position of parents. Only then can the struggle be stopped. Siblings can all unite, centered on the parents. The world of peace starts from such unity. There is no other method. First, people need to find the True Parents, and then everything else including true children, true nation, and true peace can be found. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Love must create harmony; there is nothing dirty in love. Although the sexual organ is the most precious thing, it is close to the dirtiest area of the human body. Why is that the case? Since harmony is a principle in the creation of heaven and earth, the male and female sexual organs, as the most precious things, are placed here. God thus installed them properly near the dirtiest place. (194-49, 1989.10.15) Continue reading “You Get Married in Order to Meet God”

Man and Woman Do Not Own Their Own Sexual Organs

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1872

What would people want to do after ascending Mount Halla and sailing around in the ocean? They would think about fishing! If people had the opportunity to fish in waters off Jejudo, they certainly would. Most people will tell you that Jejudo is famous for its abundance of rocks and women, but its greatest resource is fish. I would like to obtain a permit for making fishing spots around the entire area of Jejudo. The Jigwido area is now being developed, but all seven of its surrounding islands must also be developed. In the future, authorities will have to limit fishing in the waters within three hours of Jejudo. Even if tourists are to fish there, they must be prohibited from using fishing nets. It is legally possible to do that. (126-313, 1983.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1748

A couple can perpetuate their lineage by uniting and having sons and daughters. They can experience God’s joy of creating in this horizontal world through being elevated to the position of creators, and giving birth to sons and daughters. Thus, the wife should be treated the same as the sons and daughters because her position combines that of sons, daughters and siblings. Hence, husband and wife cannot be separated. Love is not meant to be satisfied thoughtlessly. In order to have sons and daughters, the couple needs to reach the inherent standard originally desired by God as the ideal of creation by complying with all such traditions. In this way, the family becomes the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven. (223-24, 1991.11.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 1. God’s Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

The sexual organ is the point at which two people become one as a unified body of life with love at the center and is the place where the blood of a man and the blood of a woman blend into one, in one melting pot. You should know that this place is more precious than your sons and daughters, more precious than your husband, and more precious even than God. They will call me a heretic for saying things like this… What is that place like? It is a place that is more precious than your children, more precious than your husband, and more precious than your parents. Without it, your parents would have no value, your couple would have no value, and your sons and daughters would have no value. Because it is so precious, it is kept under lock and key as the most precious treasure of your whole life, in order to keep it from being seen by anyone in the world. The key to the man’s organ is held by the woman, and the key to the woman’s organ is held by the man, and there is only one key each. There must be one key only. Do you want to have ten, twenty keys as in free sex? Do you want it to be like a ruined house without an owner, where the door is open and all the passers-by can come in and out? (280-199, 1997.1.1) Continue reading “Man and Woman Do Not Own Their Own Sexual Organs”

Gods’ Most Holy Place Is the Sexual Organs of Men and Women

Cheon Seong Gyeong 232

In our Unification Church, we call our church members family members. Until today, no one has helped us understand this term “family member.” Family members do not exist separately from a family. Having family members means there must be a family the existence of a family means there must be brothers and sisters, and the existence of brothers and sisters means there must be parents. In Christianity, religious people use words such as “church members” and “believers,” but they have not been able to use the term “family member.” Today, people are proclaiming the idea of one great global family, but building a great family requires the presence of parents who can be the father and mother of that great family. The one who comes as such a parent is none other than the Messiah.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1272

    All of you went through the ceremony of converting the lineage before you received the Blessing, didn’t you? You did not really understand any of it; you simply followed my orders, but in reality it is not that simple.
    History came to be in utter confusion today because Jesus could not form a relationship of husband and wife at his first advent. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the standard of heart, there would be great trouble if any event occurred at the Blessing that would defile the lineage. I am not just talking about the penalty of such actions. The first human ancestors were thrown out of the Garden of Eden when they fell, even though they were not fully matured; bearing that in mind, there would be dire consequences if you committed a sin on the foundation of the perfected standard of heart. If that were to happen, God would not want to see you ever again and neither would I. (198-220, 1990.2.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Where is God’s most holy place? It is the sexual organs of men and women, where love dwells. This is heaven’s most holy place. (134-185, 1985.4.7) Continue reading “Gods’ Most Holy Place Is the Sexual Organs of Men and Women”

True Parents are Needed to Dismantle the Foundation of Satanic Love, Life and Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421

Jesus, who failed to accomplish the will of God on earth, should have found a bride in his time and established the relationship of true parents and raised true children. He should have prepared a foundation on earth that would secure, with heaven’s authority, the right of inheritance and the right of registration into the kingdom. He passed away to the spirit world without having done so. In registering, would you register as servants? If you cannot be a son of direct descent, you must at least be registered in the name of an adopted son in order to become one of God’s heirs. Then you will share the right of inheritance. (155-309, 1965.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

You will not be free to go anywhere in the universe. You will have no place to run to. You cannot run away as you wish. You have to know that you are unable to free yourself from the realm of universal law and order. You have to follow the right path. You should realize that you are living under the rule of the universal law based on the standard of the official constitution. This affects everything relating to the order of love and morality: family, society, nation, world, cosmos and God. The path of giving love and living for the sake of others is the only way to attain an autonomy that is supported and upheld by all the laws including the laws of nature. Unification Church members do not have a clear concept of hell. You should know that hell exists. You should know that there is a severe and fearful hell if you do not follow the way of carrying the banner of love. Did you know that? I hope that you can stand in court and be victorious. (117-312, 1982.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 4. The Conditions for the Appearance of the True Parents

    What has to be done in order for True Parents to come? Without the Archangel’s restoration, True Parents cannot come. Without Jesus being restored, True Parents cannot come. Also, without the bride being restored, True Parents cannot come. This must be resolved in the religious world.
    The entity that has appeared after resolving all the difficulties in God’s providence of restoration is the True Parents. True Parents are not easy-going, good-for-nothing people.
    True Parents would not appear unless the archangel was restored. They would not appear unless Adam was restored. Also, they would not appear unless the bride – that is, Eve – was restored. That is for sure. (46-214, 1971.8.15) Continue reading “True Parents are Needed to Dismantle the Foundation of Satanic Love, Life and Lineage”