I Should Examine the Purpose of My Heart

Register now
 for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #93:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1054

Arrogance is your enemy. Arrogance and stubbornness are the natures and elements of Satan. Instead of being arrogant and stubborn, you should be modest and harmonious. You should be a person who can create harmony and friendship; someone who can harmonize with everyone. Everything starts to flow from here. Something greater cannot arise if people or things do not unite. This is what happens when there is no harmony. Jealousy and envy are other natures of Satan, but for us, arrogance and stubbornness are unforgivable. (37-132, 1970.12.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 763

The spirit world is our original hometown. During your life on earth you have to maintain a standard in order to return to your original hometown and live there for eternity. You cannot live as you wish on this earth. You cannot live like the worldly people who have been ignorant of these things. You have to know the spirit world and live accordingly. Then, when you leave this world you can go before God and form a connection with heaven. Without knowing the spirit world, it is impossible to make that connection. You need to be clearly aware, therefore, of the reality of the spirit world. (295-120, 1998.8.19

Sincerity and Authenticity

2. Cultivate Sincerity before Taking Action

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
    Proverbs 4.23
The truly upright is that which flows out of your genuine innermost self as a result of the sincerity shown by the kami; on all occasions, you must exert this sincerity to the utmost, even in the most minor of your activities. Courtesy and ritual without this sincerity and honesty is mistaken and insufficient. It is like drawing a bow and merely releasing the string blindly without firming your hand, or like trying to move in a boat without an oar.
    Moshimasa Hikita, Records of the Divine Wind (Shinto)
Thoughts alone cause the round of births (samsara); let a man strive to purify his thoughts. What a man thinks, that he is: this is an old secret.
    By the serenity of his thoughts a man blots out all actions, whether good or bad. Dwelling within his Self with serene thoughts, he obtains imperishable happiness.
    If the thoughts of a man were so fixed on Brahman as they are on the things of this world, who would not then be freed from bondage?
    The mind, it is said, is of two kinds, pure and impure: impure from the contact with lust, pure when free from lust.
    When a man, having freed his mind from sloth, distraction, and vacillation, becomes as it were delivered from his mind, that is the highest point.
    Maitri Upanishad 6.34.3-7 (Hinduism)
What is meant by “making the will sincere” is allowing no self-deception, as when we hate a bad smell or love a beautiful color. This is called satisfying oneself. Therefore the superior man will always be watchful over himself when alone.
    When the inferior man is alone and leisurely, there is no limit to which he does not go in his evil deeds. Only when he sees a superior man does he then try to disguise himself, concealing his evil and showing off the good in him. But what is the use? For other people see him as if they see his very heart. This is what is meant by the saying that what is true in a man’s heart will be shown in his outward appearance. Therefore the superior man will always be watchful over himself when alone.
    Tseng Tzu said, “What ten eyes are beholding and what ten hands are pointing to—isn’t it frightening?”
    Wealth makes a house shining and virtue makes a person shining. When one’s mind is broad and his heart generous, his body becomes big and is at ease. Therefore the superior man always makes his will sincere.
    Great Learning 6.1-4 (Confucianism)
We should examine ourselves and learn what is the affection and purpose of the heart, for in this way only can we learn what we honestly are.
    Science and Health, p. 8 (Christian Science)
If, brethren, a woman or man or a young lad fond of self-adornment, on examining the reflection of his own face in a bright clean mirror or bowl of clear water, should see therein a stain or speck, he will strive to remove that stain or speck; and when he no longer sees it there he is pleased and satisfied, thinking, “A gain it is to me that I am clean.” Likewise a monk’s introspection is most fruitful in good conditions, thus: “Do I or do I not generally live covetous? Do I or do I not generally live malevolent in heart? Do I or do I not generally live possessed by sloth and torpor? Do I or do I not generally live excited in mind? Do I generally live in doubt and wavering, or have I crossed beyond it? Do I generally live wrathful or not? Do I generally live with soiled thoughts or clean thoughts? Do I generally live with body passionate or not? Do I generally live sluggish or full of energy? Do I generally live uncontrolled or well controlled?”
    If on self-examination a monk finds thus: “I generally live covetous, malevolent in heart, possessed by sloth and torpor, excited in mind, doubtful and wavering, wrathful, with body passionate, sluggish, uncontrolled”—then that monk must put forth extra desire, effort, endeavor, exertion, impulse, mindfulness, and attention for the abandoning of those wicked, unprofitable states.
    Anguttara Nikaya 5.66 (Buddhism)


You Should be Able to Say ‘I Was Born for This’

Register now for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021.
Register by November 24th.
Featuring presentations by Rebecca Friedrichs, author of Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country  and Stephanie Mann, founder of Safe Kids Now!
Attend in-person or by Zoom. Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse – VisionRoot

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #92:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 613

    Now is an era when we are to completely dominate the spirit world while being in our physical bodies. Since I know everything about the spirit world and possess the truth and my own body, both Satan and the angelic world must completely surrender to me. Spiritually enlightened Buddhists and Christians, therefore, must surrender to me as well.
    When clairvoyants are willing to die at my command, then we accomplish the substantial realm of perfection and open the gates to the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. When such a world is created, will you have anything more to do? You will be surprised when I reveal my thoughts. A time will come when people will wonder “How did that happen? Why did I do that?” This is neither a joke nor a threat. That time will come. Such things will happen among the Unification Church members. (60-194, 1972.8.17)\

Cheon Seong Gyeong 918

In regard to the firstborn son of the eldest son, even the grandfather comes under his command when that son performs the ancestral rites. The grandfather has to show his respect. The fact that Koreans place value in the lineage of the firstborn son, and also in their genealogy and lineage, holds record-breaking historical value in God’s providence of restoration, which can never be forgotten from the deepest root of His mind. (290-9, 1998.2.2)

No matter how many children Adam has, the nation is centered on his first son. Then, with the first son at the head, his brothers spread out on both sides to become a tribe and nation. The first son succeeds to the throne. In Korea, this pertains to the firstborn son of the eldest son. This is truly amazing. What is great about Korea is that it could receive blessings from God because it has been protecting the tradition of the eldest son.

Sincerity and Authenticity

1. Sincerity Flows Spontaneously out of the Heart’s Affections

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

You should speak with your mind—your inmost self. If it resonates with God, you can become one with God and automatically know the truth of the universe. (102:34, November 19, 1978)

A good person can always embrace everything with his heart: whatever he sees, whomever he meets and wherever he goes. (Way of God’s Will 2.3)

You cannot serve God with all your sincerity if you are simply following someone else’s instructions, or because someone obliges you to. The heart of sincerity is something that automatically springs forth from within you. In that state, you do not need any education about loyalty, filial piety and fidelity. (Way of God’s Will 2.3)

When I put my hands to do something, I think, “I was born for this task.” You too should be able to say, “I was born for this; I was made for this.” Then work on it with enjoyment. Doing things because we like it is love. The relationship of love enables us to cross over the hill of joy. Until we find a way to like a task, we should not put our hands to it. God blesses the world when we enjoy what we do. (308:214, January 5, 1999)

Blessed are those who have an unchanging internal standard of heart to worship Heaven, be harmonious with others, and love the earth. (Way of God’s Will 2.3)

In order to attain the object of your sincerity, your mind must be unified. You must possess a single mind; you cannot have two minds. You must offer your sincerity with a single mind from the beginning to the end. Sincerity is not something you can lend to someone and then take back. Therefore, if your initial sincerity is not matched by equal sincerity in the middle and at the end, it cannot be called sincerity. (17:227-28, January 29, 1967)

We cannot overcome with tricks or by talent, but only with sincerity. (42:228, March 14, 1971)

Richard: This is an interesting related quote by Rev. Moon: “

Among the new members who recently joined the Unification Church, there are many who came because they had spiritually met me and were guided by me. Such people may become kings or presidents in the foreseeable future – we don’t know when and how. There are so many people like them throughout the world. The number of people who talk to themselves while walking will be constantly increasing in countries like the United States. The entire spirit world will swoop down upon the earth. Then, who will take supreme command? It is my responsibility.” (CSG p. 612-613)

I was and am one of those people who always talk to themselves.  This gives it a whole new perspective, as you are actually communicating with your (original) mind, or God within yourself.  Sometimes people say ‘It’s ok to talk to yourself, just don’t answer’.  That’s wrong.  You can and should have a conversation with your (original) mind, informed by the word of Truth, which is what we study here at the Daily Inspiration.

If a Person’s Heart Is Healthy, His Body Will Be at Ease

Register now
 for the Dividing Line; Ending the Culture that Causes Sexual Abuse workshop in Harpers Ferry, WV on November 27, 2021. Attend in-person or virtually.

Listen to the Richard Urban Show #91:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 619

Once you reach the level of such experiences, your mind will give you directions. You will be struck dumb when you try to talk to someone, or you will scold someone in spite of yourself. You will experience such incomprehensible phenomena from time to time. Therefore you have to be able to control them. If you mishandle the situation, people may treat you like a crazy person.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1581

Looking into Your heart, I know how You endeavored to save Your only son who came after countless generations. This son of Yours perceived more clearly than anyone how much You grieved as You looked upon wretched humanity, dispossessed of any ancestors because they were lost through the Fall.

Sincerity and Authenticity

A person’s inner intention goes far towards determining the extent to which a particular action is good or evil, effective or ineffective. As Buddha so forcefully stated in the Dhammapada, action begins with the mind; it is created by the mind; it goes forth according to the inner state of the mind. In some of the passages gathered here, sincerity means the natural and spontaneous flow of the mind, devoid of all pretense and egoistic grasping. Other passages call for self-examination and self-cultivation in order to manifest true sincerity. Father Moon views the cultivation of sincerity, what he calls jeongseong, as fundamental to the spiritual life.
This section treats sincerity as a virtue in daily life. On the topic of sincerity in approaching God, see chapter 16: Devotion and Purity of Intention.

1. Sincerity Flows Spontaneously out of the Heart’s Affections

Mind is the forerunner of all evil states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with wicked mind, because of that suffering follows one, even as the wheel [of the cart] follows the hoof of the draught ox.
    Mind is the forerunner of all good states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, because of that happiness follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves.
    Dhammapada 1-2 (Buddhism)
The heart is like a king with his troops. If the king is a good one, then his troops will be good too, and if the king is wicked, his troops follow suit…
If a person’s heart is healthy, his body will be at ease, and if a person’s heart is malicious, the body will be malevolent.
    Hadith (Islam)
Abu Huraira reported God’s Messenger as saying, “God does not look at your forms and your possessions, but He looks at your hearts and your deeds.”
    Hadith of Muslim (Islam)
To the pure all things are pure, but to the corrupt and unbelieving nothing is pure; their very minds and consciences are corrupted.
    Titus 1.15
If you do not perceive the sincerity within yourself and yet try to move forth, each movement will miss the mark.
    Chuang Tzu 23 (Taoism)
Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor. Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.
    Romans 12.9-10
Sincerity [Absolute Truth] is the Way of Heaven; the attainment of Sincerity is the Way of man. He who possesses Sincerity achieves what is right without effort, understands without thinking, and naturally and easily is centered on the Way. He is a sage.
    Doctrine of the Mean 20.18 (Confucianism)
While there are no stirrings of pleasure, anger, sorrow, or joy, the mind may be said to be in a state of equilibrium (chung). When those feelings have been stirred, and they act in their due degree, there ensues what may be called the state of harmony (ho). This equilibrium is the great root from which grow all the human actings in the world, and this harmony is the universal path which they all should pursue. Let the states of equilibrium and harmony exist in perfection, and a happy order will prevail throughout heaven and earth, and all things will be nourished and flourish.
    Doctrine of the Mean 1.4-5 (Confucianism)
By the Truth I mean purity and sincerity in their highest degree. He who lacks purity and sincerity cannot move others. Therefore he who forces himself to lament, though he may sound sad, will awaken no grief. He who forces himself to be angry, though he may sound fierce, will arouse no awe. And he who forces himself to be affectionate, though he may smile, will create no air of harmony. True sadness need make no sound to awaken grief; true anger need not show itself to arouse awe; true affection need not smile to create harmony. When a man has the Truth within himself, his spirit may move among external things. That is why the Truth is to be prized!
    Chuang Tzu 31 (Taoism)