People Have Been Born From Satan’s Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 367

Who will become God’s partner in love? Will this be a man by himself? Will a woman alone be His partner? What kind of partner would God want? Would it be money as a partner, knowledge as a partner, or power as a partner? No. Because God wants a partner of love, He meets human beings by being present at the place where a husband and wife unite through their sexual organs. (279-250, 1996.9.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 1. Our Course of Life

1.9. The standard of birth and the standard of life

1.9.1. The wrong standard of birth

    People in today’s world who flaunt their pedigrees and parade their degrees as marks of social distinction, are unaware that their births were spiritually sullied. They do not know that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan; God’s enemy. This is a serious problem. Continue reading “People Have Been Born From Satan’s Love”

Where Is God’s Most Holy Place?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 378

The universe is a mysterious world. God did not create the universe as something to fool around with or play with. With the most devoted effort He created it for the sake of His beloved people, and indeed how beautiful it is! So when we look at this universe, we should have an extremely grateful heart, saying that the Father has created it for us. If you walk around the gardens, behold the trees, plants, flowers, and birds, watch the streams flow, and feel the winds blow with this kind of heart, you cannot but be overwhelmed with wonder. (87-319, 1976.6.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1482

    Where on earth is God? Where would His dwelling place be? God settles in the most precious thing of all, namely love. Then if this love happened to be that between a man and a woman, where would He reside? He lives perpendicularly in the deepest part of the love that is completely united and unchanging. The central place of His residence would be the place where man and woman attain oneness.
    When you reach a mystical state while praying, such that you undergo spiritual experiences, then if you call out to God, “Heavenly Father,” you will hear the answer coming from inside you, “Why are you calling me? I am right here!” “Here” would be the center of your heart. He would be at the central point of love, in a perpendicular position, inside the person whose mind and body are completely united. If you consider God’s point to be the intersection of two perpendicular lines, it would be a position of complete self-denial. (224-148, 1991.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 2. The Most Holy Place Where God Can Come to Dwell

    What are God’s attributes? He is absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging. Then who is the owner of love? It is neither man nor woman. It is none other than God. By centering on love and through love, God and humankind become one. This is because they both absolutely need love. What kind of love does God need? He wants absolute love. What about you? It is the same for us. Just like God, all of us need absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. We must all resemble God. (279-246, 1996.9.15) Continue reading “Where Is God’s Most Holy Place?”

God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378

To the extent that all the 30,000 Couples stood on an equal footing at the time of their Blessing, the True Parents assumed the responsibility of elevating all humankind to a liberated position. Anyone can be included in the Blessing as long as they have attended a seven-day workshop; pledged to convert their lineage, right of ownership and realm of heart; and understood that human beings fell and that through the Blessing, the True Parents can indemnify all of human history and liberate them. (249-248, 1993.10.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1038

What is witnessing? It is showing the way. It is showing how to return to God. Thus, how great it is! If you asked the original mind, “Where are you going to go?” it would reply, “Ah! Through this world, I must return to the heavenly kingdom.” So how great is the task that paves the way! Receiving persecution, receiving one thing and another…. You have to return to heaven by passing through this world. (117-102, 1982.2.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 5. Parents’ Love for Their Children Is Absolute

In my childhood, I would often look at bird nests. Once I climbed a tree to look into a nest, and the mother bird started pecking at me. She was desperate and willing to die to protect her nest, and not only once. When I brushed her aside, she flew away, and then came back. Seeing this, we cannot deny the powerful instinct of animals to transcend their own lives to protect their offspring. Continue reading “God’s Love is the Axis for All Things of Creation”

Without Marriage, Love Would Not Have Started in the Human World

Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show:

#181-Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100
#182-Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor
#183-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV

View all Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1850

    Given the unlimited supply of marine resources in the seas surrounding the United States, the U.S. Maritime Administration is encouraging the development of the marine resources of America. But few people enjoy life at sea. For that reason the U.S. government developed a subsidy plan that would permit an individual to take ownership of a two million dollar, 120-ton fishing vessel by meeting two conditions: that person would pay ten percent of the boat’s price and work the boat for two and a half years. As you know, 120 tons is enormous.
    For the same reason I am developing ocean resource businesses in three hundred ports. I specifically designed and made ships. I designed and made small fishing boats and even created a truly handsome ship that is good for training. To train people in catching fish, I am making a fleet of ten boats linked together with one large ship. That means one person goes out with eleven ships at his command. I let it be known that if five such commanders would make such a fleet, I would give a thirty-thousand-dollar boat to them. Then we can sell even these smaller boats for thirty thousand dollars each. Currently, I am also planning for the development of the fishery cities. (110-202, 1980.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

A true filial son is the one who obeys. A true loyal subject even when being chased and put to death by traitors never calls his king incapable. A true loyal subject is a person of integrity and loyalty, who sheds tears with a sorrowful heart, and wishes his king a long life even when persecuted by treacherous courtiers to the point of death. This is absolute obedience. The only way to bring about success through absolute obedience is the way of true love. (164-48, 1987.5.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 6

Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage

Section 1. The Significance of Marriage

    We might say that marriage is a ceremony that allows us to open the door of the palace of happiness and enter in. Therefore, marriage is a great event for humankind. Love transcends time and space and is the greatest thing for humankind. Marriage is the ceremony that reveals and confirms this greatest love. (Blessed Family – 356) Continue reading “Without Marriage, Love Would Not Have Started in the Human World”

The Greatest Gift in Human History Is the Blessing

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1923

The Pacific civilization is now coming. In a situation where battlefields are inevitably emerging in America, Japan, Korea, China and Russia, countries that are unprepared for this civilization and cultural background will fall behind. I am the very man who has made preparations, standing on the front line. That is why I have brought together Japan, America, China and the Soviet Union. It gives us hope to think that the great things done by Rev. Moon and the Americans, who have joined hands in unity, will become a condition for America, and the world in the future, to secure and enter a common destiny within the Pacific civilization. Don’t feel so bad about this. Once this is connect- ed, it will be very good for the Western world and America. (202-264, 1990.5.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1888

    The first time you fish, you might not appreciate its appeal. However, you will gradually feel its charms as you fish once, twice, and more and more. It is the same with hunting. At first, you start by catching a small bird, and then when that becomes interesting, you attempt to catch a little bigger one, then an even bigger one. Soon you buy a bigger gun, then an even bigger one. There is no limit to it. You cannot help yourself. You will keep going up and up. This is all relative to human life. So, there is a possibility for this enterprise to develop worldwide.
    I hope the ambassadors will come and visit a few times each year. In this way, through those ambassadors, you will be able to give lectures and teach all the people of that nation. You can hold banquets by gathering people together to go fishing and hunting. You can also organize clubs, establish businesses, and conduct other activities with the people of your own country who are currently in that nation. (253-116, 1994.1.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 3. The Blessing Is the Ceremony to Convey God’s Love

The term “true parents” means a man and woman who are, spiritually, completely mature. It refers to a man and a woman who have established a vertical relationship with God and a horizontal relationship with each other, at ninety degrees. So in order to engraft young men and women, I gather them together, and engraft to them a bud from Mother and a bud from Father. This is the Blessing. (131-174, 1984.5.1) Continue reading “The Greatest Gift in Human History Is the Blessing”