Who Will End the Battle Between the Good God and the Evil god?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 878

The way to heaven is opened by loving your brothers as God does. You are trying to follow me, but while keeping such a heart you should strive to reach out and bring your brothers with you. We can conclude that the one who teaches the highest, quickest and best way to go to heaven is neither God nor me, but your brothers. (66-125, 1973.4.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1405

We have walked the path of persecution in the process of our work until now, but through carrying out these things under Your guidance and protection, we have been able to overcome all the situations and people who have opposed us – from individuals to families, tribes, people, nations, the world, and cosmos, even up to the realm of Satan and hell. As we have inherited Your lineage through Your true love, You protected us just as parents protect their children so that the Unification Church was able to overcome during its difficult course all the hardships and persecution coming from the fallen world and was able to surmount individual, family tribal, racial, national, global, and cosmic peaks. Now we are able to hold, in the name of the True Parents, the Blessing Ceremony of 360 million Couples representing all humankind, and are graced to celebrate with heaven and earth the liberation that transcends religion, race, culture, and nationality. For this great occasion of the Blessing, we are truly, truly, truly grateful.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God

Section 5. Let Us Liberate God

5.1. God is like a prisoner

    Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. Then who can? Without a master of love who initiates and leads with true love and whom all humanity can follow, the battle between God and Satan cannot end. Unless we are freed from this conflict, peace will remain an impossible dream in this world and in history.
    The word “ideal” is just an abstract and sentimental term, so God sends someone who substantiates true love. Our main belief is in the coming of the Messiah or Savior. The Savior does not just save people but also liberates God. He is the one who punishes evil. The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil. (136-219, 1985.12.29)

    The mission of the Savior is to liberate God and punish Satan. Who will get rid of this despicable ringleader who has continuously accused humanity? God cannot do it; only the Messiah, the Savior can. (136-219, 1985.12.29)

    What kind of Unification Church do we want? We want to find the parent-centered religion. We are not seeking the sweet life, nor are we pursuing relationships based only on moral principles. Centering on the True Parents, we want to find the way of true love, and in so doing we want to liberate God. There is no liberation that does not correspond to the principles of love. (136-222, 1985.12.29)

    Have you thought about the nation that Father loves and is going to find? When one is willing to go to prison, some path will be found on that way. No one knows that pioneering this path of life and death means finding a path of hope that leads people beyond the abyss of darkness. No one knows the circumstances under which I have toiled in order to dig a tunnel to liberate the people of the world. In walking the path of loyalty to God, I have attended God as the center, served Him with great care, and treasured His love. I live in faith that this is the only path that never changes, even though time and tide may change. (163-304, 1987.5.1)

    We must liberate God. Each of us must save God. Instead of trying to be saved, we must make God free. This is the consummation of the providence of salvation. (136-263, 1985.12.29)

    The Unification Church is a force for the liberation for God. We are not just liberating the world. Bringing liberation to the world is easy. The world will be liberated when people unite, but God’s liberation requires the unity of the realm of heart. We must have the Principle and a system of thought that can unify the realm of love, mobilize the spirit world, and build bridges of heart on earth. This is the most fearsome and difficult revolution. Liberating humanity is easy, but liberating God is difficult. It is an amazing fact that Rev. Moon has emerged as the standard-bearer to tackle this difficult and unprecedented task, with the goal of settling all matters of providential history. (136-285, 1985.12.29)

    Religious leaders today fall on their knees and pray for their own blessings. But I have never prayed to receive blessings. Instead I prayed, “Let me be a sacrificial offering for the sake of Your liberation.” The Old Testament Age was an age for restoring God’s people by sacrificing the things of creation; the New Testament Age was an age for restoring parents by sacrificing children; and the Completed Testament Age is an age for liberating God by sacrificing the Parents’ family.
    We should attend the original parents on earth and live with them forever. There is a Korean folk song that goes like this, “Moon, Moon, you bright Moon, the Moon poet Lee Tae-baek loved…” It goes on singing about a great laurel tree in the Moon. But it also sings of living with one’s parents for tens of thousands of years. That is something of a revelation about the Korean people – living with the heavenly parents for thousands and tens of thousands of years. Whenever I think about that song, I can never forget that surge of emotion in my heart. (137-185, 1986.1.1)

The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The purpose of marriage lies in perfecting the love of man and woman and uniting their worlds of the mind into one. Marriage is the proclamation, the proof of that. If the mind and love are perfected through married life, we can safely say that the ideal of the family has been realized. So, if you achieve this before you pass away, you will definitely enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (97-276, 1978.3.26)
Become a Blessed couple at UnionStation.love.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

You should know that the concept of the Blessing did not begin with the Unification Church. Rather, it has been the hope of God in His innermost heart, something He has pursued and striven to fulfill throughout history since the time of creation and the Fall. To see this dream come true, God has been walking a path of suffering until this day, but the day of its fulfillment has not yet come. That is why the day that God’s hope is fulfilled will be the day of the liberation of the world, and the day His historical wish is fulfilled. Knowing this, you should understand why the Blessing is so significant. (30-164, 1970.3.22)
Join UnionStation.love to find your eternal match and receive the Blessing!

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.2. God abides by the law

    What kind of being is God? God is like the mind of the universe; the universe is like His body. However, the devil has infiltrated this body. Satan has usurped the powers of the heavens and thus controls the universe. Continue reading “The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan”

We Should Liberate God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2023

Our church has not yet established a heavenly foundation on the world level. Therefore, I must organize Home Church to place a stamp of victory on the world. In forty years, I will establish all the conditions of restitution needed to form perfect ownership and decisive conviction centering on the love of God. When we are totally determined to say “I am victorious” in a way that both God and Satan attest to, the True Parents can pass everything on to you for you to inherit. This is because the True Parents love the possessive and decisive realm of love’s victory. You can receive those things because of True Parents foundation. Otherwise, you cannot receive them. (137-301, 1986.1.3)
Richard: Find out more about Home Church here.

Cheon Seong 1239

The Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church is not simply a wedding through which a man and a woman come together and form a family. Until now, all weddings were solely for the sake of the people getting married. But our wedding ceremony is significant and necessary to set a condition to indemnify the past and return joy to God. Therefore, we conduct our ceremonies in a sacred and splendid manner. Divine Principle clearly explains to us that our wedding ceremony alleviates God’s bitter grief that was caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve. It goes beyond the standard of husband and wife, which Jesus was unable to attain. (22-212, 1969.2.4)
Richard: Understanding this point about the Blessing is crucial. Stacey had this exact same Rheama four days ago. Begin your path to receive the Blessing by joining UnionStation.love.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 3. A God Confined and Incarcerated

3.2. God could not function as God

    How long will the Unification Church last? The Unification Church must persist until it liberates our planet Earth, the spirit world, and, ultimately, with a heart of love, God. We must ultimately liberate humankind, the spirit world and God. I am sure you are hearing this for the first time. So far we have looked to God to liberate us, but in fact, we have to liberate God. You should know that God’s heart has been restrained. (85-270, 1976.3.3) Continue reading “We Should Liberate God”

The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing

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First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

    You need to restore 160 couples in order to connect them to the world. Jacob had 12 family members, Moses had the 72 elders, Jesus had the 120 followers, and the returning Lord has 160 head disciples. That means that they are the head disciples. Jesus called his followers his disciples. The words “head disciple” are being used for the first time by me. No one else knows about that.
    Since Japan is the Eve nation, True Father has taught it every secret he knows. I have taught you things that even Korean leaders have never heard of before. So, if you do not fulfill your responsibility, it will be on your heads. If you fail to liberate 160 families, you cannot inherit the victorious realms of the first, second, and third Adam. If you fulfill only the realm of the first Adam, you cannot form a connection with the second or third Adam. However, the returning Lord has fulfilled the missions of the first, second, and third Adam, and will engraft you as long as you have laid the foundation of formation, the realm of the first Adam. (265-127, 1994.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1417

    The most important work of the Unification Church today is the Blessing bestowed upon you as couples. The Blessing of couples is the seed of love planted by God in Adam’s couple. As such, it should be disseminated.
    All of you gathered here know what cell reproduction is, don’t you? In that tiny cell is contained the whole tree, is it not? When you sow it, a whole tree grows from it. The roots, branches, leaves, stems, flowers – in fact, all parts that make up a tree are contained in that cell. The conceptual blueprint is contained in it.
    Couples are blessed to become the embodiments of True Parents, and through their children, reach out to the nation and world, becoming its roots; just as the roots and leaves of a tree absorb essential elements and control the tree’s carbon assimilation and the separation of elements from the air, Blessed Families should perform similar functions. A tree takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen to its surroundings. Isn’t that strange? How can it do that? That is an expression of the harmony and beauty of creation. The universe is a world of love – it is not a cold-hearted and desolate place, but an enclosure of love. Just as the seeds are all wrapped in a shell, God also wants to reside in that realm of love that is the universe – the enclosure of love – with His plus and minus dual characteristics.
    For God to dwell enwrapped in the universe of love, there must be unity in love between Him as the subject and the universe as His object. He can only be enveloped by the love that is shared by the two sides in the process of giving and receiving. That is why love is eternal and great. It is also boundless. Wouldn’t you want to rest in such a place? The conclusion is the same. That is the seed of God’s love. You must return to that seed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
3.2. Husband and Wife Stand as Second Creators

    When a woman is expecting a baby, a new world emerges for her. When the baby starts moving, she has so much hope. This is how women should be. They have many dreams, like the ones God had when He created. To have the thought “I hope my child grows up and becomes so and so in the future” is in keeping with the heart God had when He prepared to create Adam and Eve. Such are women’s three-dimensional dreams. With the thought “I am not alone. The entire world is in the hands of my child, and he or she is growing in my womb,” her mind embraces the whole world in love. (228-263, 1992.7.5) Continue reading “The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing”

The Heart of the Invisible God Manifests Itself in the Heart of a Visible Human Being.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1317

    Satan destroyed family relationships, and so we are establishing a transnational movement that binds the family to God’s realm of direct dominion with the 777 Couples, followed by the 1800 Couples. The 1800 Couples will be the last in creating this movement. The number 18 comes from the satanic number six multiplied by three representing formation, growth and completion.
    The fact that I have restored 1800 couples from the satanic world signifies that I have gone beyond the realm of the tribe. The victory I achieved on the national level is the starting point of the path leading to the world level. The 1800 Couples are three times the number 600, which represents the realm of Satan’s dominion. Therefore, by establishing the families on this basis, the 1800 Couples have become the standard of indemnification for the families in Satan’s realm.
    The 6000 Couples connect the Christians who are in the vertical position with the non-Christian people worldwide; in other words, they connect the vertical Christians with the horizontal Cain world. The fact that I have connected them through the 6000 Couples shows that the era of the satanic world attacking the Blessed Families has passed. That is how the situation is developing. My course, which was leading to the world level, began from there.
    The spiritual standard of the growth stage has been established on the national level. In establishing the worldwide standard, since the spiritual foundation of Christianity works as the worldwide foundation, the worldwide substantial standard had to be connected to the realm of Christianity. Therefore, in order to achieve this, I went to the United States and carried out nationwide revival activities. Wherever I went, I was welcomed. In this manner, I connected all this foundation in America to Korea as the representative of the national standard. That was how I returned to Korea victorious. (190-275, 1989.6.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 807

    Don’t you think that your mind – even your fallen mind – knows what you have done in your life? Do you or do you not know what kind of person you are? You cannot deceive yourself. Each of you knows what you are really like. You should not think too highly of yourself. Everything will be totally revealed in the spirit world. Your misdeeds will be revealed first. You have to first clear up your misdeeds before entering the spirit world. Without doing so, you cannot enter the heavenly spirit world. Even if you close your eyes, your misdeeds will be revealed and punishment demanded. Consequently, you must be educated until you rid yourself of that misbehavior. You have to receive training. You have to undergo intense training. The spirit world as a whole is now being trained and is creating an education system guided by Heung-jin. (287-203, 1997.10.30)
Richard:  Heung-jin is the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Moon, who died after an automobile accident, on January 2nd, 1984.  A Unificationist Holiday, Day of Victory of Love, is celebrated on this day (it is celebrated on the Heavenly, or lunar calendar, which will be February 11, 2024, solar).

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 1. God’s Motivation for Creating Is Love
1.1. The Work of Creation Required Complete Investment

    How did the universe begin? It started with God serving and pouring Himself out for the sake of the other. It started with God expending Himself. Then, what is the purpose in devoting oneself to creating one’s partner? After both have given all they have, what we gain is love. As long as we have love, we are happy, no matter how much we have invested. Since this is the love principle, God started the creation based on love. God would not invest in anything that would not produce a benefit. Giving all one has creates a minus, so why do you think He did it? Because love has the power to more than fill up any void, after expending and investing Himself, God gained love in return. True love does not become smaller as it is invested, but grows bigger and bigger the more it moves. Conversely, if the principle were that true love would grow smaller, God would be depleted through His investment. But the opposite is the case. True love grows bigger and bigger the more it is invested. (237-124, 1992.11.13) Continue reading “The Heart of the Invisible God Manifests Itself in the Heart of a Visible Human Being.”