We Have to Do Three Kinds of Campaigns from Now On

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1669

So far the Greenwich Observatory has discovered stars that are ten billion light years away from our world, and the era has now dawned in which stars even fifteen billion light years away can be observed, and we will soon be able to discover others even further away.
    The size of this vast universe is approximately 21 billion light years. This is a Principle number. That is how big it is. For your better understanding, we will say that the distance traveled in a day by light starting out from here is a light-day, in a month a light-month, and light travels 300 million meters in a second. To cover this distance, you would have to go around the planet seven and a half times. Seven and a half! With a snap of the fingers light would have already gone round the earth seven and a half times.
    Light traveling at such speed will have backaches, will not be able to think at the end of the day, and will say, “I don’t care.” Consider then that it is traveling not just for one hundred light years, but tens of thousands of times that distance, 100 million light years. 100 million years would have passed by since it first set out, and during that time, one million people living consecutively to the age of one hundred would have died. Still light would not have ceased traveling. Then how long is 21 billion light years? During that time, 210 million people living to one hundred would have died, and yet light would still be traveling. It does not go in a straight line; instead, it goes round and round. Such is the universe. (181-195, 1988.10.3) Greenwich Observatory has discovered stars that are ten billion light years away from our world, and the era has now dawned in which stars even fifteen billion light years away can be observed, and we will soon be able to discover others even further away. The size of this vast universe is approximately 21 billion light years. This is a Principle number. That is how big it is. For your better understanding, we will say that the distance traveled in a day by light starting out from here is a light-day, in a month a light-month, and light travels 300 million meters in a second. To cover this distance, you would have to go around the planet seven and a half times. Seven and a half! With a snap of the fingers light would have already gone round the earth seven and a half times. Light traveling at such speed will have backaches, will not be able to think at the end of the day, and will say, “I don’t care.” Consider then that it is traveling not just for one hundred light years, but tens of thousands of times that distance, 100 million light years. 100 million years would have passed by since it first set out, and during that time, one million people living consecutively to the age of one hundred would have died. Still light would not have ceased traveling.
    Then how long is 21 billion light years? During that time, 210 million people living to one hundred would have died, and yet light would still be traveling. It does not go in a straight line; instead, it goes round and round. Such is the universe. (181-195, 1988.10.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1361

We entered the era of international marriage with the 777 Couples Blessing. Everyone will be brought together. From there we can pass through formation, growth, and completion stages; this time I might even intermarry all of you. What era did I say we are living in now? We are now in the era of international and interracial marriage. (100-34, 1978.10.4)
Richard:  Join UnionStation.love to find your eternal match.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 4. Keeping True Parents’ Photograph

4.2. The power of the picture of True Parents

    Until now has been the time when Abel had to sacrifice for Cain for the sake of the restoration of the right of the eldest son. Because of this, the spirit world has been using the earthly world. But on the thirty-first Children’s Day, the positions of the spirit world and the physical world are being completely reversed. Now that the right of the eldest son has been restored, Adam becomes the center and the eldest son. So the archangel has to listen to Adam and attend him. Continue reading “We Have to Do Three Kinds of Campaigns from Now On”