CSG 2079
Do you think the unification of
North and South can be achieved if
you work comfortably in South Korea?
Korea is the world’s front line and focal
point. As we see, all kinds of phenom-
ena are occurring here based on God’s
will. If you completely unite and move
South Korea, the spirit world will work,
won’t it? Who else can understand such
things? (165-215, 1987.5.27)
CSG 1087
When you use holy salt, you should
pray, “In the name of the Father, the
Son, the Holy Spirit, True Parents, and
myself,” and then sprinkle holy salt in
the shape of a cross (in the order of north,
south, east, and west). (9-78, 1960.4.11)
Let Us Be Persons of Forbearance
Sun Myung Moon
May 18, 1958
Although God has endured with patience for 6,000 years, the land He can rule has not yet been restored. Therefore, you must now restore the whole land through indemnity. You must create a new history and go forth seeking a new ideology. Accordingly, you who are placed in a situation like this must endure with more patience than anyone else.
You must then step forth looking for a truthful religion. You must step forth looking for the truthful sons and daughters of Heaven. You must find a man of faith who endures with patience and be in his service. You must wander and seek the denomination that knows how to endure with patience. You must know that the people with faith who march on toward Heaven today are entrusted with the mission to seek the race and nation which know how to endure with patience. Continue reading “Jesus Won Victory on the Cross”