The latest Richard Urban Show:
#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices
Cheon Seong Gyeong 574
Among the many people living in this world today, there are not that many who understand the meaning of the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. The Unification Church coined the term Blessing and has performed blessing ceremonies using this term. In the future, humanity cannot go to heaven without going through the gate of the Blessing.
Many people believe in the established churches. But even the established churches themselves cannot go to heaven unless they go through the gate of the Blessing. If I tell them this, the established churches complain that Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is selfrighteous. Nevertheless, fallen human beings must surely go through the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. Even though they oppose it, the Blessing is a matter of great importance that should be dealt with by connecting the spirit world with the physical world.
Today the people who believe in ordinary religions think that salvation means individual salvation. It means that they think they will enter heaven if they just have faith individually. Yet based on God’s original ideal, people are not to go to heaven alone, but rather as a loving couple together with their loving family. (143-234, 1986.3.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 909
Although we have entered a global age, you still have an individual position, which is connected with the highest saints in the spirit world. Thus, if you are a person who has a similar frame of mind, who keeps such a standard of heart, then you would inherit the spiritual foundation that enables you to receive immeasurable assistance, wherever you are and whenever you need it. That is why, based on the present-day activities of the Unification Church on earth, the spirits of the patriots of each nation have built a protected foundation in spirit world and have now come down and settled on the earth.
When you consider past military campaigns, haven’t tens and hundreds of times more people died, than the population of a nation, in trying to defend their country? They have now come to earth to set up camp and are waiting for operations to expand. Therefore, all missionaries should initiate a national movement, a total mobilization, and be ready to make sacrifices representing both physical and spirit worlds. The spirits will all come to their aid once the order for advance is given. (162-108, 1987.3.30)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126
If the Unification Church had not appeared God could never have been understood. Since the beginning of human history there has been no way to solve the problems in the relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds. There has been no explanation as to why human beings have had to walk the path of great suffering and why, if God exists, an evil world came into being and drove humanity into such misery. Yet today, the followers of the Unification Church know clearly that this is because of the human portion of responsibility. This is an amazing fact. (138-120, 1986.1.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world
2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing
More important than eating is harvesting the citizens of heaven, but you are not doing that well. It is our main occupation. It is our principal activity while we live on earth. Among the works you should do in your lifetime, there is nothing more important than that. Continue reading “Spread God’s Word Passionately”