Unite Religions and Politics with the Teaching of the True Parent

I joined the Unification Movement, accepting the Messianic mission of Rev. Sun Myung Moon 42 years ago today!

CSG 320

Although it is invisible, love is the
most precious treasure on earth. That is
because it is unchanging in nature. Gold
is precious because of its unchanging col-
or, a diamond is precious because of its
unchanging hardness, and a pearl is pre-
cious because of the unchanging harmo-
ny of its colors. However, these precious
treasures do not have life in them. True
love, on the other hand, is a treasure that
has life, and is therefore more precious
than all of them. (201-142, 1990.3.30)

CSG 1047

Cain-Abel relationships
between members
When we look at the members of the
Unification Church and ask the ques-
tion who is Cain and who is Abel, hor-
izontally, those who joined earlier are
Abel, while vertically, those who joined
recently are Abel. In the vertical and
horizontal relationships, the horizontal
must be attentive to the vertical and not
the other way around. This is how it will
become. (49-214, 1971.10.10)

Rev. Sun Myung Moon-HDK-8/2/04

Kodiak AK  9 pm

Cannon Camera lens; the electronic industry became very large.  America is a strong country.  If America did not support Japan, Japan would never be restored.  Japan has to be thankful to America.  It is only  the Unification Church that brought Christianity into Japan.  The True Parents religion is the highest religion.  We have to educate spiritual world and physical world.

Many UC members went to spirit world.  We can be teacher to the four religious leaders.

Because of the Blessing and through the grace of God, using the name of Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and the Messiah and True Parents (we can teach that) all of the religions need the True Parents.

Israel.  The Messiah and the True Parents.  Without father we cannot unite all the religions and pass (the 50 years).  In the political world, go beyond all the boundaries.  Clearly teach the True Parents of Heaven and Earth. We cannot establish God’s Kingdom without educating about divine character.


Origin-Division-Union action has to settle true love.  You must know clearly…   Nobody ever taught like Father, explaining the existence of God and the sprit world.  You cannot stop for the Restoration through indemnity, why father American archangel country.  Communist world and Democratic world.  It is the responsibility of True Parents to unite heaven and earth, establishing the Kingdom of God on this earth, making unity and liberate.  Father proclaimed the settlement and peace, the family heavenly kingdom settlement and peace world without enemy.  Establish one world family.  All beyond the fallen world the eternal world that we have to register, going back before the fall.  And when we go to the SW we have to educate again.  There is no way to establish the eternal world.  We have to relate to God’s suffering first and establish true parents and child, God’s Holy Son.  Without that we have no way to liberate, without that  we cannot (live with eternal God).  The liberation in philosophy and religion, only Father liberated SW and physical world and established (heaven.)  Explaining about the heart of God, clearly talking about the SW and physical world.

…  I tried to comfort God today.  And the Japanese nation has to work seriously to understand.  This is the destiny.  It is beyond life and death.  We have to make a strong determination.  If you don’t believe, you go to SW and you will know.

…… You cannot say you graduated from such and such University.  In America there are many people that representative of the unification church and testify the UC and Father having (been) educated.  Do you understand Japanese members?  I have been analyzing Japanese.  I am very good writing.  I know everything about Japan.  Do you understand?

If you don’t have a new determination, you cannot even sit in front of Father. 34 years I tried to make a loyal, holy son.  I tried to restore the enemy nation by uniting and expand the principle into the cosmos.  God created this cosmos.

You did not come over here for just fishing.  I am not just enjoying fishing.  I have to go over (overcome) the ocean and go over (overcome) the continent.  I (bought) the rifles and I bought the fishing rods.  These are all part of the hobby business.

….The sports festival is not just physical but for spiritual growth as well.  Father is trying to develop value that is eternal.  …In Oriental culture Korean ladies clothes are very simple compared to Japanese.  The Korean culture is directly connected to Spirit world.  The Soviet Union tried to invade from North to South; finished and disappeared.  Have to establish righteous reign.

How about you know you changed after you joined the church.  Think about the future of Japan.  You don’t know anything, but believing Father and follow Father we can go beyond the boundary.  Be able to enter the true heartistic world with God.  And be able to inherit family, inherit tribe, inherit nation.  We cannot even think,  it’s like a dream, but you never even thought about it.  Those who first joined the UC, they ran away.  They came back.  They will regret that they left the UC for a thousand years.  Some member left and came back and are working so hard.  Do you know Mr. Oyama?  (The husband of Kimiko).  Mr. Oyama was the head of the business in Japan before.  ….  He is going around Japan with repentance.  We must understand God’s heart.  It is my character, it’s my nature.

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