Don’t Hold Grudges

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CSG 898

When God sees humanity dying in
hell, He becomes desperate, trying to
give them eternal life. Only then will His
responsibility as the parent of heaven be
fulfilled. If He were to say, “Ugh! Let
me eliminate everything,” He could not
stand in the position of a parent. There-
fore, this establishes the logic that God
even has to liberate hell. When a son sees
his parents desperately trying to save
him, he will say, “My mother and father
have done so much for me!” and repent
thousands of times for his sins. If there
is such a mother and father, the son will
repent till his bones melt and flesh falls
away. Because of the parents’ heart, such
a way can be made. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Not even Satan can accuse God for
His love in trying to save humanity.
There is no rule preventing forgiveness
for the one who repents through the love
of his parents. Hell must also be liber-
ated through this kind of heart. That
is the way of a true devoted child, isn’t
it? Therefore, the Unification Church
believes that it must liberate even hell.
Why? It is because God has such a paren-
tal heart. (62-51, 1972.9.10)
Hell is the place where you can nev-
er escape once you are caught. Despite
this, you do not feel desperate about the
fact that your mother, father and rela-
tives are going to hell. You just think, “It
will work out somehow.” However, let’s
think seriously about your beloved par-
ents really going to hell. Human nature
is such that if your parents were to go to
prison, you would cry and do all sorts of
things to have them released. Then, even
more so, if you knew that your sons and
daughters, parents and relatives, broth-
ers and sisters – with whom you have
bonds made in heaven – were going to
go to an eternal prison, could you just
think casually about their fate? (34-266,

CSG 1345

Jesus shed his blood on the cross
because the seventy-two disciples and
twelve apostles totaling eighty-four were
disunited. Hence, every one of you must
substantially restore eighty-four peo-
ple through indemnity. Only on such a
foundation can you lead married lives.
The same was true for me. In order to
fulfill this, I blessed the 36 Couples, who
can be subdivided into three groups of
twelve each, representing formation,
growth, and completion. Strictly speak-
ing, they are three groups, but they can
be compressed into one; similarly, the
72 Couples. On that foundation, the 120
Couples were blessed, and on that basis,
the world could be connected. After
Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, didn’t
the 120 followers gather on the day of
Pentecost? They symbolized representa-
tives of the world. (122-117, 1982.11.1)

Let Us Experience the Sorrow of God

Sun Myung Moon
March 2, 1958

Now you must examine your minds. If members have made some mistake, then you must consider it your own and shed tears. If the people have made some mistake, then you must become those who can take responsibility and shed tears. If there is such a person, then even if the people decline, he will not. If a person sheds tears for the world and represents the heart of God, then even if the world perishes, that person will never perish. Furthermore, you must clearly understand that if a person sheds tears for the sake of Heaven, even if he is in a sad situation because he is living for the sake of God, he is then living in blessed grace.

Accordingly, when you shed tears for God, you must perceive God’s eternal love and fulfill the mission as God’s representative. The people who are immersed inside such a heart do not need prayers. They do not even need the notion of faith. Before they pray, they are already feeling the heart of God.

Therefore, you must experience the sorrow of the heavenly principles. Stepping above the lamentation of all things, you must become true people who can connect directly with the situation of God. If there are such people, though it might seem that they are declining, they will never decline. Even if they are mistreated and chased out, their heirs will always emerge.

You are walking a path different from that of others today. Ladies and gentlemen, do not hold grudges against anyone. Rather, you are to receive the benefit of indemnity through the tears you shed for their sake. Today you are enjoying the privilege of experiencing the grief of God and shedding tears before anyone else. However, you have to understand that Heaven shed tears for you first. Moreover, you must not forget that all people are members of one family.

If there is one flock on the earth who holds each other’s hands and worry for the will of God and the heavenly principles and bow their heads in tears and great awe, then even Heaven will bow before them. Because they are the one visible sacrifice, all people will bow their heads before them. Although the sacrifice Abraham offered was small, Abraham and all of heaven and earth bowed their heads before that offering of sacrifice.

Therefore, when you stand in the position of offering, you must think what kind of condition you are going to set. Are you going to set the condition of offering for the sake of the individual? Or are you going to set the condition on the level of the family, the society, the nation or the world? The heavenly value will be determined based on the condition of offering you have made.

What then is our wish, we who have come forward after having pioneered the difficult environment? There is no other hope than that of becoming the true sons and daughters who experience the grieving heart of Heaven and bow before it.

You must always pray, “Father, please let us feel the sorrow that penetrates deeply into Heaven and earth. On that foundation, let us become the sacrifice for all people.” You must shed tears and mourn. You must become the members of unification who can connect with the heart and situation of the Father. You must go forward holding up the flag of war to alleviate that grief.

You must feel the grief of God in your life in order to eliminate the universal grief that has remained to this day and restore all things which are overcome by the conditions of lamentation. Moreover, you must understand that you have come forward as the pioneers who are fulfilling this will. You have to keep in mind from this time today that you must become a new person.


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