Subjugate the Conscience With the Will of God

Numbers 10

Whenever you go into battle against an enemy attacking your land, give a warning signal on the trumpets. Then I, the Lord, will hear it and rescue you. 10 During the celebration of the New Moon Festival and other religious festivals, sound the trumpets while you offer sacrifices. This will be a reminder that I am the Lord your God.

Zachariah 2

Then the glorious Lord All-Powerful ordered me to say to the nations that had raided and robbed Zion:

Zion is as precious to the Lord as are his eyes. Whatever you do to Zion, you do to him. And so, he will put you in the power of your slaves, and they will raid and rob you. Then you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful.

10 City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The Lord has promised to come and live with you. 11 When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the Lord All-Powerful. 12 Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.

The World of Ideology Which We Seek

1 Peter 1: 18-25

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 4, 1958

s this merely some conceptual cognition that comes from delusional thinking, something we cannot possibly actualize? No, that is not so. Today’s tendency of mind surely cannot be caused by my one individual self. Yet without my awareness, the grand will of the providence of the heavenly principles is operating to make a connection with my mind. Because this affects the people on earth today, no one can help but be guided forward by the heavenly principles. People’s consciences differ. Their emotions differ. There exists a world that the body desires and another world that the mind desires. Which is closer to Heaven? Which should be the master and which should be the servant? This is the vital problem humankind has to solve today. Unless each human being solves this problem, no matter what ideology is attained in the world, even if the will of the heavenly principles is attained on this earth, it will have nothing to do with that person.

The battle of this difference cannot be resolved unless the body puts the mind first in importance. The body must adapt itself to being in accord with the mind. Once the mind and body become united into one, the body should be able to be put first too. The mind and body that can do so stand with considerable merit. Unless you become such people, even if the providential will and the ideology are attained on this earth today, you will have no connection whatever with it.

Now the time of judgment is coming near. What will we have to do to cross this age of judgment? If God exists within this ideological realm and some supreme ideology exists on the earth, my mind and body should experience the one form in which God and the supreme ideology on the earth are united. My own individual self should possess the one center with which I can stand honorably facing Heaven and earth. Unless you become such people, you will not be able to avoid the judgment day.

God has been moving the consciences of human beings until today. Yet there has been a great disparity between the direction God pursues and the direction of the conscience. When God moved a hundred percent, the conscience could not stand in a hundred percent objective position. Human conscience is controlled and has been influenced by the age in which he lives, by habits and cultural conditions. Therefore, the result varies according to the level of control and influence it has been under. The conscience we have is not necessarily congruent with the ideological world of the heavenly principles. The ideological world that the conscience pursues may seem to have taken the same direction as the heavenly principles, yet there is a wide difference between the two. For that reason, when you seek and step onto the path of truth, know that you are placed in a position where you cannot help carrying on the fight to subjugate and strike even your own conscience before the will of God.

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