Christian History after the Crucifixion Began With the Right Side Thief

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Exodus 20

12 Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.

13 Do not murder.

14 Be faithful in marriage.

15 Do not steal.

16 Do not tell lies about others.

17 Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Don’t want anyone’s house, wife or husband, slaves, oxen, donkeys or anything else.

Isaiah 60

Every sheep of Kedar
    will come to you;
rams from Nebaioth[d]
    will be yours as well.
I will accept them as offerings
    and bring honor to my temple.

Who Will Become the Friend of Golgotha?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 19, 1958

Luke 12: 26-43

To examine worldwide phenomena from the Christian viewpoint, they are a result of history. You should pray to find out what historical process God has gone through to cause this result. This way you should realize that the prayer you inevitably came to offer, “Father! Let this nation receive the worldwide blessing as the chosen people. Send judgment against those who failed in the past and punish the unfaithful rebels,” was also an option for Jesus.

Yet, what anger did Jesus harbor upon death? The chosen religion of Israel tortured his heart and the chosen people nailed him to the cross. This was his anguish and lamentation. Though Jesus personally had great sorrow, however, he could forget his death and pray for them. He thought about the situation of God, who had walked through blood and tears for 4,000 years and about the people of Israel, whom God had chosen and raised for 4,000 years. Today’s Christians of the world should think about this again.

If Jesus had not prayed for them, the chosen nation and the religious believers would have received the judgment first. You should know that Jesus gave them blessing because he thought that if only there were some room granted by Heaven, they would follow in his footsteps and come over to his side. When I see Jesus’ words about the right-hand thief, tears unconsciously come out. The people did not know that God’s sorrow of 4,000 years was embodied there in Jesus. Only a thief recognized it. This was a sad scene. There were countless people in front of Jesus. It was the religious believers and chosen people who were to move and halt with the blood and flesh of Jesus, but they failed to do so. They should have shed blood together at the cross with Jesus. How preposterous that there was no one, but a murderous thief, to accompany him! Although Jesus was the Savior of all, he was in a pitiable position. It is extremely shameful that the only one who accompanied Jesus in his death was a murderous thief.

Had Peter been a friend of Golgotha or any of the twelve disciples, God would not have had any grudges. Jesus would not have died. If the twelve disciples had united and resolved to die with Jesus, a miracle would have occurred and Jesus would not have died. Jesus grieved for 33 years looking at the chosen people, and he shed tears for the three years of his public life, for the sake of the people of the earth. Yet where did the people who had put their hopes in Jesus go? Where did the religion go which had been watching? Where did the disciples go, who had shared joy and sorrow, and followed Jesus for the three public years? When they saw advantages to it and joy, they said that they were friends and disciples of Jesus. They tried to stand in the position of Jesus more than anyone else. At the end, their path had nothing to do with that of Jesus. As this formed the root of the beginning of a new history, history developed in this shape and has reached its end today.

Who received the blessing of Jesus? It was not the twelve disciples who had followed him nor the religious leaders, who had believed in Heaven, nor the Israelites, who had been chosen through blessing. The right-hand thief, who shed blood with Jesus and died on the cross with him received the historical blessing and went to Paradise before the chief disciple. This is the tragedy of tragedies. If both of the thieves had failed to participate in the death of Jesus, the providence of salvation would have been thwarted. You should know that Jesus could resurrect to appear again on earth and meet the unfaithful people again because the blood of the thief could establish with heavenly fortune the condition for building Paradise on earth.

Since there was one person who received Jesus as the bridegroom in the place of death, through this foundation, the fruit of goodness will surely appear on earth. It will appear for Jesus. No matter how strong Satan’s power is, he cannot demolish and eradicate the seed of goodness. If there is a faithful person who not only stands in the situation of death and sacrifices for goodness, but also collapses while holding onto goodness, goodness will multiply many-fold simply because of this. This is the ironclad rule. Those who opposed Jesus thought he would be wiped out once he was put to the cross. Since there were no followers, they thought that Satan took away all. Christians do not know that the history of resurrection arose with the thief on the right as a condition.

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