Before the Time of Rest There Will Be Suffering and Death

Cheon Seon Gyeong 2222

Thus, from Genesis to the present
day, the Creator God has not been able
to designate, among the people living on
the earth, anyone as His beloved son or
daughter, or as His filial child who can
represent Heaven and Earth. He has
been unable to designate anyone as His
loyal subject or as a virtuous woman
before Him.
We, who have fallen, long for the
nation where we can become the loyal
subjects approved by Heaven, and for
the world where we can become filial
children in the presence of True Parents.
This is the original world in which God
can embrace us in His bosom as true
brides and grooms. This is the great-
est goal desired by humankind. (9-102,

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1337

t the time we were going to hold the
Blessing for the 33 Couples, I sent out
invitations in my name to the parents of
the brides and grooms as follows: “Dear
father, mother, on such and such a date,
your son/daughter will be getting mar-
ried at Cheongpa-dong church. Please
note that you can attend the ceremony
only if you are dressed in holy robes of
such and such a style; otherwise, you will
not be welcomed.” That invitation creat-
ed havoc among the parents; you can’t
imagine how much noise they made over
this, crying, “How on earth can such a
thing happen? Who dares to send par-
ents invitations to the wedding of their
own children?” Well, they can make all
the noise they want. Once I have decided
to do something, I see it through to the
end. Even if they had called the police
on me, in the end everything would have
worked out the way I wanted it to, rather
than how they wanted it. (162-321, 1987.4.17)

God’s Possession and Our Possession

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 9, 1958

Matthew 6: 16-34

Now the time must come when, having passed the absolute age of the Word, we will have to build the absolute age of substance. Therefore, after going through the Word transit age, the final historic age of the substance transit age will come. This age is the so-called “age of judgment.”

When we consider this, we see that history is ringing an alarm for us today. The steps of the prophets and sages of the past are guiding our lives and their spirits are governing the trend of our thoughts in the background. For that reason, people who drift away will definitely see the day when heavenly laws will judge them.

What then will happen after God has reclaimed the earth, having restored an earthly person and made him Heaven’s? That person must recognize the day when he can boast that God’s life is his own. He must recognize the day when he can boast of God’s ideology and love before the whole universe and humankind.

Is there anyone among you today who can boast thus? If there is, please come out. Is there anyone who has wanted to risk even his life in trying to realize the heavenly kingdom of glory? If there is, please come out. Furthermore, is there anyone who can step forth saying that he will become God’s own and build the heavenly kingdom on this earth?

Many people in the process of restoration may have tasted the heavenly kingdom while still in the domain of Satan’s accusations. Yet there is no one who has truly experienced the taste of the fatherland of eternal peace, the heavenly kingdom, having eliminated Satan. He who has experienced the taste of the true heavenly kingdom and felt the love of God will receive the impetus to fight with Satan. Once a person experiences the taste of the true heavenly kingdom and receives the love of God, he will never leave God again. A man who has experienced the love of God must appear on this earth.

What must belong to God? It begins from a clump of grass, from a Pyung of land, from a man and from the smallest unit. It includes everything up to the heavenly kingdom; going further, it includes the world of God’s Shim Jung. That ownership should not be relative or conceptual. It should be subjective. Only if such a world is built will God rest for the first time.

Human beings cannot help liking what God likes. For that reason, God decided upon the seventh day as the Sabbath and told man to rest. Did you know that God has not been able to rest on a Sabbath day even now, after 6,000 years of history?

Jesus emphasized the Word of God and came forth inheriting the vicissitudes of 2,000 years of providential history, during which the Sabbath was upheld as most important. However, has the day of triumphant glory come when Jesus could vaunt himself to the Father and say for Him to take a rest, together with humankind? No, there has not. Since God and Jesus are not in a situation where they can rest, neither can we.

Before the time of rest comes, there will be a war; before the time of rest comes, there will be suffering and death. When we steel ourselves and pass over this, we will then enable ourselves to taste rest for the first time. Jesus tasted one aspect of resting after his crucifixion. That was after he had passed through such a path.

What must we possess? We must possess the garden of rest, the garden of happiness, the garden of goodness, the garden of love and the ideal. However, before we possess these, we will have to be hit by Satan, as well as by Heaven. Jesus was hit by Satan and by Heaven. The Pharisees chased Jesus out, and at the same time, the Romans chased him out. In view of the fact that Jesus ardently prayed at the crucifixion, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) we can see that God had abandoned him too.

Therefore, he who will possess and be possessed by the Kingdom of Heaven is one who will be put in a most miserable situation in the course of seeking God. Among the races of the world, which will be the one that will own God? The most miserable race will possess God. The closer a race is to such misery, the nearer it is to God.



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