Where Is the Place of Rest for the Human Mind?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1892

Peter was a fisherman, wasn’t he?
Then aren’t you all the descendants of
a fisherman? So you all should know
about the sea. You came all the way to
Alaska to catch what you did? Halibut
is the fish that lies on its belly in the sea-
bed, acting like a king. It eats and lives
lying on its belly. It looks like a piece of
mossy rock, living on the bottom of the
sea with eyes springing out like anten-
nas. Since it stays lying down and has a
smell, small fish tend to gather around it.
When those small fish gather, the hali-
but twists its body to swallow them up.

A halibut eats and lives lying down on
its belly. It is the same as Satan. It is the
“King” Satan. It thinks, “Who on earth
dares to touch me!” Even when this hali-
but is caught on a fishing line, it keeps on
saying, “Who on earth is touching me!”
But then, after staying calm for awhile, it
starts to think, “Oh, no. I am in trouble!”
The Alaskan halibut has been struck by
the lightning of Rev. Moon. No one else
in Kodiak has caught a halibut heavi-
er than eighty pounds. However, with
my appearance in these waters, halibut
weighing two hundred and three hun-
dred pounds have been caught. (206-274,

What is the hope of humanity? It is
to attend True Parents. Six thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve were supposed
to be blessed in marriage, an event that
would have allowed all humankind to
subsequently become the descendants
of God. However, due to the Fall, every-
one became the descendants of Satan.
Therefore, True Parents, who were lost
six thousand years ago, must be restored
on the side of heaven, and human beings
have to be reborn through the relation-
ship of the love of True Parents. Only
then can they become citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

What is the hope of humanity? It is
to attend True Parents. Six thousand
years ago, Adam and Eve were supposed
to be blessed in marriage, an event that
would have allowed all humankind to
subsequently become the descendants
of God. However, due to the Fall, every-
one became the descendants of Satan.
Therefore, True Parents, who were lost
six thousand years ago, must be restored
on the side of heaven, and human beings
have to be reborn through the relation-
ship of the love of True Parents. Only
then can they become citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7

Let Us Seek and Establish the Blessed Land God Wants to Administer

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
December 14, 1958

Genesis 1:24-28

What have human beings lost through the fall? They have lost God’s love, they have lost God’s Word, and they have lost the substantial incarnation of that Word. What must we, who seek our original selves, inevitably do? We must regain what has been lost. That is, because God’s love, God’s Word and God’s person have been lost, we cannot help wandering about seeking them. God has unfolded the providence of salvation until today trying to regain these things.

Human beings have lost the love, the Word and the incarnation. What could have caused them to lose the love, the Word and the incarnation? They lost them because they did not have faith. For that reason, for God to seek human beings, people must set up the condition of faith. God relates to human beings through the condition of their faith. Furthermore, He unfolds the salvation providence for human beings on the condition that they have faith.

In the course of restoration, in which we go forth seeking the incarnated being, the Word and God’s love, what must we seek first? We must seek faith. This is an important matter for us. Before faith, God’s love has been introduced, God’s Word has been introduced, and the substantial being that God wishes to find has been introduced.

What is complete faith? Although we believe in Jesus Christ today, we must be completely united with him. At the same time, we must possess God’s love, God’s Word, and God’s incarnation. This kind of faith is the inevitable condition in the course of restoration.

If human beings become substantial incarnations with the Word and with love, love and faith harmonize so that only love remains. That is the essential part of the restoration which God has been leading human beings toward, to return that love. It is absolutely inevitable that such a thing occurs in the course of the restorational providence.

When we look at ourselves individually, each of us has a body, a mind and a spirit. However, since we could not have faith and fell, we lost all of creation, along with our bodies. We lost God’s Word, and we lost God’s love. These are the consequences of the original sin. Therefore, for us to restore these as individuals, we must eradicate the collective sins in the course history.

How must we walk the course of restoration today? This fallen world today is wandering around seeking succor for the body. In other words, we lead a life centered only on the body. Since we need material things for the body’s succor, humankind has struggled for material things.

My body has to rest. My mind also has to rest. Where is the garden of rest for my mind? Human beings have wandered, seeking that place until today.

After finding the blessed land for the mind, what must we seek? You must seek the eternal blessed land for the spirit and the eternal blessed land for your life. Accordingly, after you have found the blessed land in which the body can rest, the blessed land in which the mind can rest, and the blessed land in which the spirit can rest, you must link it up with God’s love. That is the completion of your faith.

When you look carefully at the course of historical development, before World War II, history was a struggle for material things. Humanity played the game of wandering around seeking economic foundations, seeking the place of rest for the body. What kind of history followed World War II? The spiritual sphere, that is, the phenomenon of human beings seeking their original minds, has taken place. Phenomena occur centered on thought and doctrine, yet no thought or doctrine has discovered the blessed land of rest for the human mind. They have not fulfilled their responsibility. You must know that we are stymied now.

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