Witness to 12 and 120 Disciples

Cheon Seong Gyeong 489

What kind of couple are the ideal
husband and wife we speak about in the
Unification Church. They are a married
couple who can turn the highest art into
reality. They are a couple who can turn
the highest literature into reality. Before
we come into contact with the highest
level of art in the world, the highest and
sweetest love shared by the husband and
wife has to be the best work of art in the
world. It has to be the best work of lit-
erature and the real body of literature.
(22-269, 1969.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1552

Those who worship God must shed
blood. Those who yearn to love God
must shed tears. In fact, their tears
should not cease to flow. Those who are
seeking God must shed sweat. Then,
with parental hearts and the bodies of
servants, they must sacrifice and serve
from the position of Abel for humani-
ty, and give everything they have with
utmost devotion. In giving, they should
not boast of it to others, but instead feel
ashamed that they cannot give some-
thing better. This is what Godism is all
about. (38-328, 1971.1.8)

Let Us Regain the Victorious Nation
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 4, 1959

Genesis 1:27

Acts 1

How do we serve the True Parents? We should become true couples and form true families. Only then can we serve the True Parents. It is good that you trust and follow me, but other people should be able to trust and follow you as you trust and follow me. This way you should produce the family Jesus tried to find, then all people will become brothers and sisters. I have organized the trinities to bring this about. Thus, when you do things in the future, you should not do it alone. You should not go witnessing alone.

When such a trinity stands in the position of the parents, they should not let the brothers and sisters go along by themselves, but should go with them. A family is formed only by combining the parents and siblings. In order for this to assume a national form, one family should become twelve. The national conditions can be carried out only with numbers above ten.

Why did Jesus install the 120 disciples? It was ten generations from Adam to Noah, and twelve from Noah to Jacob. Since the vertical result that represents the entire 2,000 years is twelve, i.e., the twelve sons of Jacob, Jesus took the vertical number twelve as the center. To establish the number that represents the twelve generations from Noah to Jacob and the ten generations from Noah to Adam twelve is multiplied by ten, making the number 120. This is the number representing all the numbers to be restored. This is why I strongly encouraged you to go witnessing last time. One should witness to 120 people while on earth. If this is too much, then witness to at least twelve people; yet one should not just stop at twelve people. If he does not achieve the goal of 120 people, he should make 120 horizontally. The mission of restoration will be accomplished only when he brings at least 120 into horizontal harmony.

Today you have the responsibility to build a victorious country. In the victorious country, there should be the True Parents, who represent the victorious heaven and earth and all the religions of the world. There should also be the True Parents who represent the family. Looking at this horizontally, the church assumes the social character and the country symbolizes the world. Thus, unless you make horizontal and vertical relationships, you cannot possess a family as a citizen of the country.

You must follow this path, for this is the way to the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, the one in charge of a family should fulfill the responsibility of the family. The one who takes charge of a church should carry out the responsibility of the church. The one who has a greater mission should realize the responsibility of the greater mission, then the shape and movement become identical. The difference lies only in the scope of the mission. The pattern and method of life are the same. The only difference is whether the area is greater or smaller. Hence, you should meet the condition of indemnity to represent the world from the position of a family. You should know that the ideal of the cosmic True Parents will be accomplished only when one establishes it representing the nation and church. We should understand how precious our responsibility on the earth is in accomplishing the ideal of restoration.

Moses’ course is Jesus’ course, and Jesus’ course is our course. Moses led the 600,000 people, centering on the twelve tribes and seventy elders. Jesus performed his mission centering on the twelve disciples, seventy elders, and 120 disciples. If the Israelites had followed Jesus, he could have started on the worldwide foundation. Since the people failed to uphold this, however, he could not realize the Will and died on the cross. The task of those of us who live in the age of re-indemnification to make three becomes twelve, twelve become 120, 120 become 600,000, and even greater numbers through unity. Only then can God fully exercise His authority centering on the whole providence. You should know this. Only then can we progress beyond the national level. Hence, you should continue with hope in view. You are preparing for the day of hope.

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