Find God’s Word in the End Times

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1154

Satan is the enemy who violated
love. He is a wretched thief who entered
the house while the parents were asleep,
murdered the father and raped the
mother. Who is Satan? He is the enemy
of love who raped God’s beloved Eve,
God’s partner in substantial form.
We must have a heart that is able to
give the person we love most to such an
adulterer and still bless him. You can-
not love the enemy merely by forgiving
him. Will Satan thank you just for for-
giving him? We must have such a heart
that we are able to bless our enemy even
after giving him our only beloved. This
is the final obstacle we must surmount.
Yet, people say that they will go to heav-
en due to their faith alone, don’t they?
(34-278, 1970.9.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 919

That is why, yesterday, I explained
in what manner the psychological pro-
cess is related to the physical and spir-
it worlds. It is said that the psyche puts
into effect an absolute force. People only
know one side of the question of why
this is so. Electricity is created through
the interaction between plus and minus.
They don’t know that it is the same phe-
nomenon, when force is manifested by
the plus and minus within that circle of
relationship. Therefore, if we delve into
this area, a world of new dimensions will
be found. When we enter the age where
the unknown spirit world can be ratio-
nally understood, the age of religion will
be brought to an end. It would be an age
where humankind would believe in God
even if they were told not to. This is a
great task. (134-239, 1985.7.20)

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

The most precious thing for a person is the original self, which possesses all the characteristics of God. Since the most precious thing has been lost, there is no happiness or joy for a person until it is found. Thus, fallen humans in every part of the world wander about in search of their original self.

What must be found first? We cannot dominate all things today. Although we have our minds, we do not understand God’s heart. Although we have our Shim Jung, it has no relationship with God’s Shim Jung. Although I search for and talk about ideals and love, I have fallen into a position where they have no relationship with God. We should know this.

This is the sorrow of humankind, the sorrow of God, and the sorrow of all created things. Therefore, those of us who have set out to find God, His goodness and love, and to resolve God’s sorrow have the destiny to go toward God’s Will, even through persecution and beatings.

Thus, when God strikes humanity, He strikes from the individual to the tribe, the nation and the world. God does not strike a person to destroy him, but to remove the elements of evil within him. You should know that this is why He strikes humanity.

Until today, the unprincipled master, Satan, has been abusing us, abusing our families, abusing our societies, and abusing our world of the ideal of creation. Satan and the sins resulting from him have been dominating our lives and have become the center that controls the world. We must turn our hearts around and long for God and the original self. You should know that, since Satan has been dominating my body and all the created things, we can never make an original relationship of creation with God, unless a condition stronger than this is explosively produced in our hearts.

We have come to the final age of being struck by Satan. Now is the time when God’s hope of 6,000 years begins to appear, Satan is destroyed, and the hope of humankind begins to emerge. These last days are days of infinite grief for Satan, days of infinite joy for original humanity, and days of infinite glory for the God of the providence. We have the destiny to become the saints of the last days, setting out to welcome the last days.

What has God been doing for the last 6,000 years? What did He want to instill in us, through His effort over such a long period? He labored to use us as His foundation and plant His Word. After humanity lost His Word in the Garden of Eden, God tried to reveal the true Word through which a person can know his relationship with God, God’s existence, and God’s Shim Jung, ideal and love.

Such a Word, however, has not appeared thus far. You should know that God worked hard for 6,000 years to recover the Word for us. Analyze yourselves. Is God’s Word within your character? After God’s hard work of 6,000 years to spread the Word, are the Word, the fruit of this blood and sweat, within your heart? God will ask you this.

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