Find the Word Incarnate In This Age

Exodus 8

29 “Your Majesty,” Moses replied, “I’ll pray for you as soon as I leave, and by tomorrow the flies will stop bothering you, your officials, and the citizens of your country. Only make sure that you’re telling the truth this time and that you really intend to let our people offer sacrifices to the Lord.”

Richard:  Our own responsibility and our role is very important.  Based on carrying on the mission(s) that God assigns us, Providence can be shifted.

Isaiah 3

The mighty Lord All-Powerful
is going to take away
    from Jerusalem and Judah
everything you need—
    your bread and water,
soldiers and heroes,
judges and prophets,
    leaders and army officers,
officials and advisors,
and others
    who tell the future.
He will let children and babies[a]
    become your rulers.
You will each be cruel
    to friends and neighbors.
Young people will insult
    their elders;
no one will show respect
    to those who deserve it.

God and Humanity Should Live Together
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 11, 1959

John 14: 6-12

God must come to us, unite with us, and establish the garden of His ideal within our living environment and this world. Only in this way will God’s providence of restoration come to an end. For this reason, to stand before God as His possessions when He comes to us, we should possess the God-given Word, which is greater than any word in the satanic world.

God created all things through the Word, and He comes to us through the Word. Thus, if you say that you have come from God, since He has spread the Word, you have the responsibility to reap the Word and return it to the Father as His own.

What are the last days? It is the time when one must reap the Word and become the very incarnation of the Word. The incarnation is created through the Word. Finding the incarnation created through the Word has been the history of God and the purpose of Jesus’ appearance on earth.

God showed fallen humans the Word first, not the incarnation. This is because restoration must proceed in a reverse way. It must be restored in the order in which it was lost. As God hopes for the incarnation or substantial being, after first spreading the seed of the Word in the hearts of fallen human beings, He creates the substance of life based on this Word. When this substance comes into being, He will blow the breath of life into him as it says in the Bible: “then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7)

After becoming the substance with God’s breath of life, he will become the living spirit. What is the living spirit? The living spirit is one who can feel that God is my father; one who can experience the world of oneness with God, that he is the inseparable, eternal, substantial object of God. God has been working hard in hopes of humans being perfected as a living spirit who can feel that value and come before Him.

What will God do with the Word spread on the ground of our heart? He will re-create the image of Adam and Eve, lost in the Garden of Eden. You should know this. Thus, the one God sent at the end of 4,000 years of history as the substance of the Word, representing the Word of the 4,000 years, was Jesus.

What was Jesus to do on the earth, he who came as the substance of the Word? He had the responsibility to claim the people who had received the Word promulgated in the Old Testament Age. The people of that age who followed the Old Testament law should have received the representative of the Word in their hearts. They should have held on to the body, mind, ideal, life and love of Jesus.

The incarnation God had promised through the prophets of the 4,000 years and to whom God had witnessed through the Old Testament Word was Jesus, who appeared on earth as the Messiah. Yet where did Jesus go? His appearance had been prophesied through countless words and sent via God’s infinite pain. He was the incarnation of the Word. This incarnation of the Word could be seen with the eyes, heard with the ears, touched and grasped with the hands! Where did this Jesus go? Jesus came as the perfect incarnation of God’s Word of 4,000 years, the substance of God’s sad Shim Jung, the mouthpiece of the invisible God to the Old Testament people. Although Jesus came to unite with humans by giving them the substantial Word in the position of the substantial God, humans denied his need of him, and abused and mistreated him at whim.

Jesus came to the earth to harvest the Old Testament Word. Along with harvesting the Word, he had to win the trust of the Israelites and gather them into his heart. The people, however, killed Jesus, citing 4,000 years of Old Testament history. They asserted, “This law, established 1,600 years ago through Moses, is God’s Word! Who is this Jesus?” We should know this clearly.

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