Try to Understand Jesus’ Heart

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1542

A perfected human being should
become a citizen of the one global nation
that is also God’s kingdom. Which coun-
try do you belong to? Among those of
you gathered here, some may be Amer-
ican, some German, some Korean, and
so on, but where is God’s kingdom? This
world, earth, is your nation as well as
mine. Where is our hometown? This
world is our hometown. We are not con-
cerned with national boundaries and
things like that. Neither are we con-
cerned about the differences between
blacks and whites. All of us are God’s
children. (79-247, 1975.8.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1763

When the sexual organs are sancti-
fied, they can be connected to heaven.
Their importance should be taught from
elementary school. The goals pursued by
man and woman are the sexual organs
of love. They are shaped as concave and
convex for love. Why were the genitals
shaped differently? For the sake of love.
Which love is it for? It is for true love, God’s
eternal and unchanging love. (278-271,

The Sorrowful Heart of Jesus as He Went to the Mountain

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 25, 1959

Matthew 17: 1-8

When Jesus climbed the Mount of Transfiguration, he was accompanied by three disciples. Although they were chosen as representatives of the nation, they failed to establish any condition of support for Jesus on the mountain route.

When Jesus went to the wilderness, angels served him. When he ascended the Mount of Transfiguration after fighting for the nation, determined to die for it, even the three disciples failed to serve him. Considering this, we cannot help feeling that the life of Jesus, which started and ended in sorrow, was full of pathos.

Jesus knelt down and prayed to Heaven that he would follow His Will to the limits of his strength and with all his effort. Although he followed the three-year course of public life with greater dedication, loyalty, sincerity and effort than any ancestor in history, Jesus was driven out by the nation and the church. Even with no relatives or disciples standing by his side, he still lived a life of prayer in sight of Heaven.

You should know that Jesus’ Shim Jung was such that rather than feeling sorrow for his lonely position, he regretted that the result of God’s efforts for humanity during the 4,000 years was so meager and felt sorry to express his heart to Heaven. To Jesus, consumed with such a Shim Jung, resentment toward the nation, the church or the fallen Adam and Eve was out of the question. We should know that Jesus did not have enough leisure to bear a grudge against anyone.

In the past, the ancestors had received Heaven’s consolation in their grief. Jesus realized that he could not express sorrow in prayer, even though he was in a position of sorrow. I think that, before a prayer, Jesus’ knees were wet with tears. He cried as if he were the worst sinner in heaven and earth. Standing on the route to defeat, without having set the victorious condition for God, Jesus had to go to the Mount of Transfiguration, by himself, with sorrow and plead with Heaven. He could not open his mouth and pray.

Since that figure and situation were full of pathos, God sent Elijah and Moses to discuss Jesus’ death in Jerusalem with him. Jesus knew that Heaven and his disciples would be stricken with woe upon his death. Worried about the people and their descendants, he grieved for the sake of the past, the present and the future. Wanting to save the Jewish people even through his death, Jesus appeared before God with a prayerful heart similar to that of Elijah’s when he cried out, “Father, only I am left.” Jesus’ heart was truly mournful.

We know well that our ancestors left a sad history as they worked for the sake of Heaven until today. God wanted the disciples on the Mount of Transfiguration to realize that they were of a sinful tribe and to worry about the sorrow of the nation with the same heart as Jesus. Although God wanted them to console Jesus and pray for his sake, their thoughts were different. This has been the reality of the historical course followed by our ancestors until today.

After he was notified of his coming death in Jerusalem, Jesus prepared for the day of death. He felt the day of death coming closer and closer, and the situation becoming increasingly chaotic. Seeing that one of his beloved disciples would betray him, Jesus seriously felt the need to conclude all his affairs on earth before going to the cross. His mind and body were immersed in such feelings.

Since he knew that he had the responsibility as the Savior to follow the path to death, he had to set the direction to take after death. Jesus worried that even after his death, the sorrows of history, the age and the future would not disappear but would remain. You should know that Jesus’ heart was more serious than at any other time.

There was no one on earth who understood Jesus’ heart. None of the disciples understood the situation. God was the only one who knew Jesus’ situation. Thus, Jesus carried a sorrowful heart about which no one else knew, and he carried the grudge of history, the age and the future. He was put in miserable circumstances in which the walls of misfortune and dark clouds blocked his way, and he was driven to death. The heart of Jesus must have been more sorrowful and indignant than any on earth.

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