Sovereignty Cannot Be Maintained Without a Heavenly Ideology

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2152

In fact, throughout my life I have
developed a movement for ‘One World
Under God’ transcending race, ideolo-
gy, and nationality in accordance with
His providence. This is a principle of
providential history and not a theory
that I specially devised. Being enlight-
ened regarding God’s will, in order for
me to not only teach His plan as a the-
ory but also to implement it, there is no
part of the five oceans and six continents
that my activities have not outwardly

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1773

When God invested and invested,
centered on love, His love enveloped the
entire universe and there was still more
left over. Centered on God who is the
motive of love, centered on this core, all
corners of this existing world in the uni-
verse were enveloped in the atmosphere
of love. Thus, there is the atmosphere of
love even if you go to the spirit world.
On earth, we should have led our lives
singing of love centered on the pair sys-
tem; but due to the Fall, this miserable
state came about. We must understand
this fact and know about the Fall. (209-
222, 1990.11.29)

Let Us Love Heaven and Become Patriots

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 1, 1959

Matthew 5: 33-48

What kind of age will come after that? An age will come when people make efforts to recover what the original people lost. Because we have the responsibility to rule all things, our original mind is at work to make the world our own. If we have the power to influence a certain sovereignty, it is human nature to want to elevate that sovereignty to the worldwide standard. This desire of the original mind directs us toward a certain place and governs our minds. Since the world is to be filled with God’s sons and daughters, each nation must overcome nationalism based on ideology and thought. Nationalism and national concepts must be finished. This is the kind of fight Heaven has been carrying on even while human beings were unaware.

After governing the earth and recovering brothers and sisters, what must be done? We must love Heaven. Since this is the unavoidable destiny for people, when a new religion emerges, it must love Heaven and surpass the religions of this age.

For the people who are searching for their land, Heaven has mobilized their people in an effort to help them find it and has worked to break down barriers and expand territories. For humanity living in the age of the heavenly dispensation, Heaven has established an ideology and philosophy that can dismantle the walls between peoples. What should emerge next? The ideology and philosophy that teaches people to love Heaven must emerge, the ideology which can dismantle the walls between religions and denominations. This is the only way the history of restoration can be concluded.

Therefore, those sovereignties which desire only territory and which love only their people as they plan to invade other nations will perish. On the contrary, if a nation invades other nations with the new ideology and the guiding philosophy of the new age, it will maintain its power and influence as long as the philosophy is still in effect. This has been the flow of history.

In this way, countless tribes have merged. Which nation possesses the most heavenly ideology? When a nation’s ideology is close to the heavenly ideology, it can command sovereignty. Otherwise, it will lose its sovereignty to a third party. The actual situation of the progress of history has been that sovereignty is always seized by the ones who have an ideology with the greatest potential to approach the heavenly ideals.

As you all know, today is the celebration of the Sam-Il Jeol. Our people suffered the worst hardships for 36 years under the Japanese empire. The hope we cherished was that Japan would perish. Our people endured, hoping that such a day would come. The more the external situation developed, the stronger our internal determination became. It finally exploded on this day, March 1. You know well that right after the First World War, President Woodrow Wilson’s advocacy for the independence of nations spurred the March 1 uprising.

America is the leading nation in the democratic world and has the power to influence it. It will remain in power only as long as the direction it takes is in line with Heaven’s providence of restoration. If there is a deviation, America will decline.

In the 36 years of colonization under Japan, we saw many patriots. Many patriots shed their blood on this land. Even as they shed their blood, they fought on with the hope that, although our people were under oppression at the moment, they would not be defeated but would certainly become independent. For this reason, the Republic of Korea was able to reinstate its sovereignty.

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