The Invisible Hand that Guides Us

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1935

Wasn’t America the land of the Indi-
ans? When I went to Hawaii, I thought,
“Wow, I have never seen such a place in
this world!” Thirty percent of the people
are Japanese, and only twenty-nine per-
cent are white. This is why they say that
the white people are being persecuted.
When I heard that remark, I didn’t feel
so bad. If I had said, “Hey, you Japa-
nese people! See that indemnity is paid
for the opposition that I have received
in America!”, then how efficiently they
would have seen to it. But I realized that
they would expel all the white people
there, so I thought, “This will not do.”
Soon I concluded, “If I marry the chil-
dren of those families that form thir-
ty percent of the population, with the
children of the families belonging to
twenty-nine percent of the population,
then they will be completely united.” I
also realized how simple the providence
for restoration would be if everything
was transferred to the American con-
tinent. That is why I am building cen-
ters of operation, purchasing boats, and
making preparations to live in Hawaii. I
intend to go to Hawaii. Believe me, the
Pacific civilization is coming! (216-275,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2025

You have come here with the inten-
tion to follow me, but you listen to your
own words and think, “I hate Home
Church. I will only go where True Father
goes.” You should not do this. Even if
your father is the president, you can’t
inherit his things without doing some-
thing? In order for you to become presi-
dent, you need to lay a foundation that
will enable you to become a president.
Even if you are born as the Crown Prince
of a nation, in order to become the King,
you must learn all the rules and regula-
tions that will enable you to be a King.
You need to do these things.

Richard:  Home Church, which is a providence where you serve 360 homes in your neighborhood and connect them to God and His Will, is an eternal providence that all people must go through.

Let Us Halt in Our Steps and Behold the One Who Is Protecting Us

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 8, 1959

Psalm 121

Though a person may have claimed, “I am happy, successful and a great victor,” there still remains a far greater happiness which has never been attained by anyone. We must understand that no matter how successful or wealthy one may boast about being, there still remains far greater success and far greater wealth which have never been attained by anyone.

In the last days of history, today, Heaven is searching for us, and we are seeking Heaven. We can imagine how great is the happiness we do not know, how great the success we can achieve. We can imagine that there is something about which we can sing in joy and boast proudly like no one in history.

What people rejoice over now is not complete happiness or full success. These are only transitory phenomena. Those who are intoxicated with them are truly pitiful.

Jesus said, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life?” (Matthew 16:26) The life he referred to is not life inside the realm of the fall. What is that life? It is the life which connects us directly to the life of the Creator. We must understand that Jesus’ words refer to the precious human life which can link with God’s original love and the love of the original nature.

In our life, we should not boast about happiness which is centered on ourselves, because we are walking a path of sorrow due to the fall. Those who do will fade away. Those who boast of happiness which is founded upon their people, or this world in which we live, also will fade away. Even if one advocates some ideology, if one is fighting for the sake of an ideology centered on his nation or this earthly world, he will also fade away.

If there is Heaven, we must realize how we stand in the middle of a progressing history. We must halt in our steps and reflect again. Who is the Master who governs our lives? We want to be happy, yet who is the Master who can govern our joyful feelings? We want to move toward certain goals and become successful, yet who is the Master of those successes? This Master is not our teacher or some great ideology in which we believe, nor is it a religion. When we consider this, we must stop and think whether there is someone who is protecting us with the true heart which brings us true ideology, happiness and success.

No matter how happy you may be, if your joy does not have any connection with the world, how can your accomplishments make any contribution to the 6,000 years of human history or the eternal history of the universe? Even if a person has made great contributions to his nation, he can be considered a patriot only when he made the contributions for everyone’s sake, not merely for his own.

History is moving forward in a serious manner. We must stop and think who is our Lord, whom we wish to be governed by, whom we want to serve in our hearts, and for whom we want to lead our lives. This is the problem.

Why is not possible for you to live happily for your own sake, even if you wanted? If you reflect on this within your living environment, you should stop and ask who is the beloved Master of ideology, who is trying to bring blessings to humanity, and who is our Master who controls the causes of true happiness and steers the course of our history?

Richard:  If you think about it, ultimately, although you do try your best to fulfill your own responsibility, without God’s guidance of Providence, we will not succeed and bring joy to God and ourselves.

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