We Must Go Up Golgotha Carrying the Cross on Our Back

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2286

On God’s Day, God wants human-
ity to fulfill the perfection of His true
love. To do this, humankind needs to
stand in the position of the perfect-
ed object before the perfected Subject.
The True Parents stand in this position.
God needs to be liberated by true love.
Through whom is this to be achieved? It
is through the True Parents. Knowing
this, I am able to liberate Him. Just as
I, taking the position of minus, attained
oneness with God as the Subject part-
ner, you too should also occupy the
minus position and attain oneness sub-
stantially, with the True Parents in the
plus position. You will thereby become
free to advance to the position of one-
ness with God. Such is the way of the
principle of re-creation. (275-333, 1996.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The reason people need to get mar-
ried is so they can relate to the love of
God. In other words, a man and woman
cannot fully connect to the love of God
if they are not married. When a man
and woman get married, the love of God
resides with them, and they become one
centering on this love. Then, God can
bequeath to them the whole universe,
including God Himself, His love, and
everything that belongs to Him. (135-327,

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

1 Kings 19: 1-21


We are aware that numerous people on this earth have gone through a path of toil and have undergone a fight of blood and tears for the sake of the will. Today, we know that we must be the fruit of that blood in front of Heaven. We know that we must hoist the flag of victory on the base of the providence that remains. In this hour today, please allow us not to think we belong to ourselves. Since our minds are not ours, our lives are not ours, and the desire we cherish is not ours, please allow us not to relate to Heaven with self-centered minds. Since we began as the Father’s, Father, I pray deeply that You will allow this to be the hour when we belong only to You.

Our minds, our bodies, and our doctrines and assertions must all belong to the Father. Therefore, please do not tolerate the things that are not of You. If there are elements of evil in our minds and bodies, please eliminate them. By eliminating all doctrines and assertions that are not Yours, Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You will allow this to be the hour when we can move only in accord with what belongs to the Father.

Who can stand against Heaven, however great he may be on this earth? No one can appear before the Father with any excuses. Therefore, we realize that the time has come when we must repent from the heart, for we are steeped in sinful history. We have become offerings for Satan because of the sin and evil of history.

Father, although our minds and bodies should have been our own, they became offerings to Satan instead. Please allow us to revive the minds within us that can grieve over this. Please create contrite hearts that regard this matter with great indignation. Father, I ardently wish and desire that You will allow us to form ties with Heaven by being awakened to our worth and by rediscovering ourselves.

We are aware that an infinite number of satans are eyeing our minds and bodies. Since the bitter roots of unforgivable sin remain, Father, please manifest Yourself. With Your able authority, create the history of re-creation. Father, I sincerely wish and desire that You bring about heavenly works of miracles so that our minds can succumb before You.

We are aware that when Heaven moves, the earth cannot help moving, and when the earth makes a request to Heaven, Heaven cannot help complying. Are there heavenly sons and daughters today who fight to take hold of Heaven as their own with sincere minds and whole hearts? Is there one who has lived his whole life accepting all heavenly situations as his own, assuming Heaven’s work as his own, accepting Heaven’s ideology as his own? Is there one who has fought to grasp this, receiving maltreatment and being hounded and pursued to grasp this? Since we are not such, please allow us to be able to inform Heaven truthfully that we are unpardonable offenders.

Although we do not know it today, Heaven sent numerous prophets and sages over the long period of six thousand years, having them build bloody altars. By sending loyal subjects and patriots to this nation, Heaven has taken hold of the direction this nation must take. For that purpose, the Father did not care about any particular region. He unfolded the dispensation internally to the domain that transcends race. Such has been the Father’s toil. Please allow us not to forget that.

The Father devoted all sincerity and exerted all possible efforts to realize this one will and came seeking for us, ready for any kind of sacrifice. Therefore, Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will not allow us to be brazen-faced sons and daughters who cannot uphold honor before such grace.

Now we have perceived that heaven exists and who Heavenly Father is. Since we know that an inevitable condition remains for the Father and us to form bonds, Father, please allow us to be able to feel Your grief as our own, Your deep lamentation and sorrow as our own through the heart. Please allow heavenly marchers to appear before this nation and this earth, stepping forth to fight a fierce battle against Satan.

Father, I ardently wish and desire that You will allow us to rout the enemy satans from this earth who have falsely accused Heaven for six thousand years. Allow us to dissolve the Father’s bitter resentment and suffering love and to build the ideal garden You sought as quickly as possible.

Father, please give instructions as to the direction of this nation. Reveal the direction the religious order should take, and clearly indicate the path of the true sons and daughters. We are aware that the time of historical grief has arrived, when we are taken alive into the influence of darkness by being thrown into confusion and nebulosity. Father, I pray deeply that You will set up one standard by which we can withstand.

We know that there was no moment when grief abated for Jesus, who came for God and humanity. Looking back at Jesus two thousand years ago, we now know that he shed tears in secret, starved in secret, and in secret cried bitterly in the course of persecution. We are aware that as Jesus walked this kind of course, numerous believers following behind him also unselfishly walked the bloody path and went forth fighting, even on the path of death.

The final day is approaching when we must bow respectfully toward Heaven and receive blessing by offering ourselves as living sacrifices. The time is coming near to sing of the glory of Heaven by offering the whole of our lives. Where are Your sons and daughters who will offer themselves as living sacrifices before You today? Where are those who can please the Father and offer praise to Him in a glorious state? We understand the heart of the Father, who is searching, wondering where are such people. We know that if You feel sorrowful, it is because You could not find Your reciprocating partner, because You could not find one substantial entity of glory. Father, please work so that we can at least have a mind to tremble for fear that the heavenly sorrow may be extended to posterity for a thousand years through the marks we leave today. What did the sons and daughters gathered here come in search of? The place these people must go is not here, but the Father’s home. Is there one who has sat on the Father’s throne? Is there one who will be remembered in the Father’s mind? We know that if we do not become such people, we can become nothing but objects for mockery in front of billions of satans and offerings for them. Please allow us to prostrate before the Father, concentrating our minds together in this hour.

The path to the heavenly castle is the path of the cross. Please let us know that we must go to the top of Golgotha, carrying our cross on our back. We must go so far as the place of bloodshed, the place of the cross, and be subjected to persecution. Father, I pray from the bottom of my heart that You will allow us to know that You are seeking the throng of people who forget about themselves, who forget their sorrow and pain and exert themselves to the utmost to walk the path of Golgotha today and tomorrow.

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