Elijah Should Not Have Run Away from the People of Israel

Watch my latest Richard Urban show:  Christ Has Already Defined His Kingdom and It Is Not the Rod of Iron Kingdom:  https://youtu.be/aMCMMaQdFps

Cheon Seong Gyeong 411

People of faith today do not know
the law of indemnity. There are many
who seek to go to the heavenly kingdom
without fulfilling the necessary obliga-
tions. At the same time, there is no one
who says that he will go to the heavenly
kingdom only after taking responsibil-
ity, through liquidating historical sins to
pay indemnity, in order to arrive there.
This is why, during our life on earth,
when we have our bodies, we should
take responsibility to establish the con-
ditions to resolve everything that has
gone wrong in history. Those who went
to the spirit world without indemnify-
ing their sins while they had their bod-
ies must return to earth and pay indem-
nity. All the spirits of the historical ages
up until now arrived to the spirit world
without having been able to sufficiently
pay indemnity, and thus they violated
that law. Therefore, they are destined to
return from the spirit world to try again
to establish the conditions of indemni-
ty. What is the one advantage that the
people living on earth have over those
in the spirit world? It is the fact that they
have a body, with which they can direct-
ly establish a condition of indemnity.
(80-93, 1975.10.19)

Richard:  Such a key point.  Say someone in your lineage committed the sin of aborting a baby.  Then if that person dies, they will have to return and work to indemnify that.  If that person is your ancestor, your actions will help (or hinder) that person in restoring that sin (say, by adopting a child even if you can’t physically have children, for example).  This is expalined in the Divine Priciple in the section on “Returning Resurrection”: http://visionroot.org/assets/Uploads/DP06-ch5.pdf (p. 144)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1798

Where the original lineage was lost,
no culture of heart will emerge. Culture
is connected to the unfolding of histo-
ry. Based on the family, society, nation,
and world, this must be propagated. “We
pledge to perfect the world of the cul-
ture of heart, connected to the original
lineage.” The point is to bequeath a pure
lineage. Otherwise, we would be cut off
from the world of the culture of heart.
That vast Kingdom of Heaven is the
foundation of the heart that we can live
in, but if the world of the culture of heart
cannot be built, that world will be cut off.
Hence, we must live a life centered on
the realm of the culture of heart .
(260-305, 1994.5.19)

Click below to listen to or download a recording of Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech “God’s Ideal Family Is the Model for World Peace”, the inaugural message of the Universal Peace Federation on September 23, 2005 at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington DC. Rev. Moon speaks extensively about the Peace Kingdom Corps.:

The Heart of Heaven in Relation to Elijah

Sun Myung Moon
March 15, 1959

Elijah had made great efforts to guide the people to fulfill the providential purposes of God, who had called him, set him up and had trusted in him. When God saw him pleading in the sad position of being driven away, saying, “Father, I am the only one left!” He felt severe sadness. We must know this fact.

Heaven felt that Elijah, hiding after being driven away and pursued, was more precious than the numerous Israelites. He placed more hope in him than in the land of Israel. We must stop to think about Elijah, who pled with God to render a final decision in the wilderness where he could not choose the right direction, in utter exhaustion and having lost all hope. Furthermore, we must know God, who guided the Israelites and toiled to seek out and set up Elijah. He helped Elijah by performing various types of miracles when he was in trouble and lent him a helping hand from the time of his youth. The heart of Heaven in relation to Elijah came to be buried in grief.

Elijah realized that he could not stay in the land of Judah. He ended up running away to Mt. Horeb, where God had bestowed blessing upon the Israelites when they came to take their way out of Egypt by walking forty days and forty nights. It was a mountain near Mount Sinai, where his ancestors had formed their bonds with Heaven. God knew that Elijah had to cross the border, and He also knew that Elijah had a long way to go, without any friend or fellow-traveler. Therefore, through an angel, God gave Elijah a cake of bread baked over hot coals and a jar of water and told him to eat and drink.

Strengthened by that food, Elijah should have run toward Israel, the land of sorrow, embracing Heaven’s sorrow and the people’s grief, harboring the enmity to get even. On the contrary, he ran in the direction of Mt. Horeb.

Elijah walked for forty days and forty nights until he reached Mt. Horeb. There he went into a cave and fell asleep. He was in a pitiable condition, like the remnants of a defeated troop. Heaven again came looking for Elijah, who had run away for his comfort after breaking away from the path of God’s guidance. Of the sleeping Elijah, God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” Elijah replied, “I have been very jealous for Heaven. But I am a weaker person than my ancestors.” His words did not comfort God.

However, God made Elijah stand on the mountain in His presence and advised him in many different ways. God advised him by means of creating strong winds and earthquakes and through fire. God did not appear in person in front of Elijah. Later, God appeared to Elijah and called him in the quiet. Elijah responded, “Father, the Israelites have put your prophets to death. I am the only one left. I cannot go on any farther. What can I do in this situation where I am being pursued and driven out?” To this, God said, “Though Israel is in the hands of Ahab, there are more than seven thousand people who observe the law and get circumcised and whose knees have not bowed down to Baal. What do you think of them then?” This was the expression of the sorrowful heart Heaven had in relation to Elijah.

Elijah made up his mind again and went back to the desert of Damascus according to Heaven’s command. There he anointed Hazael and Jehu kings (over Aram and Israel respectively), and anointed Elisha to succeed him as prophet. Knowing that Heaven was solicitous about the future of the more than seven thousand people whose knees had not bent to Baal, Elijah made a fresh determination.

Likewise, all people dealing with the providential will today walk a toilsome path. They are walking the path of blood and tears. They are walking the path of being pursued and bearing the cross. For whom was this sorrowful path of great and undeserved indignities created? It was for the sake of humankind. Furthermore, you must know that it was because of Satan, who has been God’s enemy for six thousand years.

Why are we placed in a situation with sorrow and pain, into which the storm of persecution sweeps? It is to save the people and liberate Heaven. Yet even those who deal with Heaven’s will have difficulty in feeling such a Shim Jung of God.

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