Choose Between Life and Death and Behold the Final Glory

Cheon Seong Gyeong 338

What is the summit where the father
and the son can meet? They meet at the
central point where love intersects love,
life intersects life, and ideals intersect
ideals; in this light, love, life and ideals
are in one place. At that point, God is
love, and so am I; God is life, and so am
I; God is the ideal, and so am I. The first
connection and first point of unification
where this can be realized is the point
at which the parent-child relationship
forms; otherwise, these things cannot
be. This is a certainty. (69-78, 1973.10.20)

Richard:  The parent-child relationship between God and man or woman originates at the very point of sexual union between the father and the mother.  At that point of creation, God meets the son.  This endless love then (should) sprout into a life well lived between God the Father and his son or daughter.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1594

The significance of tomorrow, the
tenth day of the month, is that this num-
ber ten allows us to pass into the year
2000 from the year 1999. Then God can
restore unhindered the physical world
vertically from the individual to the
family, tribe, people, nation and world,
and connect it to the spirit world. This
can happen based on the love of the ide-
al of Adam’s family, the original ideal
of creation, untainted by the Fall. God’s
original will to recover the world of cos-
mic unity could be fulfilled, together
with liberation, at the June 14 ceremony
of the Congratulatory Declaration of the
Cosmic Victory of the Parents of Heav-
en and Earth, greeted with cheers from
the liberated realm of heaven and earth.
This could then form the foundation for
the Declaration of the Realm of Libera-
tion and Unification of the Cosmos by
the Parents of Heaven and Earth, which
has been made today. With this declara-
tion, fortune has turned in favor of the
unification of North and South Korea.


When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

As God has done in the past course of history, He will necessarily do in the last days. If there is such a movement, your past faith, ideology or ties should not present a problem. Only then can you live.

If you look in the Bible, Mary’s husband Joseph was called righteous. It was historical nonsense for her to bear a child as a virgin, but when Heaven sent an angel and foretold this to Mary to establish her, she obeyed without hesitation.

What is the uncompromising dedication left behind by the loyal ministers, filial children, and devoted wives in history? You may not have realized that our ancestors dared life-risking adventures, regardless of the opposition of the evil cliques. As there has been no one serving the heavenly will who has not followed this path, and there has been no loyal minister, filial child, or devoted wife who has not walked this road, those who seek to become citizens of the heavenly kingdom, heavenly sons and daughters, should follow this way as a matter of course, choosing between life and death and beholding the final glory.

Have you ever made such a determination and pledge? If not, you are the most despised traitor before the historical providence. Only when you have such a determination can you find your new selves. You should know that the moment you start on this action is the time when you wake up and kick out the six- thousand-year course of history in which you wallowed in sleep.

When you wake up, you will realize that not only you, but also your parents exist. The day you wake up this way and shed tears with your parents is the time of the Second Coming. When we open our eyes, we come to see that there are true parents who have mourned for the six thousand years of the sorrow of humankind, and who have wandered for six thousand years in search of us. Heaven grieved even before we did. This way, when everything that has left a deep pain in the historical Shim Jung unfolds one day, I can call Heaven “Father” and He can call me “son.” This is the day of the final awakening. This is the time when the historical and providential Shim Jung of hope and everything else come into my bosom. Thus, the joy experienced at this time is the joy experienced when God’s entire purpose is fulfilled. The feeling at this time is the feeling experienced when humankind is perfected, without a fall. Feeling the joy in proportion to the enormous sorrow and pain humankind has felt, we can stand against Satan gallantly and proudly.

Since we should rise to this level, if we have not stood in this position yet, we should restrain our mind, body and environment to go in the direction of return. We should turn back, perceiving the words and the phenomena, focusing our minds and preparing for death. Otherwise, we will never, never be able to wake.

The more threatening the external circumstances become, the greater our inner determination should be. As despair and frustration sweep across our society, we should make a firmer determination in our inner hearts and long for the moment when hope will blossom. You should clearly bear in mind that only in this way can we connect to Heaven, who comes to us with a day of hope, a good situation, and the image of Shim Jung. We should rebuff the history of sorrow and make a new start for victory.

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