What is the Sorrow, Anger and Grief of God?

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Joshua 11

9-20 The Lord had told Moses that he wanted the towns in this region destroyed and their people killed without mercy. That’s why the Lordmade the people in the towns stubborn and determined to fight Israel. The only town that signed a peace treaty with Israel was the Hivite town of Gibeon. The Israelite army captured the rest of the towns in battle.

2 Kings 8

The woman did exactly what Elisha had said and went to live in Philistine territory.

She and her family lived there seven years. Then she returned to Israel and immediately begged the king to give back her house and property.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

What is the sorrow of God? What is the anger and grief of God? It was to have lost the time when humankind could ask, seek and knock while Jesus was alive. It was to have lost the circumstances in which the heavenly gate could have been opened and the heavenly secrets revealed while Jesus was alive. When humankind woke up after losing it all, Jesus was already gone to the spiritual world. Thus, having sent Jesus away, humankind’s fate was to ask, seek and knock on the heart of a deceased Jesus. Hence, we who are in the last days should understand that it was the sorrow of God, Jesus and humankind that people were not found who could ask, seek and knock before Jesus was gone.

The tragedies of history continue because of the departure of Jesus. Jesus admonished his disciples to go through a narrow gate in setting out for a course of practice. This is the path Jesus walked.

The contents of Matthew 7 implicitly show the overall facts of Jesus’ life. You should know that the path of Jesus, who set out for the will by asking, seeking and knocking, was rugged and mountainous rather than smooth. It was the narrow gate of the cross, rather than a huge and glorious castle of victory. When the nation did not believe in, follow, look to, or like him, Jesus gathered the small number of his disciples and admonished them, “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matthew 7:13-14) With this remark, Jesus described his situation and that of his followers. Jesus had been on the opposite side from the social circumstances. We should know that by using himself as an example, Jesus was talking to his disciples, who were midway between him and the social circumstances.

When Jesus appeared before the nation in his course of practice, he could not walk a paved road. The Jewish church, nation, and John the Baptist all blocked his way. Thus, if there was a way for him to take, it was a way no one else wanted to take. This road was without a door. He had to make a road where there was none, and to make a door in the wall that stood in the way. Jesus walked such a road.

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