Go the Way of Filial Sons and Daughters

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2426

No matter how difficult, you should
think it is proper and natural to smooth
out the path and go the way of filial sons
and daughters, of patriots, of saints, and
divine sons and daughters. You need the
conviction to do so. You must have the
mind to go the way of filial piety even
if you sacrifice yourself for your parents
and, in the family, even if you sacrifice
not only yourself but your wife as well.
When filial sons and daughters and par-
ents together resolve to sacrifice even the
parents to save the nation, they stand as
patriots. Furthermore, if those patriots
resolve to save the world and so sacri-
fice even their nation, they complete the
path of a saint. That is the ideal of cre-
ation Adam was to have fulfilled. You
must become filial sons and daughters,
patriots, and saints, and willingly deter-
mine to fulfill the way of divine sons
and daughters even if it means sacrific-
ing all the members of your family. (266-
105, 1994.12.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 913

When you leave behind a love greater
than that of your great-grandparents in
the house where you and your ancestors
were born and have lived, heaven will
see the luster of love shining forth. Hun-
dreds, thousands, and millions of volts
of light will shine forth. This light goes
up to your ancestors. It goes to the spirit
world, the Kingdom of Heaven and God.
This Kingdom is our original homeland.
Isn’t God our original Father? (213-190,

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24


Heavenly Father, You have worked through the providence to receive the desired and awaited day of hope. You could not desert unfaithful humankind, but have given the blessing called “Israel” and have led history up to now to embrace the lonely multitudes. The day the promised one was sent was when Your glory should have filled heaven and all humankind’s ecstatic hearts should have filled heaven and earth with joy. However, Father, we know that the historic indignation of four thousand years of sorrow came about due to what happened to Jesus.

From the time of his birth in a barn, Jesus’ thirty years of life was ever so miserable and lonely, with no one to depend upon. We know that Jesus had no one to trust on this earth. He bared his soul and had to pass away as the embodiment of deep sorrow without being able to share his desperate heart.

Please forgive humankind, which does not know the sorrow of Jesus. Two thousand years ago, people should have received the heavenly words he was to utter. Yet they did not have faith in the one. We have heard the words and prayers of advice and pleading spoken to the disciples who followed the will of Heaven. Heaven’s joy should have been realized and the new nation established on the earth the moment when the fate of Heaven merged with that of earth. We know the reality of the historic indignation over the fact that the moment the two collided, lamentation and sorrow began that opened the way of the vindictive cross.

Father, although our ancestors were indebted to Heaven and we are also greatly indebted, please accept us, even if we have become people who do not indemnify our debts and struggle only for our individual concerns. A lonely multitude has gathered in front of You. Please give us words of guidance. I have given them many words up to now. As I was sharing, we realize now how much of Your sorrow shows and that we have not united centering on Your concerns. We realize that Heavenly Father’s sorrow is manifested in history, course after course, century after century, and period after period, as He worked through humankind.

Father, how many sons and daughters are there in this world who have felt Your painful heart and have a heart of consideration for Heaven and earth? We realize, Father, that there are extremely few. Father, You who have tried endlessly to save miserable humanity and have guided us throughout time, please give us the new promise. Knowing that there is a heavenly will, please work through us, since You want to deliver to us the new promise and bestow the mission of the new age upon us, Father.

Please have pity on the people of Korea. Please have pity on the nation of Korea. The people are miserable, and they have nowhere to go. They have no history to show for themselves, nothing of which to be proud, no national characteristic to put forth in sight of Heaven. No one is responsible for their lives, so please have pity on these miserable people. Please open the way for their lives and have concern for their destiny. They are lonely people. Please have sympathy for where they stand.

Father, these people have nothing to hope for in this land. Yet I sincerely pray, Father, that You may pioneer the way for their lives on the condition that they feel Your heart.

Please let there be more who will appeal to Heaven and earth on behalf of the people’s misery. Please help them so that they will not fall down and give up when they confront barriers, but will instead plead with and appeal to Heavenly Father in their confrontations. I sincerely pray this.

Father, please have pity on Your sons and daughters who have walked onto the persecuted path of the Unification Church. Father, we did not want to take such a path, but in realizing what no one has realized before and taking responsibilities unlike any other, we realize that we must. Father, now we know Your heart in leading us toward the lonely path and trying to realize the will. Please guide the ones who are following me.

If there is someone in a miserable place who pleads to Heaven with a longing heart, the ones who follow him are in a similar situation. Please sympathize with and hold on to them. They are not here because of human or earthly reasons. They are starting to take new steps because of Heaven’s love. Therefore, I sincerely pray that they will not lose their path because of other people and that they will not be discouraged.

When we reflect upon the courses of history, people who have established new ages and new eras of history were persecuted during their time. They withstood persecution after persecution. Father, please have sympathy with this movement. I sincerely pray that because this is Your will, no matter how much pain rushes toward these sons and daughters who have taken in the will of Heaven and who possess a loyal heart for Heavenly Father, they may overcome death after death to realize the will and fight until the end.

Today is April 10 (lunar calendar). Father, please bless these people. Father, please do not withdraw Your loving, open arms. Please send apostles of truth to all of heaven and earth. Send down apostles of love to all lands. Please send apostles of faith and righteousness so that they may attend Heavenly Father.

I sincerely pray that we may receive the love of Heavenly Father who has searched, longed for, desired, and fought throughout so that we will become people who can disgrace Satan in the final place of judgment. What can I say at this time? Father, please take dominion. Let the hearts of the speaker and the listeners be one. I sincerely pray that we may be overcome, even unknowingly, by Your will, Your heart, and Your circumstances so that we can pledge and determine ourselves to fulfill Your dream. Please take dominion. I pray these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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