You Should Feel Both God’s Happy and Sad Aspects

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2280

The term True Parents began in
God’s mind before the creation. You
should know, that as all ideals were cre-
ated by God under the head of the ideal
of love centered upon the True Parents,
they too reflect His desires before the
Vast numbers of people were sacri-
ficed in the course of God’s providence
to establish the True Parents. God cre-
ated a great number of religions in His
dispensation and they typify the angelic
world, Cain, Abel, the child by a concu-
bine, the adopted child, the stepmoth-
er, and the adoptive parents’ positions.
Finally, He created the True Mother and
True Father religion.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1192

If you have a clear understanding
about God and True Parents, every-
body will be liberated. Everybody will
revive. That is why you must show God
and True Parents to others. If you only
become the substantial manifestation of
God and True Parents, everyone will be
liberated. So, when people cling to such
a person, they are clinging to True Par-
ents and God. Because their original
mind knows that, they will do so imme-
diately. Why am I saying these things
today? I am telling this to you because
today is a day of declaration when we are
passing through such a transition peri-
od. (131-51, 1984.4.1)

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Throughout history, God was able to find humankind through conditions of faith and practice. Allowing humankind to establish the conditions of faith, what else has God required of people? He requested practice. In order for God and me to be connected and to establish the foothold that will rid me of my sorrow, the path of practice has to be opened centering on faith. That is the only way to bring about the historic connection.

This is because my existence is not for myself; rather, I am destined to deny myself and follow the direction of Heaven. Because Heaven sets its course for the sake of the world and the cosmos through sacrificing individuals, the direction of goodness never focuses on the self; nor does the standard of goodness. All is for the purpose of the nation and Heaven. Due to this, Heaven has led the providence for humankind through emphasis on faith and practice.

It has already been a six-thousand-year history of emphasizing faith and practice. Looking back, we can see it was a history sad beyond imagining. Yet you today must realize that the sorrow of Heaven in trying to hold onto humankind was much greater than the sorrow of human beings. Otherwise, you will not be able to connect to Heaven. No one has realized this until now. Humankind created a historical precedent of driving Heavenly Father away and murdering the saints and sages.

Although Heavenly Father wanted humankind to come to Him through eternal faith and practice, humanity does not have the heart to relate to God and could not acquire the foothold that would allow it to have faith and to practice it. Even if people acquired that foothold of faith, the only way for God’s faith and humankind’s faith to unite and liberate all human sorrow would be for humankind to practice their faith. This must be done with faith derived from emotion great enough to encompass God’s sorrow, with a heart that can connect with His emotion. Yet the truth is that humankind has not reached such a state.

As you head forward today with a new ideology and a new will, do you have confidence in your faith? You probably do not. When you have not attained to a life that allows you to accept the historical destiny with confidence, there is a course of practice left for you to pioneer. Even if you can put what you believe into practice, if the emotion of Heaven’s sorrow does not emanate within you, if you are not captivated by God’s faith and God’s practice, you do not have a bit of relationship with the heaven that God is trying to find and establish; not a bit.

Even in human relationships, mutual faith lasts longer when happy and sad aspects of it form a relative relationship. Upon the foundation of that faith, promises can be carried out over a long time. When it comes to a course of faith and practice toward Heaven, it is the same. You should be able to have faith and carry on, feeling both God’s happy aspects and sad aspects. You should first seek and find the sorrowful self to become the happy self.

Jesus, who came as the champion of faith, wanted to stand before God as a true believer, possessing the heart of the center of faith, the representative of all humankind. God also wanted Jesus to have a relationship of faith with Him as humankind’s representative and to create that relationship with all people; but His desire was not fulfilled. The relationship was made between Jesus and God, but the desired relationship between Jesus and humankind did not come about. Therefore, although the faithful ones say that they practice their faith, they have not seen the day when they can say that faith and practice are perfected in them.


3 thoughts on “You Should Feel Both God’s Happy and Sad Aspects”

  1. Wow!
    Amazing Word today. What stood out to me from the first section was that we need to become the “substantial manifestation of God and True Parents.” I felt that is definitely what God longs for.
    Reading the second part just made me realize and feel how much I need to repent. There is a great sorrow of Heaven I need to first realize…and then continue on joyful practicing that same love.

    Thank you Father!

    1. It is an amazing word! When we become the substantial manifestations of God and True Parents, “everyone will be
      liberated. So, when people cling to such
      a person, they are clinging to True Par-
      ents and God. ” Wow!

  2. It makes me realize that it’s no small matter to become manifestations of God and True Parents. I fall short. I need to repent and try harder. God can help and with God’s help I can do better.

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