Jesus Went Through a Course of Sadness and Suffering

Judges 17

“Where are you from?” Micah asked.

“I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah,” the man answered, “and I’m on my way to find a new place to live.”

10 Micah said, “Why don’t you stay here with me? You can be my priest and tell me what God wants me to do. Every year I’ll give you ten pieces of silver and one complete set of clothes, and I’ll provide all your food.”

The young man went for a walk, 11-12 then he agreed to stay with Micah and be his priest. He lived in Micah’s house, and Micah treated him like one of his own sons. 13 Micah said, “I have a Levite as my own priest. Now I know that the Lord will be kind to me.”

Isaiah 49

49 Everyone, listen,
even you foreign nations
    across the sea.
The Lord chose me
and gave me a name
    before I was born.
He made my words pierce
like a sharp sword
    or a pointed arrow;
he kept me safely hidden
    in the palm of his hand.
The Lord said to me,
    “Israel, you are my servant;
and because of you
    I will be highly honored.”

I said to myself,
“I’m completely worn out;
    my time has been wasted.
But I did it for the Lord God,
    and he will reward me.”

Even before I was born,
    the Lord God chose me
to serve him and to lead back
    the people of Israel.
So the Lord has honored me
    and made me strong.

The Person Who Will Serve the Grieving Father

Sun Myung Moon
May 24, 1959

Matthew 23: 1-39

hat is why, after four thousand years of history since the fall of humankind, God established the chosen people and promised them, “I will send you a leader, a master, the prince of peace and freedom, the person who will become the prince of happiness.” Thus, Heavenly Father sent the long-awaited and promised individual who was to become the center of God’s happiness, the center of peace and freedom, someone who could resolve God’s sorrow and reintroduce the blessings of Heaven to humankind.

In spite of the advent of that individual, promised throughout the long course of history, the history of sorrow has continually repeated itself until now because the chosen people of Israel could not attend him, could not welcome him and live according to his will. They could not unite with him to establish the will of God and liberate the han of Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ came as the prince of peace, the prince of happiness and freedom, the one who was to take responsibility for the sorrowful heart of the four thousand years of history after the fall. Jesus, who bore the responsibility of four thousand years of human history and God’s providence, came bearing the historical han and that of Heaven.

What course did Jesus have to go through to resolve such han? He had to go through a course of sadness and suffering. Only then would this han be resolved and the moment of joy come. You should never forget that, more than any other individual, Jesus had to experience the greatest of sorrowful and painful han that had taken place in the four thousand years of prior history.

Christians today believe in Jesus Christ. They believe in him as the king of kings, the only begotten son of God, and as their Savior. They understand him to be the prince of peace and happiness who will bring happiness to them. You have to realize that before we understand such positive aspects of Jesus, we should understand him as the prince of sadness, the prince of pain, and the prince of han who bears the sorrow of all humanity.

For whom was Jesus’ heart filled with the han of history? It was for his contemporaries, and for Heavenly Father, who was holding onto those people. Jesus’ heart of han emanated from the heart of Heavenly Father, and was to be revealed to humankind.

Yet no one was able to inherit his sorrow-filled heart. No one was able to fight side by side with Heavenly Father and win against evil to resolve the han. Therefore, we should realize that not only was the sadness of Jesus great when he realized this; the sadness of Heavenly Father who had sent him was even greater. Thus, the history of this land is filled with han. This age is filled with han, and we ourselves are also filled with han. Much as we would like to eliminate the han of history, the han of this age, and our han, we are not able to do so.

Our destiny lies where we merge with the one individual who can take responsibility for all of the han. This is why Jesus, who died and resurrected to rise to heaven, has to come to this miserable land to liquidate the sorrowful history. That is the Second Coming.

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