By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2066
We are going to connect professors,
high school and middle school teachers
and elementary school teachers to the
tong ban breakthrough activities. If they
connect, then our work is done. Although
the established churches put up opposi-
tion by trying to advance certain theo-
ries about history, this doesn’t present
an obstacle. We are going over that hill
completely. Even from a sitting position
we can digest everything, including the
communists. (205-297, 1990.10.1)

Richard:  Urban Life Training has developed a practical program to carry this out in local schools; the Urban Life Training Chapter Program:, which utilizes the Urban Family Life Training Web Portal:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 706

What way should you go? First you
are recognized by family members in
the satanic world, then by me. After that,
you go to God in the spirit world. That
is the way to go, by the way of the law.
Going that way is the right direction. If
there are any conditions for accusation,
they will join forces to accuse you in the
flesh. It will be a judgment of substance.
Will lies work in that situation? Doing
something unwillingly is like not doing
it at all. If you do it thinking of God and
Father, their essence will be embedded
inside your shell, like a fully mature
chestnut embedded inside the burr.
When you think of God and me dwell-
ing in your heart, my words and God’s
Word will become your core.

Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

John 3: 1-15

When we consider the course of history, numerous assertions of the past have changed as history progressed. As we face the last days today, democracy and communism are confronting each other and each is looking to dominate the other. Therefore, you should know that the time is coming when a new direction out of this battleground is to be discovered.

God is hoping that humankind will become his new second self. For that reason, our conscience is searching for our new self, which is different from our present self. If we live conscientiously, we cannot deny this. Our conscience constantly feels, “Oh, things should not be like this. We should not live like this.” This shows that we realize this kind of society, this kind of world, must change. Accordingly, by the action of our conscience, we can find peace of mind, where we are moving toward our new selves and the new ideology without being consciously aware of it.

Jesus came to complete God’s four thousand years of restorational history. What did he bring? He brought new life, a new ideology, and new love.

If a certain heavenly fortune were to flow through your heart today, would you feel the vitality of life to join and move with that fortune? Do you feel the heart of the one central ideology which can move all being, all cosmic ideological existence? Do you feel the heart of love which can embrace and melt all existence? We do not.

If God exists, who is He? He is the Subject of life who moves all beings which possess life today, tomorrow, and into eternity. Moreover, all living beings have an inherent nature to want to be with God eternally, to live centering on God, and to share life and death with God. God is the Subject of the realm of ideology and of this inescapable world. Moreover, God dominates the whole cosmos with love and heart, pouring out all His passion.

Today we are yearning for a new heart. We are seeking a new ideology. Where would that new ideology end? It is not a place of mere human involvement. Rather, it is a place where God and “I” can be together. In the historic last days, there will surely be judgment. What is judgment? The judgment will clear out all the conditions that are set in between God and humankind. When these conditions are resolved, a new history will start where God and humankind directly intertwine.

If that does not occur, then God is powerless. If God does not move His dispensation centering on such a person, then there should not be the word “judgment” in Christianity today. However, there is certainly an important word called “judgment.” Therefore, we can understand without a doubt that the God who drives His providence toward that purpose exists.

One thought on “By the Action of Our Conscience We Can Find Peace of Mind”

  1. That is why Father also explained:

    “You did not know that the conscience was your second God, the central aspect of your existence. You have to attend it more than you attend God. Attend your conscience more than you would the founders of religions, even Jesus. Then you can attain a position higher than that of believing in Jesus. Do not believe in me, the founder of the Unification Church. If you accept my teaching and become completely one with your conscience, you can go to heaven even without following me.

    You have to buy all the materials and study. A person who fails to open his conscience, establish himself as a liberated person, and attain unity between his body and conscience cannot go to heaven. I searched heaven, but I could not find such a person who had entered there in that way. Even now in the spirit world, people are lamenting and groaning in the midst of their course of cultivating their character. Amongst pastors, church elders, and those who carried themselves with pride, there are many who are bound in chains upside down”. CSG. P.823. (253-45, 1994.1.1)

    That is also why now we must follow our conscience, which wants to follow the truth and keep ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’, the Word or Commandment that Father bequeathed to us, as God bequeathed the Commandment to Adam and Eve.

    Therefore we must keep God’s Word over following someone, regardless of who they are. Perfection is keeping the Word, not following the Archangel.

    Even the term Messiah is an Archangelic construct, as there was no concept of Messiah in God’s Original Ideal of Creation. Messiah came about due to the Fall.

    The Archangels are God’s messengers and servants assisting God and relaying messages to God’s children. The ultimate goal of God’s creation was to establish True Parents, which can only be accomplished when the children fulfil their portion of responsibility by keeping the Word, not following the Archangel, including the ‘Messiah’.

    This is what Father said about the phrase Messiah and Second Coming of Christ:

    “My era is now coming to an end. It is you who have to do this. If you expect support from me, you will find that things have changed. The bodily Parents must become one centring on the Heavenly Parent. By taking the lead, you need to do it. The present era is very different from the previous one in that God is working with me to accomplish what I have been unable to do. Now, God should stand at the forefront.

    I am proclaiming this today before you leave, because today is a day of commemorating the third anniversary. God should take the lead in the providential world and in making providential history. I will move to the rear now. If there is anything to praise, it is not me. The name, “Rev. Moon,” should be erased. The name “Rev. Moon” is associated with the opposition I faced, isn’t it? Next are the True Parents! To understand the title “True Parents,” the unnecessary terms “Saviour,” “Messiah,” and “Lord at his second coming,” were attached to it during the course of restoration. Those superfluous titles should all be removed”. The Era When God Will Be At The Forefront Of The Providence And Guide It May 5, 2007

    We have to change our thinking and concepts as we did when we joined the movement many years ago.

    God’s Providence is not static, it has been developing rapidly over the last 50 years bringing us to this unprecedented time of living above the top of the Completion Stage and into God’s Direct Dominion, Cheon Il Guk.

    By virtue of the ‘Merit of the Age’ due to Foundation Day, we have attained ‘perfection’ and the position of ‘true parents’. Still, we must fulfil our portion of responsibility through accomplishing Tribal Messiahship and therefore becoming the embodiment of the Word.

    Then like Father and only Father, we can become the Substantial Self of God.

    If we do not keep the Word, ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’ at this time, we will not achieve our absolute perfection, and even God will start to lose hope. Again what did Father say:

    “We have to think, the only beings existing in the world are blessed couples and blessed families, nothing else. In other words, the blessed couples should consider themselves to be the restored Adam and Eve, who did not go through the fall. The original Adam and Eve were the only ones existing in the world. Centring on true love, the lineage again has been connected to God. That is the kind of pride we should have. Even if you don’t think of God and True Parents, it’s okay as long as you have that conviction. We stand in the position representing the vertical and horizontal viewpoint.

    Think to yourself, “with my own blessed couple, I can unify the world and cosmos. Once I perfect myself, I can create a perfected family, race, world and cosmos.” We are the seeds to give rise to that work. All the people of the world are the result of wild seeds. We have to burn them up and think, “I am the true seed.” We have to think that there is no nationality among blessed couples; there is no difference among them. Without the Unification Church, if the unified nation also does not come, as long as my blessed couple exists, the will of God will be done.

    Even if the Unification Church closes, and all the Unification Church disappears, as long as that perfect blessed couple remains, the world can be united. Because the truth would remain even if the Unification Church disappeared. My teaching and tradition are here. As long as one single couple sticks with it, we can accomplish God s will and Satan cannot interfere. What has been my weapon? Truth. I have gone up the eight stages and beyond the level of indemnity. In the future, we will not need prayer. Even if we pray, we won’t have to say “upon the foundation of True Parents victory” because we will dwell with God directly.

    Therefore, the key is as a couple, we have to absolutely make sure that we are the unique, absolute, eternal, unchanging couple and that God is our subject and we are in the object position.”

    “True truth. True love. God needs it, God’s son needs it, God’s family needs it. With truth, perfection is no problem. We should be able to shout out that I am a heavenly prince and princess in this liberated cosmos. So you don’t need parents. As long as you become the true couple representing God and True Parents, you don’t need anybody. You represent the entire history and entire humanity. You represent all blessed couples living in the 4th Adam’s era. You don’t need the Messiah’s result; the true couple is your blessed couple. Total responsibility value. (Your one family cannot change all God’s… )That kind of value, absolute value. You need that kind of concept. Take that way, the seed is my couple, my family.” 47th Foundation Day speech. May 1, 2000

    Each couple who understands this, is very precious to God and True Father, and they will come to you and guide you.

    Those who keep God’s Commandments and Statutes, (EGST) will be blessed by God, as Adam and Eve would have been, had they kept the Commandment. Finally to quote Jesus:

    John 14: 23 “…If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me”.

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