God has Sought to Transform the Individual, Family and Nation

1 Corinthians 1

From Paul, chosen by God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from Sosthenes, who is also a follower.

To God’s church in Corinth. Christ Jesus chose you to be his very own people, and you worship in his name, as we and all others do who call him Lord.

My prayer is that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace!

I never stop thanking my God for being kind enough to give you Christ Jesus, who helps you speak and understand so well. Now you are certain that everything we told you about our Lord Christ Jesus is true. You are not missing out on any blessings, as you wait for him to return. And until the day Christ does return, he will keep you completely innocent. God can be trusted, and he chose you to be partners with his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Psalm 145

Each generation will announce
to the next
    your wonderful
    and powerful deeds.
I will keep thinking about
your marvelous glory
    and your mighty miracles.[a]
Everyone will talk about
    your fearsome deeds,
    and I will tell all nations
    how great you are.
They will celebrate and sing
    about your matchless mercy
    and your power to save.

God’s Will Which We Must Untangle

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10

Matthew 18

God has been stubbornly pioneering one aspect of history in which the masses did not take interest: religion. Religion has not followed the trend of history and has maintained the singular path that went against the course of history. It has developed a conditional foundation which worked to foster the concept of holistic goodness in the background of history.

Had God not prepared that foundation of relationship and the conditional environment in the course of history as He developed the direct relationship with humankind, then He would not be able to have any relationship with us today. Had He not accomplished it, He would not have any relationship with our conscience today.

Religion has developed through the historical relationship and has prepared and advanced the foundation in the environment from the position that went against the contemporary society. I myself also advanced from a position that could not harmonize with reality and went against the trend of this age. However, if religion does not harmonize with society until the end, the garden of happiness, freedom and peace for which God, humanity and the whole cosmos long cannot be constructed in the dispensational last days; such an ideology cannot be established. If God is driven out, then the standard of absolute goodness in our conscience would also be driven out. Therefore, that absolute goodness also must pass through the process of historical relationship if it is to make a relationship with historical humankind. For that reason, God has worked the dispensation in this way.

What did God do during the long six thousand years? God established a new concept of goodness and upon that foundation developed the form of religion. He then advanced the ideology of goodness for the purpose of liberating all the conditions and all the relationships in the entangled history. God has waged a movement to liberate individuals from their entangled history and from their adherence to their culture. In other words, God has been toiling to disentangle us until now.

Human history started not from goodness but from evil. Evil started first. The communists assert the theory of dialectical materialism and explain history through the theory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. However, that is not the truth. The assertion that from a thesis a conflictive antithesis emerges and produces something new (a synthesis) through the process of struggle is incorrect. The proper assertion should be this: since something untrue (antithesis) exists, a true form (thesis) should emerge, and harmonize to produce something new (synthesis). The developmental process of history has been this: since history started from evil, something new (a thesis) which confronts that evil must come forth and reconcile the evil.

When the time comes for the fulfillment of God’s purpose, the highest goodness will have been established and the greatest point of resolution will appear. Such a time is the end of history, the end of religion, the end of the humanity’s hope, and the end of the heavenly dispensation.

Therefore, God has suffered and toiled to reform people who are entrenched in their wrong habits and narrow-minded traditions in their various environments. We should be grateful to Heavenly Father for guiding us from the time of our historical ancestors to today.

God has been working to disentangle knotted human history. God is working to transform it because human history did not harmonize with the ideology of goodness and instead became connected with the illicit content of the fall. God’s dispensation has the will to transform the wrongful history. For that purpose He has sought to transform the individual, the family, the people, the nations, and the world. You should remember this point.

Therefore, my topic today is “God’s Will Which We Must Untangle.” We must remember that God will continually fight until the day this world is completely untangled from the position of denying all the tangled and knotted relationships of history.

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