Prevent Us from Hating Those People

Save the dates:July 5th  to July 7th, as we will hold an Urban Family Life Training seminar for couples and singles seeking a godly spouse.  You will learn how to set up a ministry to guide youth and young adults toward godly marriage.  It will be held at the Peace Kingdom Center in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Joshua 1

10 Joshua ordered the tribal leaders 11 to go through the camp and tell everyone:

In a few days we will cross the Jordan River to take the land that the Lord our God is giving us. So fix as much food as you’ll need for the march into the land.

Richard:  Will you understand God’s call to cross the Jordan River, to understand and follow the word of this new age?  This speech summarizes the word of the new age:

Matthew 13

44 The kingdom of heaven is like what happens when someone finds a treasure hidden in a field and buries it again. A person like that is happy and goes and sells everything in order to buy that field.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 14, 1959

Matthew 10:34-39

Matthew 18:15-20


Father, we now understand that Your historical course was the course of disentanglement. We know that in our body and our mind, there are desires for food, sex, material and sleep. When we think how much You struggled in the historical course to work with the people who have these desires, we realize that we are indeed the unforgivable sinners. Please forgive us.

We understand that countless satans work to entangle, even as You untangle, the historical course. It was described as the history of disentanglement; however, from the opposite world the work of entanglement is continuing to block and prevent progress toward a new place.

We stand in the crossroads between the history of sorrow for entanglement and the history of joy for disentanglement. We are in the realm of lamentation for our body longs for the entanglement and our mind longs for the disentanglement. We are looking at the final destination of the sorrowful history where our mind should strike our body and bring the joyful time of mind subjugating over body. Please make us never forget that we are in such a situation. Please make us never forget that we are in the realm of heavenly fortune, and in the process of restorational providence where we can liberate God’s heart.

Oh, loving Father! You have suffered too long. How much have You toiled to weave us, centering on one ideology? How much have You worked to move the people of this nation by foretelling one ideology? As You established this externally, You established religion internally to connect with the standard of living goodness behind history. How many people have You sacrificed in the process of moving religion? As we hear and understand how much You have suffered and how many people You have sacrificed internally and externally, we cannot lift our heads and can feel only gratitude.

Father, we, the sinners, realize that You, the Original Substantiation itself, have pioneered resentful history. We are truly embarrassed to ask for Your forgiveness. Being ignorant of these circumstances, we have so often betrayed You and so often tied the knot You wished to untangle. We are bound to repeat the same mistakes today and tomorrow. Father, please forgive us.

To what do you wish the minds of Your sons and daughters, who are gathered here, to be tied? To what do you wish their body to be tied? Among the people who do not know You, some want to tie themselves to an ideology or world view, or want their conscience and body to be tied to human morality and ethics. In their original nature, however, they can realize that they are in the miserable environment where they cannot stand in front of You.

There are many within humanity who feel the heart of anxiety, insecurity and misery in the face of their future course; yet there is no one who can stop it. Father, who will take the responsibility for humanity who cannot rejoice with history, the age, and the ideology, who struggles without knowing the principle of life, the direction of life, the course of life, and the purpose of life?

Father, please call true young people and present them in front of the thirty million people. We now understand the preciousness of being persecuted. We know that the blood stains of history remain in Your hands of dispensation, which drove us to a peculiar course, and in Your hands of suffering. We, therefore, must go through the position of historical sorrow and must go beyond the historical valley of death. We know that it is the time for us to fulfill the words Jesus spoke to us: “He that takes not his cross and follows me, is not worthy of me.” “He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it.”

Father! Today, we are walking the path which others avoid. Receiving the persecution and blows and overcoming numerous walls that block us, we kneel in front of You. If we have the relationship with the heavenly heart which knows how to hold the sorrowful heart and situation, please make us nurture the respectful and caring mind for each other through that relationship, so it will become the greatest heavenly relationship which is too big for this world to hold. We know that relationship should be the first that this world has ever seen.

We should untangle each other. The principle of restoration is to untangle wherever the tangled knot exists. Jesus became the person worthy of building the garden of thaw which untangles the enemy world, for he tried to untangle the enemy relationship when he could have shown the heart of resentment toward his enemy.

We know that You rejoiced over this and You established Jesus in the position of resurrection. Even if we receive rejection from the people of this nation and even if they turn into our enemies, please prevent us from hating those people. Father, we sincerely ask You to make us the leader of heavenly life, the sovereign of the life, and the owner of the heavenly heart, who do not have resentment toward the world, even if the world opposes us and who can transcend the heart of the enemy to leave behind only the open-minded heavenly heart.

Please make Your children who are gathered here today have the heart that seeks the standard of the historical thawing of resentment, instead of feeling the historical sorrow. Please make them sing the glorious grace, the glorious life, the glorious ideology, the glorious love, and the value of whole cosmos. Please make them respect their individuality which represents God in the world of ideology.

I sincerely ask You to enable Your children to proudly show their glorious value, their absolute value in sight of all things and Satan. I pray all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen. 

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