Please Love All Things in My Place

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1540

Why have religious people fought
a losing battle until now? It is because
they have not had families, societies or
nations to back them up in their faith.
They were people without a nation. If they
had had a nation to support them, they
would have been able to survive within
its domain even if their own tribes had
opposed them. Yet, because this was not
the case, religious believers were persecuted wherever they went, and were
forced to walk the path of the sacrificial
offering, shedding blood time after time.
This was all due to the fact that they did
not have their own nation. If they had
had a sovereign and a nation, any time
they exclaimed, “You ignorant people,
this is the right thing!” they would have
been answered with a “Yes” from oth-
Chapter 3 • A Perspective on the Nation and the World 1541
ers; instead, they suffered because of not
having a nation. (56-159, 1972.5.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1146

If human beings fell by eating the
fruit of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil as Christianity teaches,
then restoration could be completed in
one day. In this case God could just create something tastier and better than
this fruit and feed it to human beings
and this would become the condition of
indemnification, would it not? Theoretically speaking, that would be correct.
(38-164, 1971.1.3)

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

In the original garden of Eden, God could not have an hour of singing about nature and of expressing feelings toward nature with Adam and Eve. God must have desired to say, “Oh, my son, look at that mountain. I created it in this and this way. Look at that forest. I created it in such and such a way. All these I created for your happiness.” Why could God not do that? It was because Adam was still immature. However, you should know that God had an earnest internal heart which He wanted to express to Adam. We should understand that God could not express such things to Adam because Adam was still emotionally and heartistically immature.

If Adam had been mature enough for God to express His heart, then God could have said, “Oh, Adam! Look at the flower in the garden. Look at the mountains and streams.” If our ancestors had lived that way, humanity would not struggle today in the misery of the realm of death.

Therefore, you should long for the original Eden. You should long for the world where God’s infinite love exists, where the emotion of eternal love can be harmonized, where all will be intoxicated in singing for eternity. In that Eden, all will take responsibility and pour out their effort, thinking that once they take responsibility, it will be of eternal value. God’s sorrow is not being able to find such a person. God, who works through the dispensation on earth, must find such a person.

Among the songs we sing, there are songs which have the content of the mountains, a stream and nature within. They exist to assist in raising our emotions. Everything is like that. How wonderful it would have been had the heart of Adam and Eve gone in the direction God’s heart wanted to go!

Now you should have such a heart. The person who has such an abundant mind and has experienced such a heart would be able to participate in the new age as a citizen of the new ideal Kingdom of Heaven.

If you wish to hold the glorious hands of God after resolving the agony of restoration and overcoming the sorrow of history, you should know what kind of person God would hold. God would want to hold the person to whom He can say, “Please enjoy all things in my place. Please experience all things in my place. Please love all things in my place.”

Have you ever longed to see a natural flower in an atmosphere of mystery or grace? Have you ever related to it with as earnest an attitude as you do your ancestors? Have you ever offered praise to God because of the stimulation you felt from looking at a mountain stream? I would conclude that if you have not, then you are not qualified to be the owner of all things. No matter how wonderful the Garden of Eden may be, unless it is a place where all things and human beings are connected in heart and are able to move God, it is not a place for which we should long.

Until now we have prayed only for human beings. However, I do not pray that way. We should pray not only for humankind, but for God and Jesus. We should pay back the debt to Jesus, who prayed for us throughout the night. We should then pray for God, who has toiled until today, then we should pray for humanity. The person who lives with such feeling and sensitivity is the person closest to God. I would say this out of experience.

If you become tired on your way and sit down at some resting place with such a feeling, then God will surely be with you. If you can be that kind of person, then you would be able to sing of God’s heart, holding the root of an old tree, leaning against a large rock in the shade as a resting place.

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