What is the Fruit of Good and Evil?

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1770

If God the Creator wished that His
object partners be millions of times
more outstanding than Himself, why
did He create human beings so that they
could fall? This is the question. God
did not create them to fall. He warned
them not to fall, “Do not eat of the fruit
of good and evil!” What is this fruit? It
refers to the female organ. Women are
weak. When our first ancestors lived in
the Garden of Eden, they were naked.
(262-74, 1994.7.23)

Richard: Here Rev. Moon reveals the nature of the Fall of Man. Learn much more about this by attending the Urban Family Life Training seminar to be held in Harpers Ferry WV from July 5th to July 7th, 2019: Click here to find out more.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1342

The question that always comes up
in a family is whether the parents and
children can completely unite. Within
his family, Adam should have become
one with Cain and Abel. In order to
become a family that can stand in God’s
presence in complete unity, the parents
and the two sons must set the condition
that they become one. Otherwise, they
cannot enter God’s presence at all. This
is where the 72 Couples, as double the
number of the 36 Couples, come in. They
were established to organize the tribes
that Jesus would have restored through
the families of his twelve apostles and 72
disciples. In other words, the 36 Couples
and the 72 Couples correspond respec-
tively to the twelve tribes of Israel and
Jesus’ 72 disciples, and so they are in the
position of restored representatives who
can lead Israel. They also represent the
restored basic numbers that God had
sought to reclaim through Israel. (54-293,

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

Jesus blessed his enemies. He blessed those who hammered the nails into his hands and feet and who put the crown of thorns on his head. He blessed the reckless enemy who pierced his side with the spear. Why did he do that? He could bless them for he understood well that they are human beings who were created as a result of the greatest investment of God, through His earnest heart and a process of enormous toil. Can you understand?

Jesus came with God’s inner situation. He was opposed by his enemies. However, he had to bless them, for they were human beings whom God had created with His whole heart and energy, His original heart.

Jesus had a perfect relationship with God in prayer, meditation and imagination during his thirty-odd years of life on this earth. Therefore, he was the original true person. He was the person for whom all things and God longed.

A human being desires to finish his leftover work the next day, if the work was not completed the day before. It is the same for God. If a person entered into the world of God’s heart and experienced how much joy God felt after creating human beings, dancing for tens of years would not suffice to express the experience.

God would not need human beings who were created with the value some religious people describe. The value of the human being is enormous, for he was created through absolute principles that have unlimited flexibility and cannot be measured by any law. When God looks at such a person, He feels His whole inner nature and the emotion of the whole cosmos from him. God is infinitely joyful upon seeing him.

What happened to Adam and Eve, over whom God rejoiced, for whom God longed, and who God hoped would become the owners of all things? What happened to Adam and Eve for whom God and all things longed? Because of the fall, the longing turned into resentment and cursing; happiness and hope turned into lamentation and hopelessness; life turned into death, and love turned into mourning.

Many of us still do not know from whence this miserable reality came and how we are related to it, even though we are in a position to lament the reality of having such regrettable ancestors. God is looking for those who can sweep away the regret and resentment, who can go in search of the original human heart and raise the sound of joy.

The human beings for whom God and all things have longed are in this miserable state, and we deserve to be judged. That is the way I think. “Father! If I desire to avoid the judgment, then I hope to be qualified with respect to the heart. I want to be a victor who can avoid judgment and sing by passing the test with respect to the heart of God when He rejoiced after the creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and with respect to the heart of God longing to go and see them.” We should pray like this. God hopes we will do so.

I should become a person who longs for God’s administration and who longs for the people. You should think how great the grace of God is in creating a son and a daughter to have us experience His heart.

Man and woman represent God’s total nature and character. Therefore, we should become a man who knows how to love a woman and a woman who knows how to love a man. Humankind today does not know God’s will. He desires to turn the whole cosmos over to a man and a woman who possess the standard of the heart which Adam and Eve wanted to achieve through God’s heart.

Humankind is struggling with infinite longing in the world of the heart, because they have defiled the law of the heart. The reality of fallen humankind is constant struggle in an unsuccessful attempt to fill that longing through hobbies, art, knowledge, and objects of love. This is the historical tragedy and sorrow.

If such a longing is surging within your mind, you should become a person who can long for that original garden together with all things, and who can acquire the form of the original human being and long for God. If you become that kind of person, then God cannot help holding you with open arms, saying, “Oh! My son! My daughter!”

One thought on “What is the Fruit of Good and Evil?”

  1. When we consider the original value of creation God intended for His children, and the investment God made in us, it is beyond tragic what happened to God’s children, originally falling, but from there descending into the Hell we see today and throughout history.

    The Fall was one thing, but then it is everything else that eventuated from that, beyond the original sin, that led humanity into the depths of depravity.

    Had Abel loved Cain or Cain had controlled himself, the impact or consequences of the Fall would have been greatly reduced, and within the family of Adam, restoration of God’s Ideal would have occurred.

    We therefore can never underestimate or recognise the significance of Father’s life, bringing us these words and truths he is sharing with us.

    Fallen humanity and today’s religions do not have a clue about God’s heart and original desire for us as His children.

    A world that is centred on materialism, money, things, regardless of how advanced we may think those things are, are meaningless, when they and we are not attached to the love of God, and the original intrinsic value that goes with that.

    Fallen man must seek God and God’s Kingdom first, and then all these things will be added to him.

    That is why Perfection and the First Blessing comes before Dominion and the Third Blessing, as we must possess the love of God before we can have true Dominion over anything including ourselves.

    That is the person our Father is. We must keep the words Father bequeathed to us, not listen to others who are adulterating Father’s words as the Archangel adulterated Eve.

    We know about the sons of Noah who went the wrong way, believing they knew best like Ham, who judged his Father, who had toiled for many years re-creating the Cosmos through the Ark, just as God had originally created the Cosmos.

    God had also been judged and betrayed by a servant, and the children who united with the treacherous servant as Shem and Japheth united with Ham. Ham’s son Canaan, as a result of that betrayal, became a slave to Ham’s brothers. The grandson relegated to a servant’s position like Lucifer.

    This is the same betrayal Father’s family members have committed today, and members around the world who have united with these individuals by rejecting the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’, and accepting counterfeit teachings.

    They too have embarked upon their own spiritual fall, should they not understand this point. They too will slowly drift away from Father and from God, as Adam and Eve and their family did, becoming ‘wild animals’ within a few generations.

    True Father is so precious, because he realised that original value that today’s reading is speaking of.

    We must unite with Father’s internal contents, his course, and the words he left us, not anyone else; including his wife and children – they are just impostors.

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