God is Longing for Humanity

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Judges 17

“Where are you from?” Micah asked.

“I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah,” the man answered, “and I’m on my way to find a new place to live.”

10 Micah said, “Why don’t you stay here with me? You can be my priest and tell me what God wants me to do. Every year I’ll give you ten pieces of silver and one complete set of clothes, and I’ll provide all your food.”

The young man went for a walk, 11-12 then he agreed to stay with Micah and be his priest. He lived in Micah’s house, and Micah treated him like one of his own sons. 13 Micah said, “I have a Levite as my own priest. Now I know that the Lord will be kind to me.”

Richard:  Are we seeking for what God wants us to do?  One good way to find out is to attend the Urban Family Life Training July 5th to 7th:  https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/index.php/richard-s-blog/306-early-bird-registration-now-open-for-the-urban-family-life-training-seminar

Amos 2

But you commanded the prophets
    not to speak their message,
and you pressured the Nazirites
    into drinking wine.

Longing for Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 28, 1959

Genesis 2: 1-25

If you wish to go in front of God by elevating your value, you should listen to the words of the Lord. You should respond to God’s longing heart and possess a mind of longing for God by experiencing the value of the original person in the original garden. How much joy God would feel if such a person came forth.

Longing cannot occur without love. That love should be God’s love, which is the origin of eternal rest and eternal life, not human love. Therefore, out of all the religions, Christianity tries to fulfill that mission as the religion of love. The purpose of religion is to cultivate a person of character who can utilize the laws of the world of the heart and who has the authority to govern the emotions of life and all the principles of the cosmos.

God has been accomplishing the dispensation by setting the standard of heart which longs for us, humankind, while we have been like wooden statues throughout the six thousand years. History has changed in all kinds of ways; however, God has never lost that heart of constant longing for humankind from the position of the Alpha and the Omega. If someone has a gap between his and God’s heart, then he would be a loser and a failure in history. God’s statement, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the before and the after, the beginning and the end,” is a grateful statement. We should realize that God longs for fallen people, His longing intensified by His sorrow.

God has not forsaken the mind which longs, the insignificant body of this fallen person who brought a wound to His original heart. He continues to hold on. If there is a person who truly feels that God is longing for fallen humanity, holding the scar of sorrow, he will surely go to heaven. I once prayed like this: “Father, I wish to be a person who can cry out with longing for my own hands.” God would be hoping for such a person. If God can hold my hand with His true love, I should be a person who can cry, holding onto my hand.

We should be a people who can cry, holding the hands of the original Adam who longed for God. Moreover, we should be a people who can cry holding on to Adam and Eve. If we can be such a people, then we can step over fallen history.

We try to elevate our value and raise ourselves as objects of longing, even without being aware of it because we have the historical responsibility to long for the original person, to show that value proudly, and to offer it before God. That is natural because a human being has that ideal innately. However, as we elevate our value, if we allow in the value of the fallen world in the slightest, as we try to establish ourselves as the object of longing, it can become the basis for the fall by the slightest mistake.

Therefore, for fallen humanity, everything is denial. We have to give up everything. It is because Adam and Eve fell from the position of not having everything. Not having the authority to dominate all things is the fall. Has Adam ever stood in the position to dominate all things? No, he has not.

We should understand that we should give up everything and start with tears, for the historical condition to long and look for that original person remains. For that reason, we should look for a religion that induces tears. In Christianity we hear, “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” Jesus came to this earth and said this. These are words of wailing. They tell us to wail when I look at myself, wail for my family, for my loved ones, for my people, my nation, and for this whole earth. We should understand that this is because God’s will to re-establish the relationship of longing still remains with us.

One thought on “God is Longing for Humanity”

  1. From today’s reading and Father’s words, ‘Longing for Eden’ I would like to comment on the following excerpts:

    1. “We try to elevate our value and raise ourselves as objects of longing, even without being aware of it because we have the historical responsibility to long for the original person, to show that value proudly, and to offer it before God”.

    Innately we are seeking our own perfection to become the people of original value who long for God and are longed for by God. The subject seeking its object with a longing heart and the object seeking its subject with a longing heart.

    Father came as that person of original value who not only sought God, but as God’s representative, sought out fallen humanity to guide them back to God, to achieve the longing for mind and body unity as subject and object longing to come together. Even as for the creation:

    “Just as the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; 20 for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies”. Rom 8:19

    Children naturally long for their parents in the physical world, but as we also have our invisible First Parent God, we also long for God. Our physical parents raise us up to know God, the Original and Cosmic Parent of all people, His/Her children.

    That is why we must unite with Perfected Adam, our True Parent in the physical world. That is also why his words are so precious, as like the Commandment, they give life. However if you ignore them, deviate them, change them, then as the following quote explains, you will be in big trouble.

    2. “That is natural because a human being has that ideal innately. However, as we elevate our value, if we allow in the value of the fallen world in the slightest, as we try to establish ourselves as the object of longing, it can become the basis for the fall by the slightest mistake”.

    In other words, along the pathway to perfection, if we allow in some impurity, some corruption and contamination like accepting a false word and teaching, not the original teaching of True Father, that could be the basis for our falling and moving away from God even after many years of faithfully working to perfect ourselves and to establish our original value.

    If we reject Father’s words, the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’, and replace them with a counterfeit or redacted version, this will separate us from God and God’s Ideal.

    “…it can become the basis for the fall by the slightest mistake”.

    As it was for Adam and Eve to keep the Commandment, we too must keep the ‘Eight Great Sacred Texts’.

    The fallen world is the unprincipled realm, bereft of God’s Word. That is the world we can not allow in. It opposes the new truth, the new ideology and the new garden. If we compromise, we will ‘fall’, and lose our original value.

    Those who have changed Father’s teachings, are the enemy of God, His Will and purpose. God endured the suffering path of tears for 6,000 years to liberate His children by bringing the ‘new truth’.

    Woe to those who have adulterated that truth, “it would be better that they were not born”.

    We can only achieve our original value by ‘keeping the Word’. What is that word? ‘The Eight Great Sacred Texts’.

    Following the fallen Archangel will not do it. I will finish with another quote from Father:

    “Those who are Blessed couples, please stand up. Do you think that my intent was to bring all your families to the same level as my own? Or do you think I wanted to stay at a higher level and keep all of you at a lower level? Did I do that? Think about it. You all know what level your own family is standing on.

    You know best whether you are providing a condition to glorify the name of Blessed couples or disdain the name of Blessed couples. Father is now saying, don’t follow any leader or any leader’s family. Do you understand? You have to repent. That is the only way to get back”. The Responsibility Of Authority Of The Unification Family 1 March, 1992

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