Establish the Heartistic Bond with Heavenly Father

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1824

I am preparing for the future world.
I am not doing this just because I love
the ocean. It is difficult being at sea. In
the beginning, when I came back after a
week, my entire body was in pain. Still
I thought, “There is so much to do. I
should go on without complaining about
my age. I should be like a colt going over
the Himalayas.” How could I rest?

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1405

Through this ceremony, the envi-
ronmental conditions necessary for all
humankind to be able to participate in
the Blessing have been created, and all
people connected to the mainstream
ideal can now belong to You through
attending it. This amazing and incred-
ible miracle has been wrought, not just
by the work of the Unification Church
but also by the joint efforts of Yourself
and the spirit world. Therefore, I hope
and pray that You can forever hold the
victorious dominion and sovereignty of
eternal love and glory gained from this
ceremony, and establish the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth and in the spirit world
through the liberation achieved by this
Blessing. All humankind connected to
the 360 Million Couples can now unite
in heart and strive to achieve the unity of
mind and body, husband and wife, and
within the tribe, race, nation, world, and
cosmos. These couples have been estab-
lished as the nucleus representing the
True Parents on earth and the family in
the garden of Your love. They have been
blessed in order to complete the King-
dom of Heaven on earth with the sov-
ereignty of the love central to the ideal
of creation, which has been Your eternal

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

Although the people of Korea may not know God, we have to realize that He was always there in the history of this people. Whenever there was a righteous-minded, loyal subject who was sacrificed in order to uphold righteousness, we have to understand that God remembered him and walked on the foundation and heart of such a person and his race.

We are an indebted people. This race is the most indebted among all the indebted races. Heavenly Father desires to save the miserable people and has the heart of a parent who laments over the fallen children. He would feel more sympathy in looking at an unfortunate race than a race that is well-off.

Our people have nothing special to be proud of. The people had nothing. They were all robbed and lost everything. If we have hope of having anything back, what I desire is for the young people to possess the desperate heart of Jesus. Let the desire that burned inside of him as he wandered, the desire to call Heaven “Father” burn within them. When they become such people, no other race will be able to dominate them.

This world deserves to be forsaken and many ideologies are bound for destruction. Yet when many sons and daughters who have become such people appear in front of Heavenly Father’s heart, who looks on with sympathy, this world will be rejuvenated. If such young people, such a group and such a race exist, then they would be able to rule the world. It was the same in the age of Jesus. There was a great deal of confusion in the trend of faith under the Roman oppression, and everything was shaky. The people’s spirit had been crushed. God sent Jesus during such a time of sorrow.

The sorrowful and painful fact is that Korea became the object of sacrifice, the focus of conflict between the two great opposing camps of democracy and communism. This is the sad reality. We have no friends. Both camps are standing face to face with our race as the sacrifice in the middle. This race, which was supposed to establish the blessed nation, is going through a life of danger and risk as a sorrowful race. One thing that we have to keep in mind is that we have to be sons and daughters who can unite with the heavenly direction, knowing that Heaven has provided for the environment and has supported this race. This race will survive if we can establish a relationship with Heaven. Jesus, who had nothing externally, was able to introduce the world of hope which overcame this world and drove this world toward the realm of his ideology. Something must have been there to establish the heartistic bond with Heavenly Father. It must have been the one absolute standard which mankind has no choice but to submit to in search of the heart and the mind. Today the people of Korea are undergoing a confusion of faith. At this time, when there is no value to one’s character, when people live in fear, and when this whole race is being pushed out in confusion, what can we hold onto?

Richard:  Korea holds a Providential position.  It is significant that for the first time a sitting United States president, Donald Trump, stepped foot into North Korea and also met again with the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un.

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