We Need a New Truth Rooted in the Entire Range of History

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2382

I sacrificed my life with blood and
sweat to bring you to this level. I gave
away my body as a ransom. Therefore,
you must do as I do. I want to boast
about our members. Let us make a pub-
lic promise. (11-164, 1961.7.20)

Richard: True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon went through six or seven life and death experiences in order to bring us the New Truth and make the successful foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (Cheon Il Guk)l.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 734

The Unification Church allows the
honoring of ancestors. Did Christianity
allow you to perform a memorial ser-
vice for the repose of your ancestors?
The Unification Church should carry on
and establish this tradition. This is not a
secular tradition. This becomes the roy-
al domain for eternally serving the tra-
ditional blood relatives in the realm of
tribal messiahs who are succeeding in
the genealogical generations by serving
the heavenly Parent, the heavenly king-
dom and the heavenly ancestors. It will
be a nation where we can attend the king
and sing praises for the eternal reign of
peace. Do you understand? You, your
mother, father, family and tribe can go
directly to heaven only after having lived
in such a nation. (220-221, 1991.10.19)

Inside God’s Stadium

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 9, 1959

1 Corinthians 9: 14-27

If you sense that you are a racer running throughout the rest of your life and desire to be a winner, you will have to find a historical religion. You will have to find a religion of this period and a religion of the future. These are the only religions which people can believe in and never despair.

Although there have been many religious people in the past, their life span could not surpass a century. Based on this, it is clear that God has been working in the background without people’s being aware of it. God began His providence from the day human beings fell and will continue even in the future. If there is a religion which can represent God’s providential work, what kind of religion would it be? It is a religion which has made a contribution in history and which has a relationship with the beginnings of human history. It must be a religion which discusses the origins of good and evil and which can embrace all aspects of history found in human life. It must have the ability to decide the outcome of the battle in the final destination of the future. From this perspective, Christianity today is problematic.

If we are to receive God’s award, it cannot be just because we have been recognized in this age. Many racers of the past dwell in the next world. Countless people who raced on the race track of God’s providence now reside there. Some of them died on the race track, and they have a myriad of stories to tell. If you are qualified to receive an award on behalf of all those people of the past, then you have to have won a victory that no ancestor of the past was able to achieve. You must also have established some condition of victory which can be recognized by the people of this age. The people of the future must also be able to recognize your accomplishments. Only such a person can be awarded by God. Isn’t this true? This is the reason we believe in God. We are racing on the course of our life. We are racing toward the ultimate destination of the Last Days.

What kind of being is God whom we believe in? He is an historical God. He is the God of this age as well as the God of the future. The purpose that God set is also the historical purpose, the purpose of the present, and the purpose of the future.

If this is the nature of the God we believe in and the hope that we cherish in our hearts, we should understand and believe in God as the God of the past, the present and the future. Only then would God be happy when He gives us an award. You have to reach the point where you understand the heart of God who is giving you the award.

Many religions survived for several hundred or several thousand years, during which time they were slowly pushed aside by the trends of thought of each age. Although Christianity has been around for several thousand years, now they have to make another breakthrough for the one time in the future. If there is some race course of God which originates from the deepest part of God, that course must be of the past, the present and the future. For this reason, we should have knowledge of it. If there is a new truth emerging in this age, that truth cannot be limited to this age. You young people should understand this clearly. The truth cannot be limited to an age. Any teaching or idea will fade away if it is limited to an era. What we need is a new truth, a new ideology which is rooted in the entire range of history and which can transcend the philosophical trends of this age.

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