Build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth

Join me on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 57

Why did God create human beings?
As this universe has physical form, God
did so in order to manage and lead it
through Adam and Eve, who would
be the masters with bodily form. Since
God is without form in the spirit world
and cannot rule directly over the uni-
verse, He created humankind in order
to assume physical form and become
the King who can rule over His descen-
dants, His children who are born in the
The face of this king was to be Adam’s
face. A king needs a queen. Who is the
queen? Eve was to become the queen.
Adam and Eve were to be the ancestors
in the heavenly world as well as on earth.
(199-144, 1990.2.16)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 953

By opening the gates of hell and giv-
ing the Blessing to all those who went to
the spirit world, God’s authority over His
lineage has been recognized. Because of
this, Satan must completely retreat. This
is a revolution. There has never been a
revolution like this amongst all revolu-
tions. I created the environment where
all those who died because of the Fall
can enter heaven. By creating all the
foundations enabling those who died
without getting married, ever since the
Fall of Adam and Eve, to enter and live
in heaven, and by creating the environ-
ment enabling all our ancestors to enter
a realm of the spirit world within the
domain of the Blessing, I have created
a highway that leads to heaven. I have
restored all those foundations through
indemnity. (300-305, 1999.4.11)

Richard:  Do you realize that a revolution of truth and heart has occurred?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Ladies and gentlemen, the time to attempt to enter the Kingdom of Heaven has now passed. You should not try to go to the Kingdom of Heaven by believing in God; you should try to help God enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You should not have the desire to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and meet Jesus; you should build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and attend Jesus.

Do you want to receive the love of Jesus? Are you worthy to demand the love of Jesus when you are soaked in sinfulness? Jesus is the royal prince of God. You cannot make such demands upon the royal prince of God. You should not have such an attitude of faith. If you want to receive his love, you should be filled with a desire to love him that is more intense than his death. Yet all of you have the attitude of a robber. Those who are faithful today do as they wish, but that is not how it should be. That is not how it is in the spirit world. It is fundamentally different.

Thus, it is our fate now to liberate God. God has been seeking those who crave faith and hope and who are burning with love. He wants those who say, “God is constrained because of humanity. God is constrained because of me. God is receiving Satan’s accusation because of me. Jesus died because of me. The Holy Spirit has been carrying on a bloody battle because of me. God, please give me strength. I will take the Father to a place of peace and liberation. I will also take Jesus and the Holy Spirit to a place of liberation.” We should understand this truth.

Is there a contradiction in these words? Only when we receive such great love can God be our father. In that state, your eyes will overflow with tears just looking at a mountain. Those of us who have failed in our responsibilities will strike our chests in frustration and will not be able to escape the fate of becoming princes of grief, even if we try our best to take steps forward.

You should understand that God is not someone comfortably sitting on the throne of the Kingdom of Heaven. God sees that hell has been created and He feels pain which surpasses that which is felt in hell. Yet humanity does not know this. If God does not feel pain which surpasses that which is felt in hell and allows hell to remain, He cannot be called the God of love. In the six-thousand-year history, there is no pain in hell God did not experience. God experienced all its agonies. In truth, God is suffering the pains of hell. You may accuse me of speaking nonsense, but we should believe in and attend God knowing these things. Only then can God be the true God of humanity. God suffered the anguishes of hell in order to find each one of us.

After Jesus died on the cross, there was a three-day period of darkness. How can this be? He should have been a physical and spiritual savior. He was to witness to people even when he entered hell. For this reason, the people who believe in Jesus should have touched the bottom of hell on earth. This is why they were trampled upon in history and persecuted. Since God walked such a path, we have to accompany Him and work by His side. The providence of restoration and the providence of salvation is the promise to give the garden of glory to such people. You should understand this clearly.

Those who pray with a sincere heart, “God, please let me go to hell and experience the Father’s sufferings” will not go to hell. Those who say, “Oh God, I do not want to go to hell; please send me to the Kingdom of Heaven,” will end up in hell. Jesus prayed on the cross, “Father, please do not do as I will, but as You will. Please do not let them bear the penalty for their sins.” This was because when he contemplated the internal heart and situation of God, who had suffered the pains of hell in order to save the people for four thousand years, he felt that he could not avoid the path of the cross. You should understand clearly that these were Jesus’ feelings.

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