We Should Elevate the Direction of Our Minds

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  OMG!  Impeach the Media and Reelect President Trump:  https://youtu.be/zcU9j5d_3ZA.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2028

You are alive for a short time. Life is
too short. When faced with the prob-
lem of whether or not you can make a
breakthrough before you die, you should
think like this, “If you can extend my life
even a little bit, I will give all the power I
have.” You should be thinking like this,
but you look like you are just spectators.
That is why I am asking you to do Home
Church. The words Home Church will be
good for your entire life. (107-52, 1980.1.20)

Richard:  Again here True Father, Rev. Moon emphasizes the importance of Home Church.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1085

Nowadays, people say the teenage
years are important. Why is that? There
are pluses and minuses everywhere…
They are out of control and want to go
around everywhere. When they do, they
bring about their own self-destruction as
well as the destruction of their society.

Richard:  This reading emphasizes the importance of the work of Urban Life Training:  https://www.urbanlifetraining.org/. 

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Since this is our fate, we have to walk the path. This is inescapable and absolute. The greatest desire in human life is the heart which can rejoice in the homeland of the truth; the life by which the truth and heart can act in union; and the love which can join truth, heart and life and evoke heavenly love. What situation are you in today? If you have a healthy body and emotions, what are you gazing at? What are you thinking about and in what direction is your body moving? These are the things you will be judged on.

My hand, how much have you longed for the truth and how hard have you worked to find the truth? My body, how much have you cooperated with the mind which is racing toward the truth and the original self? These are the questions you should ask yourself. If you have the attitude, “Let things unfold as they will; I have eaten a meal and have slept well, so I am content,” and lead a relaxed life, then your life will pass by you and you will crash into the cliff of death. Ladies and gentlemen! Human beings are not valueless. The master of the universe did not put us on earth so we could lead such disorderly and purposeless lives.

We cannot ignore the fact that there is some relationship which seeks to reach a goal through the phenomenal world based on the relationship of cause and purpose. Then how can human beings, who should be concerned with synthesizing the relationship and discussing its value, be so petty? You are not that kind of people. There may be smart people, but those who want to say, “I am educated,” and try to escape should knock on this door. This is what I want to say.

We should elevate the direction of our minds. We should elevate the world of the heart. We are not to look down upon the earth alone but up to higher grounds. We should not just look at the world; we should look up to Heaven.

Our world of heart is not satisfied with our life on the earth. The purpose of the earth and the function of the conscience in this world do not want to stay where they are. You probably cannot deny your desire to possess some power in your life, to seek some satisfaction, and to build an eternal relationship based upon which your heart can expand infinitely. Then where is the truth, mind, life and love which can overcome the Last Days of history? You should look for them.

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