Jesus Felt Countless Types of Pain

Happy Columbus Day!

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  OMG!  Impeach the Media and Reelect President Trump:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1805

The people we need are the True Par-
ents. What started from the false par-
ents must be restarted by the True Par-
ents. The false parents are the ones who
inherited false love and false lineage
starting from false love. This must be
reversed. Then, how can we inherit true
life and true lineage centered on the love
of the True Parents? In other words, the
issue is how to inherit the original seed
again since we inherited the wrong seed
of life.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1122

When Adam fulfills his portion of
responsibility he stands in the posi-
tion of the first son. Then he can enter
the position of true parents. This is the
restoration of parenthood. It is the posi-
tion of the king, the king of heaven and

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

That is where the truth is connected. That is where the foundation of truth implants its roots. Truth does not implant its roots in glamorous high society. The roots of truth have to be implanted first in the humble alleys of a culture. The roots of truth are not to be implanted in Heaven, but on this fallen earth. The roots of truth are not to be found in the Kingdom of Heaven but at the bottom of hell. Heaven’s new standard of life will be established the day the roots of truth are implanted there, the day that the one who can communicate with Heaven appears.

Therefore, although we establish the truth in an ideal way and as our hope, the course to pursue it requires us to search in the back alleys. We search the back alley of life, mind and love as we look upon the symbol of life. We have to understand that this is the basis for seeking the highest spiritual attainment. A person who is living a life of devotion may be happy from the original standpoint, but he struggles in the back alleys of faith and sings this song in his life. This is the misery of religious life.

What is the origin and motivation of its reform and the creation of a new culture in a nation? When the mind explodes within you which can cling to a miserable person and cry for him, the flames of new hope burn. The historical flames will burn. For this country to be prosperous, for this country to have hope, we must create an environment in which we can shed tears on behalf of miserable people with a pure and sincere heart. Then this country will conquer the world.

What was Jesus’ situation on the earth? He did not praise the value of Jehovah from the absurd position of seeking the beauty of some fantastic ideal world. Although his internal contents were like that, his life was that of a prince in hell. This is what you have to understand. In his life, he was a royal prince in hell. He exerted himself more than anyone else to advocate and pioneer the truth. When he learned one thing, he was concerned about ten things. Although the people of this earth feel one type of pain, that of solving their problems and those of their own generation, Jesus felt countless types of pain. You have to understand that he led the life of a prince in hell.

Even when he entered hell, he had the authority to conquer it. He did not attain it freely. If he judged, punished and sentenced sinners without having had the same experience himself, God could not be a true God. If the leader of Korea punishes a violator of the law from a position of serious empathy, this country may survive. He should never say, “What you do has nothing to do with me.”

Jesus came to this earth with such a feeling in his heart. He came with this power and told people to love him. Why did he tell them to love him? What he meant to say is, “You who love only temporarily! No matter how precious you may be, you should abandon all that you have and love me. Then God will love you on a higher level.” Although he appeared in a humble manner, the words he spoke were completely the opposite. He could not have spoken those words if he did not have some inner quality of confidence and pride. Because of this Jesus was able to be the Messiah.


Jesus Was the Prince Who Came to Liberate Humanity

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  OMG!  Impeach the Media and Reelect President Trump:

Numbers 9 

15-16 As soon as the sacred tent was set up,[d] a thick cloud appeared and covered it. The cloud was there each day, and during the night, a fire could be seen in it. 17-19 The Lord used this cloud to tell the Israelites when to move their camp and where to set it up again. As long as the cloud covered the tent, the Israelites did not break camp. But when the cloud moved, they followed it, and wherever it stopped, they camped and stayed there, 20-22 whether it was only one night, a few days, a month, or even a year. As long as the cloud remained over the tent, the Israelites stayed where they were. But when the cloud moved, so did the Israelites. 23 They obeyed the Lord’s commands and went wherever he directed Moses.

Isaiah 40

23 God brings down rulers
    and turns them into nothing.
24 They are like flowers
freshly sprung up
    and starting to grow.
But when God blows on them,
they wilt
and are carried off
    like straw in a storm.

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

If the Messiah, the Savior, were to appear on this earth, he should have a purpose and the ability to put it into practice. He should connect people to God. He should be able to demonstrate this through his life. Otherwise, he cannot be a Messiah or Savior.

From the beginning of human history until now, religions have provided us some paths either directly or indirectly, from new angles and directions. Among the religions, Christianity has made great contributions to the formation of the world culture.

What is at the core of Christianity? It is Jesus. Those who believe say that Jesus is the Savior. What kind of person should a Savior be? He should be the origin of truth, mind, life and love. If he cannot be the origin of mind, he must at least have a reciprocal relationship with the absolute being.

When we reflect on the divine providence from this perspective, we find that there is no one in history who spoke words as great as those of Jesus. We can see how great and admirable the words he spoke were just from his saying, “I am the only begotten son of God.” He is admirable even if we do not consider him the Savior. Has history ever seen a person who gave such great and satisfying expressions? Even if it were all his imagination and empty of content, has history ever heard such great words?

Jesus also said, “Love me more than you love anyone else.” No matter how passionate a person may be, has he ever heard such fine words? Jesus was the most passionate man. Isn’t this so? He also said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one can go to the Father except by me.” Based on this logic, Jesus’ words can be explained and come into agreement with all conditions. Hence, I want to call him the Messiah. What do you think?

Jesus was the prince who came to liberate humanity from the bridle of sin. He was the vanguard who came to pioneer our course of life. Do you understand what this means? He alone was the prince of flight in Heaven and earth. All of humanity for generations must escape from the bridle of sin, and Jesus came to the earth as their prince. If you feel this is who Jesus is, you should have the truth explained to you. When you cling to this Jesus, the original standard of conscience should be set clearly. When you see Jesus you should develop the eternal quality of life within. When you see this Jesus you should feel the emotion of absolute love. Otherwise, you cannot become a perfect bride.

Ladies and gentlemen; Jesus is the only begotten son of the God who created all things. The only begotten son is the royal prince of God. He is the royal prince who will live eternally in the heavenly kingdom. Because God raised him for this purpose, the day we await is the day of the Second Advent when we can meet him.

Because of this situation, human beings could not build a relationship of absolute and eternal life. No matter how faithful you may be to Jesus, you may one day fall away. Even if you honor him as the bridegroom, you may betray him. There are Christian churches which advocate truths, but they cannot set the direction of our mind correctly. For this reason Jesus must return.

What must we pioneer today? More than having faith in Jesus we should find the truth that lies hidden in the Bible. In order to understand how the historical facts which caused misfortune in human life are connected to the world of the present and future, we have to penetrate through the dark walls. In order to penetrate through them, we should fight and win. Only when people of this capacity appear will we be able to pioneer the world of truth.

Where did the vanguards in the past who stood close to goodness and truth search? They did not search for the new morning of glory. Although they felt the glory in their hearts, in their lives they were searching the dark alleys of hell.

We Should Elevate the Direction of Our Minds

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  OMG!  Impeach the Media and Reelect President Trump:

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2028

You are alive for a short time. Life is
too short. When faced with the prob-
lem of whether or not you can make a
breakthrough before you die, you should
think like this, “If you can extend my life
even a little bit, I will give all the power I
have.” You should be thinking like this,
but you look like you are just spectators.
That is why I am asking you to do Home
Church. The words Home Church will be
good for your entire life. (107-52, 1980.1.20)

Richard:  Again here True Father, Rev. Moon emphasizes the importance of Home Church.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1085

Nowadays, people say the teenage
years are important. Why is that? There
are pluses and minuses everywhere…
They are out of control and want to go
around everywhere. When they do, they
bring about their own self-destruction as
well as the destruction of their society.

Richard:  This reading emphasizes the importance of the work of Urban Life Training: 

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Since this is our fate, we have to walk the path. This is inescapable and absolute. The greatest desire in human life is the heart which can rejoice in the homeland of the truth; the life by which the truth and heart can act in union; and the love which can join truth, heart and life and evoke heavenly love. What situation are you in today? If you have a healthy body and emotions, what are you gazing at? What are you thinking about and in what direction is your body moving? These are the things you will be judged on.

My hand, how much have you longed for the truth and how hard have you worked to find the truth? My body, how much have you cooperated with the mind which is racing toward the truth and the original self? These are the questions you should ask yourself. If you have the attitude, “Let things unfold as they will; I have eaten a meal and have slept well, so I am content,” and lead a relaxed life, then your life will pass by you and you will crash into the cliff of death. Ladies and gentlemen! Human beings are not valueless. The master of the universe did not put us on earth so we could lead such disorderly and purposeless lives.

We cannot ignore the fact that there is some relationship which seeks to reach a goal through the phenomenal world based on the relationship of cause and purpose. Then how can human beings, who should be concerned with synthesizing the relationship and discussing its value, be so petty? You are not that kind of people. There may be smart people, but those who want to say, “I am educated,” and try to escape should knock on this door. This is what I want to say.

We should elevate the direction of our minds. We should elevate the world of the heart. We are not to look down upon the earth alone but up to higher grounds. We should not just look at the world; we should look up to Heaven.

Our world of heart is not satisfied with our life on the earth. The purpose of the earth and the function of the conscience in this world do not want to stay where they are. You probably cannot deny your desire to possess some power in your life, to seek some satisfaction, and to build an eternal relationship based upon which your heart can expand infinitely. Then where is the truth, mind, life and love which can overcome the Last Days of history? You should look for them.

Stand in the Position of Minus before the origin of my infinite heart

Deuteromony 29

Carefully follow the terms of this covenant, so that you may prosper in everything you do. 10 All of you are standing today in the presence of the Lord your God—your leaders and chief men, your elders and officials, and all the other men of Israel, 11 together with your children and your wives, and the foreigners living in your camps who chop your wood and carry your water. 12 You are standing here in order to enter into a covenant with the Lord your God, a covenant the Lord is making with you this day and sealing with an oath, 13 to confirm you this day as his people, that he may be your God as he promised you and as he swore to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. 14 I am making this covenant, with its oath, not only with you 15 who are standing here with us today in the presence of the Lord our God but also with those who are not here today.

2 Kings 25

27 In the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the year Awel-Marduk became king of Babylon, he released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison. He did this on the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month. 28 He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. 29 So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king’s table. 30 Day by day the king gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived.


We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Human beings should find the truth and dash toward the original homeland. Next, they have to find life. Where is the subject partner of my life? Where is the subject partner of the eternal and unchanging life? It is said that God is love and Jesus is love, so where is the subject partner of love? Spirit world is the place one goes after one is evaluated for one’s statement, “This is the value of the truth that I have. This is the standard of conscience I possess. This is my standard of love.” In the spirit world, there is an extremely good world in Heaven and there is the world of Satan, an evil world which opposes it.

What do you possess? You have to find it. We have come to realize that this is the relationship of our heart, based on our observation of the phenomena of the heart. We should pioneer a relationship of naturally standing in the position of a minus before the origin of my infinite heart, the position of object partner before the subject partner. To do this we need an elucidating truth of the past, present and future which can liberate our body, which is bound. Do you understand? This is why we seek the truth. This is why we seek a doctrine.

Moreover, a great and brave soldier should appear who can surpass the ancestors who were searching for the truth. I await the appearance of a brave one who can challenge the accomplishments of the sages and prophets of the past and the countless religious leaders who led lives of devotion. Shouldn’t this come about?

This is an indispensable quality that a person leading a life of flight must possess and cultivate. People of today have lost control over their destiny. They did not choose to be born in this kind of environment, and they do not possess the causal qualities with which to solve their own problems. Therefore, even if they always want to have valuable mutual relationships, they cannot forget them.

Observe the people who boast of their own value in their life. See if they are destroyed or not. If you are a braggart when you have nothing to be proud of, even the things in your environment will condemn you. This is the original impulse of the conscience. How do you feel when someone who has nothing to be proud of is bragging? Do you want to praise him? No. You probably want to hit him. This is not an evil impulse. This is a natural, original reaction. You who are in this situation, please keep this in mind and look at those who brag about their own value.

What teachings are there? What concepts? The world of conscience does not have teachings and views. You have to understand this clearly. The world of conscience does not have doctrines and concepts. It is a world that cannot be analyzed.

How much can we be proud of our value today? It is foolish to brag about your doctrine and identity. Please examine critically whether or not you feel ashamed before the truth which is centered on some doctrine, before the heart or life which possesses heavenly qualities, before the heart of love. Your search for yourself will begin from there.

We Have to Align the Orientation of the Heart with the Laws of the Universe

Reply to this email and I will send you a link to a recording of Saturday’s Unification Principle Seminar.

Cheon Seong Gyeong  2077

You understand the tong ban break-
through activities, don’t you? I’ve talked
about Home Church these past fourteen
years. I spent a lot of money to educate
you. These past five years I’ve talked
about tong ban breakthrough activities.
I set up the men to do this, but because
they failed miserably, I have no choice
but to set up the women in the final
attempt. (238-305, 1992.11.22)

Richard:  Tong Ban or Home Church is the basic formula for building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  It has not changed and will not change.  Join the Tribal Messiah Association to learn more about this and participate in the discussion:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1438

Why are tribal messiahs necessary?
If there are no tribal messiahs, then
all the families cannot be connected
between themselves. Without this, you
cannot have your hometown. I have
my own hometown but you do not
have one. After restoring all the fami-
lies, there will come the age of reg-
istration in the future. Once the age
of registration comes, tribal formation
will take place. The order in which you
register will determine your position.
Those who register first will be the
elders and a new system will be devel-
oped so that they can be attended in
the same manner as you attend your
ancestors. Only when the whole world
is transformed accordingly, will the
heavenly kingdom on earth be real-
ized. (210-273, 1990.12.25)

We Who Are Walking a Life Course

Sun Myung Moon
September 6, 1959

1 Peter 1: 21-25

Then the problem is simple. No matter how great the function of the mind may be, it cannot be more effective than the level the person has reached. Do you understand? It cannot make a greater impact than the state the person has attained. Even though it stands in the position of a subject partner, it cannot be much more effective. Because the mind stands in the reciprocal position to control the body, it cannot function outside of the reciprocal relationship.

For this reason there are gaps among consciences. Although they have many kinds of differences, each conscience is somehow oriented towards the original nature. A system of thought and beliefs emerges to secure the direction of the conscience. A view of life or the universe, some doctrine, assertion or truth appears. It is a perfected entity which has a reciprocal nature. When there is a perfect minus, we can have some understanding of a perfect plus. When there is a perfect plus, we can establish a perfect minus. This is a natural phenomenon. Since there is an eternal, unchanging and perfect subject partner in Heaven, we must strive through our hearts to resemble Him and establish a common base with Him.

God cannot shift the standard of the heart at whim. It can be moved only in harmony with the body. We have to control our body, put it in a certain situation, and align the orientation of the heart with the laws of the universe. God wants such laws of truth to be established. If a truth appears which can link the world together and join it with the principles of Heaven, the conscience can expand outward without limits and be active.

This is the reason human beings have sought truth. However, in the civilized world, which prides itself on twentieth-century culture, we have not seen the emergence of a truth which encourages us to establish a natural common base with the infinite absolute being whom we want to seek from the depth of our hearts. For this reason human beings have not been able to transcend the grief of the Fall.

Thus, you have to understand that God has suffered many sorrows which He encountered in His work as He tried to instruct human beings in various ways and to connect them to the one purpose. How laborious must God’s path have been as He was walking our path of escape through which we can find the direction of the truth in our lives? When we discuss all the sad hearts and miserable situations in human history, you many think that human history has been a fearsome experience. However, you have to understand that for the guide of that history, a more fearsome battle is taking place even at this moment. Without such struggles, incredibly miserable events will unfold which will prevent you from sleeping peacefully at night.

Since the mind is the beginning and end and can connect to the spirit and the original self, until the moment all sorrows are erased and we are liberated from them eternally, the mind will stimulate the same feeling of sadness. This is what you have to feel. Since human beings caused this sorrow, human beings connected us to that sorrow and prolonged it, it is only natural that judgment is given to human beings.